Chapter 66

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

Seraphina had gotten onto me for swearing. It wasn't fair, it wasn't my fault that was how I needed to express my excitement. When she asked me if I really needed to swear my answer was obviously "Fuck yeah".

That had gotten me in even more trouble and Seraphina had wanted me to stand in the corner. I wasn't going to do that, I had a puppy who needed me. Besides, the timeout sounded boring so obviously I wasn't going to sit in the corner. Obviously I had tried to run away but Seraphina had cheated. She had the guards stop me when I was only a few feet out the door.

After that, I had to stand in the corner which was so boring. Seraphina was mean for making me stand in the corner and was now at the top of my list of people I would have assassinated. It was only her and Pandora on that list but it could always get longer. As soon as I was out of the corner, I picked up Phoenix who Seraphina was petting. How dare she pet my dog after putting me in timeout! I'd have my revenge.

I stomped out of her study, purposefully slamming her door as I carried Phoenix to my room. I sat her down on my bed, kneeling before her as I pet her head gently. I was muttering about stupid Seraphina and her stupid rules when I heard someone clear their throat.

I turned to look and pouted when I saw Draya. I turned my attention back to Phoenix who looked sleepy. I wrapped her up in my blanket but she just wriggled out, laying on top of the covers as she started to snore.

"You should watch your mouth, little one, one day you will get in trouble," Draya said from behind me.

"I don't care, is my room. I can call Seraphina stupid all I want," I muttered. "No censorship here," I said as I turned to look at her. I had to tilt my head back to look at her since I was still kneeling on the floor. I sat back on my legs, pouting up at her.

"In your room is fine, I wouldn't do it in public though," Draya stated as she sat on the edge of my bed. I turned on my knees, resting my head on her leg as I looked up at her.

"Why? Will someone beat me if I talk bad about her in public?" I asked sarcastically, making Draya roll her eyes as she ran a hand through my hair.

"No darling, nothing like that will happen. However it looks bad on you," Draya stated. "Seraphina is loved by the people," she pointed out.

"She's not loved by me," I huffed as her nails gently scratched my scalp. I shivered at the feeling as I closed my eyes. I would fall asleep if she kept doing that, it felt so good.

"Really? I couldn't tell," Draya said dryly, making me huff slightly. She hadn't stopped scratching my scalp yet though so I was not moving. "Come up here darling," she said as her other hand patted the bed. I only knew she was patting the bed because of the sound of the blanket moving.

I drowsily got onto the bed, laying down so that my head was resting on her lap. She hadn't asked me to do that but I wanted head scratches so she would have to deal with it. It was my room which meant she had to do what I wanted. I whined when her hand stopped moving for a moment and she chuckled.

"You are so spoiled," Draya muttered as she continued working her nails through my hair and down my scalp.

"Am not. I just get what I want whenever I wants it," I muttered as I rubbed my cheek against her dress, the fabric of the dress cool and smooth against my face. I was going to fall asleep if she didn't move. I hoped that she wouldn't move.

"That is the definition of spoiled," Draya muttered.

"Blame 'phina, not me," I whispered, feeling myself start to drift off to sleep. Draya chuckled at my words as she moved slightly, making a whine escaping my throat. I couldn't help the fact that I was whiney, I was about to be asleep when she moved.

"Oh hush darling, you're fine," Draya said as her free hand moved to cup my face. My face was partially hidden in her dress since I had turned towards her and I sighed contently when her thumb started to rub circles on my cheek.

It was like some kind of cheat, her being able to soothe me into sleep. I didn't want to take a nap but I was so close to falling asleep that I knew there was no escaping this nap. I let out a small grumble as I settled down. In my  head I was listing every reason she was a meanie for making me feel so sleepy.

"You know I can hear you right, darling?" Draya asked. I would have been embarrassed if I was awake enough to care that I had been talking out loud.

"Don't care. Meanie," I muttered as I started to drift off to sleep. My mind was still reeling from today so it took a bit to fall asleep. I had gotten a puppy, found I was getting another, and now I was taking a nap. Maybe there would be another puppy waiting for me when I woke up.

My mind turned to the fact that Draya was staying with me until I was asleep. I had never had a grandmother who did that. The one that I had, the only one that was alive after I was born, sucked. She was mean and often made cruel comments. Draya was like the opposite of that. She was really nice even when I was a brat and she was happy to scratch my head. The second of the two was what made me really like her because she was the only one who had done it for a prolonged period of time.

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