Chapter 32

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

The next few days were tense. The tension between Queen Seraphina and I could be cut with a knife. I didn't speak with her, I did my job and got out of the room as soon as I could. I wore none of the dresses that she liked and didn't even bother putting my hair up in any elaborate up-dos. I kept it down, wearing it simply buns or ponytails.

Pandora seemed especially upset by our spat. She stuck with Queen Seraphina but I could see the question in her eyes whenever she saw me looking. I simply looked away, keeping my eyes averted whenever I saw her looking in my direction. Draya also seemed confused by us suddenly not speaking with each other.

We would have continued ignoring each other if Queen Seraphina hadn't ordered a guard to bring me to her room one night. I thought about fighting against the guard but I knew I couldn't win. They did training everyday and were in tip top shape, I didn't do any training ever. So I reluctantly followed him down the hallways that led to her room.

I ran my fingers along the wall as we walked, taking my sweet time. It made no matter to me if the Queen got angry with me, she had no right to demand I see her when I wasn't working. I jerked away from the guard when he tried to touch my arm, walking slightly faster and just ahead of him.

When we reached Queen Seraphina's room, I knocked lightly and hoped that she wouldn't answer. The door opened though, revealing Pandora who glanced at the guard. "Come in," she said softly, pulling me inside by the sleeve. I pulled away, smoothing out my sleeve as I glared at her.

"Why am I here?" I asked simply, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I wanted to see you," Queen Seraphina said simply from her vanity chair. "Come here," she ordered, turning to look at me. I met her gaze challengingly and I shook my head, freezing when I felt Pandora grab my arm.

"Listen to her," Pandora said simply. I jerked my arm away from her, feeling my anger spike.

"I'm not working right now, I do not have to take your orders Queen Seraphina," I said simply, holding her gaze.

"As your queen you follow my orders whenever I give them, come here now," Queen Seraphina demanded. Pandora sighed audibly, stepping back to stand against the door. I reluctantly walked closer, stopping just in reach of her arms.

"Can I help you, your majesty?" I asked simply, looking at the way her brows creased. They did that a lot I noticed, wrinkling slightly when she was upset.

"Oh my cherub, why are you so angry with me?" Queen Seraphina said, reaching over to grab my arm. I pulled away slightly, ignoring the hurt look in her eyes.

"Are you serious? You threaten to restrict me to your castle and you want to know why I'm angry with you?" I asked, my voice rising slightly.

"Watch your tone," Queen Seraphina said as she rose up. I stepped back, my lower back pressing against the vanity as she approached me. "I am your mother, I will do what I believe is best no matter how you feel," she said simply.

"You are not my mother," I said, gritting my teeth when she cupped my face.

"Your attitude annoys me, I am your mother and you will stop saying that," Queen Seraphina said. I held her gaze for a moment before opening my mouth to say something. "Show her her new room Pandora," Queen Seraphina said.

"New room?" I asked, turning my attention to Pandora.

"Are you sure Seraphina? I don't know if she'll be receptive to changes right now?" she asked, seeming to ignore that I was right there in the room with them.

"Yes Pandora, I want her in her new room by tonight," Queen Seraphina said simply. I huffed as I crossed my arms.

"Stop ignoring the fact that I'm here," I said as I stomped my foot. "Why am I getting a new room?" I asked as Queen Seraphina turned her attention to me.

"Because I want you to be in a closer room so I can keep an eye on you," Queen Seraphina said. "Pandora, new room," she said simply.

"I'm on it, don't talk to me like one of your servants though Seraphina," Pandora said as she rolled her eyes. "Come one Suzanna, I'll show you your new room," she said. I frowned before I walked over to her, brushing past her as I opened the door and left the room.

Pandora followed after me, carefully shutting the door behind me. "It's this way," she said, jerking her head to gesture farther down the hall. I had never gone that far down this particular hall so I allowed her to lead me deeper into the hall.

She paused at a door which had an intricate carving into it. She opened it for me and I entered. I was surprised at how nice the room seemed although it was a bit juvenile for my taste. The sheets were a soft pink and the rest of the room was decorated in similar colors. There was also a side of the room that was decorated like a child's room.

There was a toy chest and a doll house. On top of that, there were also stuffed animals that were stacked on top of each other. There was no way that this could be mistaken as an adult's room. It was definitely geared towards a younger child.

"You can't be serious," I said simply as I turned to look at Pandora.

"There's..there's another room connected to this one," Pandora said slowly. I wondered why she hesitated but decided to cross the room to the door to look anyway. "Other door," she said. I huffed as I moved over to the other door, opening it up. I paused in shock as I stared at the room.

It was definitely a room for a child, one more for a baby. It was a nursery, one that was sized for an adult. There was a crib as well as a playmat. It certainly looked like a baby's room.

"What is this?" I asked as I turned to look at Pandora.

"Seraphina's been obsessed with making this room for a few days. She's determined to get you to admit that you're her daughter, her baby," Pandora said simply.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"Sworn to secrecy, I'm sorry Suzanna but I'm under strict orders to keep you here," Pandora said.

"You can't do that," I said as I stepped for the door. Pandora crossed the room faster than I could and shut the door behind her. I rushed to the door, jerking on the doorknob. The door was locked from the outside and I had no way of opening it.

"I'll bring your stuff in a bit, I apologize Suzanna but I can't stand seeing my sister upset," Pandora said. I kicked the door as hard as I could, rattling the doorknob for a few minutes before I gave up. I sat in front of the door, smacking the back of my head on the door repeatedly.

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