Chapter 68

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I cannot believe we are 68 chapters in already! It feels like I just started this book. So have a Seraphina chapter since it's about time we get some of her P.O.V.

*Seraphina's P.O.V*

Suzanna was being absolutely darling at the moment and I had no clue why. Some days she was all for being held and cuddled and other days she absolutely despised me. I would take what I could get though and so I held her in my arms, resting her on my hip. I liked to think that she was finally warming up to me although I figured the real reason was because she was tired.

I sat Suzanna down on a stool in the kitchen, gently smoothing her hair back. She whined when I sat her down and kept a tight hold on my dress sleeve, almost as if she thought I would just disappear if she didn't. I let her do it without a word though. If it comforted her then I would let her hold onto my dress as much as she wanted.

"What do you want to eat, sweet girl?" I asked her. One of the chefs, Issac, had already paused what he was doing to listen to her. Most of my staff consisted of people that had been there for years, they had become friends over time. Theron and Issac had grown up together and when Issac had expressed interest in becoming a professional chef, Theron had practically begged the former head chef of the kitchen to take Issac under his wing to teach him.

The head chef had agreed, mostly to get Theron to stand up and get out of the kitchen. The man had a flair for dramatics and it's why I had loved him so much. Sometimes I still expected him to reappear at the most inconvenient moment just to be dramatic. I knew the chances of that were slim to none. Before I could be dragged any deeper into the melancholy thoughts that plagued my mind, I heard Suzanna speak.

"Grilled cheese," she said quietly. She was always so quiet around new people. Most of the time she didn't even seem to realize that she was almost whispering.

"Is that all?" Issac asked as he looked at her. She nodded her head, making him smile slightly. "I'll get right to work on that then sweets. If you want anything else you just ask," he encouraged before he walked further into the kitchen. Suzanna turned on her stool to face me and I could tell she was embarrassed about being called sweets. She probably wasn't used to anyone giving her a nickname like that.

"Don't worry sweetheart, he calls everyone that. Even my mother," I reassured Suzanna. Suzanna giggled at that, probably imagining Mother being called sweets. "What's so funny?" I asked as I poked her sides, making her giggle again. She grabbed my hands before I could do it again.

"Don't poke," she said simply, looking at me with what she probably thought was a stern expression. Rather it was just adorable, seeing her face scrunch up to show her seriousness.

"Yes ma'am," I said as I pulled my hands back. She let go, sticking her tongue out at me. I smiled slightly, looking down when I heard a whine. Suzanna's puppy was sitting there, looking around for food. "Oh I suppose I have to feed you as well huh?" I asked dramatically. "Another thing in this castle that doesn't work but gets to eat," I tease as I bend down to pick the puppy up.

"You're not mad rights?" Suzanna asked. Her question startled me and I looked up at her as I picked up the puppy before standing back up.

"Why would I be mad darling?" I asked in confusion. Suzanna fiddled with her fingers as she looked down at her lap. "Suzanna, why would you think I would be mad?" I asked as I held the puppy with one arm. I gestured to one of the cooks to get food for it before cupping Suzanna's face with my free hand, tilting her head up to look at me.

"Cause Kamili got me a puppy and you did too. And thought you would be mad she got me a puppy too," Suzanna whispered. I sat the puppy in her lap carefully and she held her close, sniffling softly as she hid her face partially into the puppy's fur.

"Darling, I was surprised and not pleased at first but I'm not mad," I said after a moment. "I wish Kamili would have given me some warning but your puppy was a gift from her. I have no say in whether she can get you a puppy or not," I stated.

"But is your castle," Suzanna muttered, her brown eyes glinting in the light of the kitchen.

"Yes darling, it is. However you live here as well and as long as you can appropriately take care of the animals you get then I won't object to you having them," I explained. Suzanna nodded, looking down when the puppy bit a pouch around her neck. She lifted her hand and pulled the pouch off, thrusting it towards me.

"Can pay for them," Suzanna said as she held out the pouch. I shook my head as I nudged the pouch of coins back to her.

"I'll pay for the food and other necessities. You just make sure your puppies are happy okay?" I suggested, making her nod her head as she looked back at her puppy.

"Her name is Phoenix," Suzanna said softly.

"I know, Kamili told me," I stated with a small smile that was hidden by my veil.

"Not mad at Kamili either?" Suzanna asked. The poor girl needed a lot of reassurance that no one was angry and I was more than happy to give her the reassurance she needed.

"No cherub, I am not mad at Kamili at all. In fact, I'm happy that you two are getting along so well," I told her as I gently took Phoenix from her and sat the puppy down as the cook brought over the bowl of food for the dog. It was mostly scraps of meat that couldn't be consumed by people for some reason or another and other leftovers. Phoenix practically started scarfing the food down.

"She eats fast," Suzanna said as she looked down at her puppy. Her attention was captured by Issac coming back and she turned to face the counter. He sat the grilled cheese down in front of her. "Thank you," she said quietly.

"No problem sweets, come by anytime. Come by tomorrow and I might sneak you some of the cake we're making for dessert," Issac said. Suzanna nodded quickly, clearly pleased at the offer. I chuckled softly as she smiled before starting to eat her dinner.

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