Chapter 64

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I had changed as quickly as I could, not even caring if the dress looked good on me. It was a short dress that went just past my knees. It was the lightest of my dresses and I had picked it out since it kept me cool. I tied my hair back into a ponytail, pinning it up into a bun. I tucked my money pouch around my neck since it was hanging on a string.

Once I was done with my hair, I had to hurry to feed the dogs. The shoes I wore were a bit too big so they nearly slipped off my feet whenever I moved too quickly. I had to keep fixing them once I stopped walking but it was fine, I would just deal with it.

Once I was done with the dogs, I turned to see Kamili already standing by the gates. She had changed probably quicker than I had and was wearing a deep red dress that was slit up both sides. I huffed when I saw the three guards that were with her. I hated the guards sometimes, all they did was ruin my fun. Nonetheless I went over to Kamili, not being able to stop myself from pouting as I stood next to her.

"What are you pouting about?" Kamili asked as she turned her attention to me. She had been setting her watch, changing the time on it.

"Don't like the guards. Why are you changing the time?" I asked as I pointed at her watch. I didn't care if it was rude to point, it was just so much easier to get my point across.

"Because my watch was running fast," Kamili said simply.

"Why was it running fast?" I asked, making her snort slightly.

"I don't know darling, I don't know. Why do you ask so many questions?" Kamili asked.

"Because it annoys people and that's my favorite thing to do," I stated as I shrugged slightly. It was so fun to annoy people, especially if it was Seraphina.

"I'm quite sure I knew that already," Kamili said as she nodded her head to one of the guards. One guard took the lead and the other two chose to walk behind us. I was nearly past the guard in front when Kamili grabbed my hand so I couldn't walk past him.

"I want to see the market, he walks slow," I huffed as I looked at her with a pout.

"The guards are there for your protection. Seraphina would not be happy with them or me if I* allowed you to get hurt," Kamili stated.

"Please," I whined with a small pout.

"Only if you hold my hand," Kamili said. I guessed that was supposed to deter me because normally I would have rejected holding someone's hand in front of a bunch of other people. However at this time I didn't care much about what other people thought because I wanted to see what was in the market.

"Fine," I said as I stuck my tongue out at her before taking her hand, pulling her along with me. Kamili seemed rather amused at my actions, just allowing me to pull her along. My eyes were immediately on all of the shiny stuff that I could buy. Kamili was with me the entire time so I could ask her any questions on whether she liked what I was looking at.

Kamili seemed content to let me drag her from place to place. It seemed as if she was fine with me being the one finding places to shop at. She made me stop from my shopping to eat a muffin which made me pout. I ate the muffin as quickly as I could so I could keep shopping.

I noticed that the guards had started to lag behind as I continually glanced back and forth between them and a gap between the stalls. I hadn't really dressed or packed to run away today though so I didn't know if I should do that. Plus if I ran away and didn't get away then I probably would never be allowed to go to the market again.

I eventually decided not to run away today. Only because in my brilliant scheming had my shoes started to slip off. I fixed my shoes with a pout as Kamili gently rubbed my back.

"Are you alright darling?" Kamili asked.

"No, stupid shoes," I muttered under my breath as I kept pouting.

"Well they're a bit big so of course they're going to slip off," Kamili stated.

"They're my favorite shoes though," I informed her simply. My attention got distracted by a market area that had puppies for sale. I picked one up, holding the puppy close. It was so soft and fluffy, I absolutely loved it. The puppy also had puppy breath which was honestly the best thing about puppies.

I turned to look at Kamili as I kept petting the puppy. It was wriggling and licking my face, making me giggle. I held the puppy in the air and tilted my head before holding her close. "Is a girl," I said simply.

"Do you want a puppy?" Kamili asked. I was too busy giggling as the puppy nipped and licked at my fingers to understand what was being asked and I paused to look at her when my mind fully comprehended what was being asked.,

"Can I have one?" I questioned back. I wasn't going to get my hopes up only to have them dashed. My parents had done that plenty of times only to say that they were joking about ever getting a dog.

"If you want her, I'll buy her for you," Kamili offered. I looked down at the puppy in my arms who was still nipping at my fingers.

"Please," I whispered after a moment as I looked up at Kamili with wide eyes. When she got some gold coins out to pay the merchant for the puppy, I felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest. Kamili had officially moved to the top of my list of favorite people. The list only included her and Pandora at the moment but I figured it would get longer.

Would anyone like to guess the name of the puppy? Hint: it's a mythical creature.

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