Chapter 13

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Here's a slightly longer chapter than usual! Sorry for the lack of updates I'll make up for it I promise.

*Suzanna's P.O.V*

A few days later as I was getting ready for the day, tucking in the last strands of loose hair into my braid. I pondered over my thoughts of the past few days. I hadn't yet gotten the chance to speak with Pandora however since Court has resumed I figured there was no need to. I was finally allowed to go back to my regular duties, something that I relished. I liked having a schedule that was predictable as it made me feel much more at ease.

Above anything though, I was more concerned with the sudden heat wave that came. It was nothing like I was used to. I was used to dry hot weather, the sunny days that left you feeling exhausted. This was humid hot weather, the type that left you covered in sweat.

I had just showered yet I already felt the beads of sweat gathering on my neck. It was still dark out yet the heat wave seemed to be hitting full force at all times. I couldn't even lay on my covers at night because of the stifling heat. I fanned myself slightly as  I sat back in my seat, trying to mentally prepare myself for the day.

Court was exhausting for me and all I had to do was write down what was said. I wondered how the Queen could deal with it because I knew I couldn't. I hated having to talk in public much less to a bunch of people all day every day.

I shook my head as I finished with my hair, checking to make sure everything was pinned into place still. Once I was done with that, I finished getting ready. Thanks to my terrible planning abilities the only clean dresses I had left were the ones I had brought from home. The ones that made me feel hot even when there wasn't a heat wave.

I picked the lightest one of the dresses, a cream colored one that was rather plain in my opinion. I slipped the dress on carefully, managing to not mess up my hair. I struggled to zip it for a moment before managing to get the zip up. I did one last check of my hair before I left my room.

I was one of the last people to arrive for breakfast which was no surprise to me. I hurriedly got something to eat, sitting down in my usual spot. I wasn't so surprised when Pandora joined me shortly after I sat down.

"You're later than usual today, why?" Pandora asked. She chose to ask that question when my mouth was full, something I felt that she did on purpose, so I had to hurry and swallow to answer her.

"I just am," I shrugged my shoulders as I took another bite of my eggs. I wasn't surprised that she had chosen to ask that, Pandora was always on a strict schedule that she expected others to follow.

"You look pale dear," Pandora said as she studied me. I waved off her concern as I hurried to finish eating. As soon as I finished eating, I stood to take my plate to the dirty dish pile. I felt a wave of dizziness overtake me so I had to pause to reorient myself. I took a deep breath before I finished taking my dish to where it needed to go and left the room.

I had to pause several times as I made my way to the throne room. I almost immediately had to sit down in my chair once I reached the room. I could feel a dull headache forming and I knew I would have to get medicine once I was done working for the day.

I simply put my head down on the desk for a moment, trying to ignore the pain in my head. I simply put down my dizziness to the heat and the fact that I was probably dehydrated. I just resolved to drink more water when I got the chance. I rested my head on my hands as I stared blearily at the throne room.

I managed to ignore the heat that gathered across my skin, ignoring the pain in my head. I barely managed to pay attention to Queen Seraphina when court started. In fact for most of the day I managed to write down what she was saying. Towards the end though it all looked like gibberish. That's when I started to realize something was really wrong.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a rough hand landing on my shoulder. I tried to clear my thoughts by shaking my head but that just sent a wave of nausea through me. I lifted my head up to look, my eyes refusing to focus on Captain Orion.

"You alright?" His voice was full of concern. I went to stand up, feeling my legs buckle immediately. My head hit the back of my chair when I fell. I was completely out of it by the time my full body hit the ground.

The next thing I felt was cold. My entire body felt cold and I felt the same coolness pressed against my forehead. My eyes fluttered open as I tried to push the cold feeling on my head. A gentle hand rested over mine.

"I'm sorry darling, you're still much too warm," the voice was soft. I knew it was familiar but I couldn't quite place it. I realized after a moment that I was in my bathroom, in the bathtub. I also realized that the voice belonged to Queen Seraphina.

"What's going on?" My voice was unsteady and slightly slurred. I tried to turn my head to look at Queen Seraphina but found that it took too much energy. I did however realize that the reason that I was so cold was because there was ice in the water that was surrounding me.  My dress was almost completely soaked except for the neck part of it.

"You're suffering from heatstroke," Pandora spoke. I noticed her standing in the doorway of the bathroom.

"No I'm not, I'm actually quite cold," I said as I shivered slightly. Queen Seraphina gently tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Are you sure we couldn't have just put her out in the sun and left her?" Pandora asked.

"No, we couldn't have done that. She needs me to care for her," Queen Seraphina said as she huffed softly. Her hand was still holding a washcloth full of ice against my head which I tried to pull away gently.

"Your incessant need to mother things bothers me," Pandora said dryly. Her eyes narrowed slightly when she saw me try to push the washcloth away.

"Just because you refuse to have a heart doesn't mean that I have to do the same," Queen Seraphina said. "I need to go get more ice," she muttered after a moment. She got up, taking the washcloth with her as she left the room.

"For your sake, just go along with what my sister wants," Pandora said.

"What?" I asked with mild confusion as I shivered slightly.

"Just play along, it's been a long time since she's gotten to mother anyone. It would make her very happy if you did and I won't have to fire you for upsetting my sister," Pandora stated.

Her words left me both confused and also speechless. I waited for her to leave as I pondered over what she said. I suppose I could play along with it if only to please Queen Seraphina and keep my job at the same time. I resolved to keep my distance from Pandora anyways in case I accidentally upset the woman somehow.

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