Chapter 80

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I had been cruelly abandoned without an explanation. Mama had helped me out of the bathtub, dried me off and then left me. She said she was going to change but I didn't believe that for a second. I stood in the bathroom, deciding I wouldn't move until she came back or until I died. I figured the latter of the options would happen sooner.

I got cold rather quickly, wrapping my towel tighter around me to keep warm. Maybe it was just cold because I had just gotten out of the bath and my hair was still wet but that didn't mean I had to like it. I despised being cold, it was so uncomfortable.

I heard my bedroom door open and I peeked through the small crack in the bathroom door. I could only do that cause the door wasn't fully shut. I relaxed when I saw it was Mama, now she was wearing a dark purple dress which I liked. Purple was a good color. That didn't mean I forgave her though.

"What's the password?" I asked when she got close to the bathroom door. I had wedged my body up against the door to keep it shut. I hoped it would be enough to stop her if she decided to come inside.

"Suzanna," Mama sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. I pouted slightly as I shook my head.

"No, that's not the password," I said simply.

"Cherub, I'm not in the mood to play any games. I need to get your dressed so we can go to breakfast," Mama stated.

"That's not the password either," I said with a sly grin. She didn't seem very happy but that seemed like a her problem and not a me problem.

"I'm not playing this game Suzanna," Mama said as she walked to the bathroom door. She tried to push it open but I leaned against it to prevent her from opening it anymore than it already was.

"That's not the password," I said firmly. If she couldn't guess the password then that was her own fault.

"Suzanna, enough," Mama stated as she tried to push the door open again. I leaned against it, my feet slipping on the stone floor slightly but I managed to stop her from budging the door hardly at all.

"Not the password," I stated. I could see her brows furrow and a flash of something in her eyes. She didn't seem very pleased with me at the moment.

"Enough," Mama said, her voice raising just enough to give me pause. She pushed on the door, catching me by surprise and I stumbled back slightly. She had enough room to get in now and squeezed into the bathroom.

"You didn't guess the password," I whined. My whines went unheard as she grabbed my arm, pulling me out of the bathroom and into my room. I could tell that she was upset with me but I didn't want her to be.

"I told you twice that I wasn't playing the game and you refused to listen. You're lucky I don't give you a timeout," Mama stated. Her words came out kind of harsh and I felt my lower lip tremble at her words. I hadn't done anything wrong, I just wanted to play.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, not able to help the tears that fell down my face. I hated when people were angry with me. I sniffled quietly as I moved to step away from her, hiding my face behind my hair. It was still short but it was still long enough for me to hide behind.

"Are you?" Mama asked. I nodded, feeling a small sob escape me. I heard her sigh after a moment before she wrapped her arms around me. "I'm sorry darling, I didn't mean to upset you," Mama sighed as she rubbed my back lightly. I didn't really care for her apologies, she was a meanie.

"Mean," I sniffled softly and Mama sighed as she looked down at me. She smoothed my hair back as she kissed the top of my head for a moment.

"Let's get you dressed angel," Mama said as she lifted me up. I cuddled into her since my towel wasn't keeping me very warm. She carried me into the nursery that was connected to my room. I pouted when Mama sat me down, standing there with a frown on my lips.

"Purple," I muttered as I looked to my closet. I knew that was where she kept my frilly purple dress and that's what I wanted to wear.

"What is with you and the color purple darling?" Mama asked. I was pretty sure she didn't actually want an answer though because she went to get my dress out of the closet. I stood there impatiently, whining when she said I had to put on my underwear first. I didn't care about them, I wanted my dress.

Mama got me dressed quickly, seeming amused at my fussing. I pouted when she went to get a hairbrush to brush my hair but I let her. The quicker she did that, the quicker I could go admire my pretty purple dress in the mirror.

Mama didn't seem to rush with brushing my hair though. She took her time which was terrible. Why she wanted to take her time was a mystery to me. Most of the time, I just jerked the brush through the tangles in my hair even if it hurt.

"You are so impatient," Mama muttered as I tried to subtly start stepping away from her. I pouted at her words, not believing she would say such a mean thing to me. As soon she took a second of pause, I darted out of the nursery and over to my vanity. I admired my dress in the mirror with a small smile.

"Purple," I muttered as I felt the fabric of the hem of my dress. It was sort of rough, the frills on it weren't super soft like the rest of the dress.

"Yes, yes. I've realized purple is what you want and I'll get you more purple dresses," Mama said. Her words made me squeal and I spun around, tackling her in a hug when she got close enough for me to do so. We ended up on the ground because she wasn't expecting me to jump on her but that was her own fault. She should always expect the unexpected.

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