Chapter 45

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

When I woke up, I was a bit confused about where I was. When it all came flooding back, I sat up. I climbed out of the crib, my face red and flushed as I headed to the bathroom. I stripped out of the purple frilly dress, letting it fall to the floor as I ripped the diaper off.

I moved back to my room once I was undressed, rifling through my drawers to find a dress that I thought suited me more. I had to find a way to distract myself to not think about how mortified I was about what happened earlier. A small part of me liked it but I buried that part under the larger part of me that hated it.

I dressed in a black dress, one that fell past my knees before I slipped on some underwear. I heard a soft knock on my door and I frowned slightly as I fixed my dress.

"Come in," I said simply as I sat down on the edge of my bed, my arms crossing over my chest.

The door swung open and I saw Pandora standing there. She frowned for a moment, seeming to want to ask something. After a few seconds of silence she opened her mouth to speak to me.

"So I take it that it's not nice Suzanna that I'm speaking to?" she asked as she stepped into the room, shutting the door behind her carefully.

"Fuck off Pandora," I said as I rolled my eyes.

"You were just calling my sister mama, have a little respect," Pandora said simply as she put her hands on her hips.

"I hope you fall down a flight of stairs," I retorted.

"You were the one who gave me permission to do all those things. She asked to make sure you were okay with everything," Pandora said simply. "Besides, I think you like being babied," she said simply.

"I do not," I retorted, feeling my cheeks heat up slightly. I could see the smirk on her face and to break that, I threw a pillow at her as hard as I could. She just caught it and tossed it back onto my bed.

"You do like being babied," Pandora teased me.

"I hope you get assassinated," I said simply.

"Oh poor baby, you're mad at your auntie," she said as she came over, wrapping me in a hug. I struggled against her hug, biting down on her arm until she pulled away. "Little shit," she muttered.

"You deserved that," I said simply as I moved across my bed, standing on it. I could taste her blood in my mouth but for some reason that didn't really bother me. Maybe it's because it felt like revenge against her.

"I hope you starve to death when I stop bringing you food," Pandora said as she held her arm to stop the bleeding.

"Jokes on you, I nearly starved to death when I was younger because of my eating disorder," I retorted.

I squeaked when I heard someone clear their throat, turning my head slightly to see Seraphina. She had already taken her veil off and I could see the concern in her eyes. She was looking at me with a raised eyebrow and I stopped standing on my bed, falling to my knees so that I was technically sitting.

"You didn't hear that," I told Seraphina.

"I most certainly did hear that," Seraphina said softly. She made her way over to the bed, looking at Pandora's arm before looking at me. "Why did you bite my sister?" she asked.

"She kept teasing me and wouldn't stop hugging me," I shrugged as I stayed sitting in the middle of my bed. Just out of her reach so I had time to fight against her if she tried to pull me over to her.

"Don't tease my daughter," Seraphina said as she smacked the back of Pandora's head.

"The little shit bit me, I think that's a bit more serious than me teasing her," Pandora complained as Seraphina sat down on the edge of my bed. I crawled over to her, sitting next to her as she wrapped an arm around me. I was still angry with her but I would be using her feelings in my favor if it got me out of trouble.

"Well then next time don't tease her," Seraphina said. I stuck my tongue out at Pandora as she left, turning my head to look at Seraphina.

"I am still mad at you," I informed her as I scooted back slowly, just out of her reach.

"I figured," Seraphina chuckled softly. "Is there any way I could make it up to you?" she asked.

"You could not keep me as a prisoner, that would be great," I suggested.

"That's for your own safety," Seraphina said simply. "Ask for anything else," she said simply.

"I would feel safer jumping into a pit of snakes," I muttered under my breath.

"Is me caring for you really that bad cherub? You certainly seemed quite happy to be my little baby earlier," she said as she reached out to touch my cheek. I swatted her hand away lightly with a warning look.

"You're about one step away from being bit yourself," I warned her sternly. Seraphina raised an eyebrow but put her hand back down after a moment.

"Fine, no more touching unless you initiate," she said simply. I would see how well she could hold to her promise. "So what can I get you that is within reason?" Her question was soft and gentle.

"I want to go out into town," I said simply. "I haven't been in forever and I want to go to the marketplace." Seraphina seemed thoughtful about my request as she tilted her head slightly.

"If you allow me and some guards to accompany you then you may have a whole day in the town, "she said after a moment.

I thought long and hard about her offer before nodding my head. "If that gets me what I want then I will tolerate having to spend a day with you and your guards," I said as I ran my fingers through my hair. Seraphina chuckled softly as she stood up.

"You may leave your room whenever you wish now but guards will follow you everywhere you want to go. No leaving the castle grounds without telling me," Seraphina said as she put her veil back on before leaving.

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