Chapter 38

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I waited for Pandora to come back for the afternoon. She seemed surprised that my room was a little cleaner and looked at me.

"Your sister had her guards take the broken stuff, shame because I wanted to cut my throat with those broken pieces of wood," I said simply. Pandora walked over, flicking my forehead and making me grimace as I looked at her.

"Don't say stuff like that or next time I'll smack the back of your head," Pandora stated. I frowned as I rubbed my forehead, pouting at her.

"Physically abusing me every single time that I say I'm going to kill myself is not the solution you think it is," I stated as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"What do you mean? It got you to stop saying it didn't it," Pandora said as she sat across from me. I frowned as I sat back, sprawling out with a small pout on my lips.

"I don't like Seraphina. She is mean and I don't like her stupid guards either," I said simply.

"You really dislike my sister's guards that much?" Pandora questioned me as I turned my head slightly to look at her.

"I dislike most men that are around me. I hate your sister but I hate random men being alone with me more," I shrugged. "Can I leave this room now? It's so boring," I whined as I stretched out.

"In order to leave the room you would have to be surrounded by most of those random men," Pandora said simply. I sat up as I looked at her, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I can leave the room?" I asked.

"With guards surrounding you, yes," Pandora informed me. I lunged towards her, smacking the back of her head.

"You couldn't have told me that sooner?" I questioned as I struggled up. "Let me change, I'm getting out of here," I said as I rushed to the dresser, pulling the drawer out and searching for a dress. Once I found a dress, I hurried to the bathroom and went to change out of my nightgown. I stripped down and changed into it as quickly as I could while also tying my hair back with a ribbon.

"There's no need to rush, the outside will still be there even if you take five minutes to get ready," Pandora said from outside the door. I finished getting dressed and left the bathroom, a small smile on my lips.

"Pandora, if I take five minutes to get ready then that's five minutes for you to change your mind," I said simply as I slipped on my shoes.

"Well that won't happen because Seraphina wants to see you," Pandora informed me. I frowned at that, crossing my arms as I looked at her.

"I knew there would be a catch. How long?" I asked.

"How long what?" Pandora questioned as she conveniently avoided eye contact with me.

"How long do I have to spend with her?" I questioned.

"As long as it takes you to talk to her, she wants to see you in the garden under the gazebo," Pandora said simply. I whined as I threw my head back dramatically, throwing my hands up in the air.

"I don't want to talk to your stupid sister but I'll do it if it gets me out of the room," I muttered as I walked towards the door.

"Must you throw a fit every single time you have to see her?" Pandora questioned. "You'll never be free if you don't give a little bit," she stated.

"Why should I give a little bit? She should be the one giving a little bit," I stated as Pandora walked over to me.

"She is giving a little bit by allowing you out of the room, if my sister wasn't giving then you would not be allowed to leave," Pandora said. "Guards," she said simply and the door opened. She grabbed my arm before I could run out before her, leading me out of the room.

"I don't need you to hold my arm," I whined as the guard immediately moved, one standing behind us and one standing in front of us.

"You do need me to hold your arm because you'll run off if I let go of you," Pandora said. I huffed as I tried to jerk away, her grip tightening on me slightly. "Stop trying to run off," she muttered.

"Maybe I just don't want to run off, maybe I just want to not be treated like a baby," I huffed as she dragged me along behind her. I reluctantly followed, stumbling slightly when she walked a bit too fast for me. "Slow down Pandora," I said as I kicked the back of her leg.

"Fine, I'm sorry. I'm a bit stressed is all," Pandora said as she slowed down. I walked next to her, debating whether to ask or not. She clearly didn't want to talk about it so I let it go, following her quickly down a set of steps.

"You walk fast, why?" I questioned.

"I just tend to do that," Pandora said as she opened the door to the garden. I stepped out before she could, relishing the sunlight and wind that hit my face. Pandora stood still for a moment before she had me keep walking. I walked as slow as I could, looking up towards the sky.

"I've missed that," I said softly.

"What?" Pandora asked.

"The sunlight, the wind," I said simply. Pandora stopped and let go of my arm and I looked at her.

"Take your time," Pandora sighed as she smoothed back her hair. "Sera can wait," she said simply. I did a small spin as I hummed softly. I relished it for a few minutes before Pandora cleared her throat.

"I'm not done enjoying the sun," I pouted as I looked at her.

"Let's get to the gazebo and then you can sit in the sun as long as you light," Pandora said as she offered me her hand instead of grabbing my arm this time. I accepted her hand, interlacing our fingers as she led me to the gazebo.

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