Chapter 11

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The chapter that starts Seraphina's obsession with poor Suzanna.

*Suzanna's P.O.V*

The next day, I knew something was off when I arrived at the courtroom to find it completely desolate of people. The only person in there was Pandora who was looking extremely stressed and had already put everything up for the day.

"Is everything alright Pandora?" I asked softly, making her shake her head as she frowned.

"My sister is not feeling well at all today, Court won't be being held for the next couple days until she recovers and I am surrounded by idiots who don't know how to do their jobs apparently," Pandora said as she continued to go through a stack of papers.

"Well I could help you out then? So you can focus on being with the Queen?" I offered politely. Pandora paused for a moment as she looked at me before sighing softly.

"That would be greatly appreciated, thank you dear," Pandora said softly. The nickname still made my cheeks flush but not nearly as much when the Queen called me it.

"You and Queen Seraphina are too similar," I muttered as I took the papers she held out to me. They gave detailed instructions and it seemed all I had to do was pass them out. Thankfully they were labeled at the top for who they were supposed to go to.

"Don't remind me," Pandora said, sounding amused. "Find me after you're done passing those out, I have some more work I could really use the help with," Pandora informed me.

"I'd be glad to help," I said with a small smile as I turned on my heel. I skipped slightly as I traveled through the castle, finding some people a bit easier than others. Some people were a bit nicer than others. One of the nicer people was Captain Orion who seemed pleased that his wife wasn't working alone today.

It took me the better part of 45 minutes to deliver all the papers. Once I was finished I then had to track down Pandora. It wasn't that hard, I managed to deduce that she was behind the guarded doors that led to the Queen's chambers. The guards let me through without much of a second thought, the reason why becoming more obvious when I saw the numerous guards standing outside her room.

Pandora was just inside the room and she waved me in with a simple flick of her wrist. She was standing close to the Queen's bed. The curtains that hung from the bed were drawn shut. Pandora looked even more stressed.

"I need you to grab something from the throne room for me, I forgot to grab it before coming here. It's next to her throne, it's a small book. Can you grab it for me?" Pandora questioned. I nodded my head, turning to get it. "Don't look in it Suzanna, please it's very private," she requested, sounding much more vulnerable than I ever thought she could be.

"I promise, I won't look at it," I reassured her before I left. I felt bad for the Queen, really bad. Pandora seemed so stressed out so there must be something terribly wrong with Queen Seraphina. I subconsciously had started to rub the small teddy bear on my bracelet before an idea hit me.

I made a quick stop in my room, grabbing the extra bracelet that I had. I hurried to the throne room, having to search around the throne before I found it kicked underneath it. It was clearly a photo album of some sort. I deduced that by the thickness of the book and the writing on the front of the book.

I hurried back to the Queen's chambers, having to be walked into the Queen's room with a guard this time. The guard didn't look up from the floor once, not until he had left the room. The reason why became clear when I saw the curtains around Queen Seraphina's bed had been pulled back.

She had the most beautiful long curly black hair that framed her face. Her skin was covered in a sheen of sweat. Her eyes were shut but she kept twitching slightly every minute until a hand rested on arm. It took me a moment to realize that I had been the one to touch her arm and I looked around quickly for Pandora.

It was clear that she had to have stepped into the bathroom. I couldn't imagine the guards having let me into Queen Seraphina's room otherwise. I quickly fumbled to pull the bracelet out of my pocket, clipping it onto her wrist gently.

"It's supposed to bring good luck, I think that you need it because you're a very nice woman," I whispered as I ran my thumb against the back of her hand gently. Her hand turned over, grasping mine gently. My eyes flickered from her hand to her face, flushing when I saw her dark green eyes staring at me blearily.

"You brought the book, good," Pandora said. My head snapped up to look at her. I automatically took a step back, flushing when I realized that Queen was still holding my hand. "What's going on?" Pandora asked, sounding suspicious.

"Leave it Pandora," Queen Seraphina spoke sternly. I held the book out to Pandora with my free hand, letting her take the book. Queen Seraphina was still rubbing small circles on the back of my other hand.

"I feel like I'm in the middle of something," I muttered with a small frown on my lips as I looked between the two. "Should I go?" I asked softly.

"Yes," Pandora said right as Queen Seraphina said no. The two sisters exchanged glares before Queen Seraphina sighed softly.

"Stay cherub, don't tell a grieving woman no," Queen Seraphina said.

"Ah yes, play on the girl's emotions," Pandora snorted. Queen Seraphina rolled her eyes as she scooted over. "Sit down dear," she said as she tugged me towards her lightly.

"I shouldn't, it wouldn't be appropriate," I said softly. Queen Seraphina pouted slightly with a small sigh escaping her lips.

"Yes, it wouldn't be appropriate Seraphina. Let the girl leave. You and I need to talk," Pandora said sternly. Queen Seraphina let go of my hand after a moment, still blatantly pouting about it. "Take the rest of the day to yourself Suzanna," Pandora said as I turned to leave.

"Thank you ma'am," I said as I dipped my head slightly before I left the room. Something told me that I had just started something that I didn't want to be involved in.

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