Chapter 103

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I left Seraphina so that I could go change. The diaper I was wearing was very uncomfortable plus my feels were all over the place at the moment so it was a good excuse anyway.

I change quickly, taking off my dress completely before I clean myself off. I change into a long shirt, putting on some underwear but not bothering with putting on any pants. I go to my bed, collapsing onto it as I hold my pillow underneath my head to keep myself from falling asleep.

I was so confused on my feelings at the moment. I had accepted the fact that Seraphina cared for me, or at least I thought I had. I mean I should have accepted them by now.

I just didn't know how to feel. Comparing Seraphina to my mother had left me short of in shock with how different they were. I nibble my bottom lip, thinking over just how different they were.

My mother had been cold and distant almost my entire life. We had never quite managed to meet a middle ground where we actually got along. It was like trying to mix oil and water.

I had never really known why we didn't get along. I mean sure we had different interests but that didn't explain why she didn't like me. I was her daughter all, wasn't it a requirement that she had to love me? Most kids didn't have to ask but there were times where I felt like I had to beg her to just give me any sort of attention.

Seraphina wasn't like that at all. I mean she was constantly giving me attention, practically smothering me with it. It was my favorite and least favorite thing about her. Usually my favorite but sometimes I would get annoyed with it.

I run my thumb over the fabric of my pillow, humming to myself as I imagine what it would have been like to be raised by Seraphina. She probably wouldn't have yelled at me when I made a mistake or lost her temper with me for simple things. Seraphina actually liked my writing, something my mother never did.

Now I kind of want to ask Seraphina to read one of my free writing stories, she would probably like it. If she didn't then I would know not to show her anymore. I frown slightly, burying my face into my pillow with a small sigh. I close my eyes, trying not to think too much about it.

I must have drifted off because the next thing I know, I can feel someone rubbing my back. I squirm away, rubbing my eyes as I turn over to see who had woken me up. I groan when I see it is Seraphina, trying to close my eyes and go back to sleep now that I know it is just her.

"You can't sleep all day, you've already taken a nap," Seraphina says and I shake my head, burying it further into the pillow.

"Can't stay awake, is against the rules," I say simply as I pretend to sleep.

"Speaking of rules," Seraphina says and I pout slightly, turning to look at her.

"No rules," I say as I try to cover her mouth with my hand. She simply grabs my hand when I do that, making me huff softly.

"You do need rules," Seraphina says as she runs her fingers through my hair. I shake my head in disagreement, pouting slightly. Why couldn't she just let me be ruleless? That was the funnest thing about being here, there were hardly any rules.

"If I have rules that means I have punishments and I don't like punishments," I sigh as I roll over, resting my head on her lap. She hums in acknowledgement but just continues running her fingers through my hair for a little bit.

"I think my rules and punishments are quite fair Suzanna," Seraphina says with a small smile. "We can talk them over, see what you think," she suggests and I nod.

"Fine, tell me your demands, your highness," I say as I close my eyes.

"Well the first rule is no cursing. At least not while you're regressed," Seraphina says and I nod, understanding that rule.

"Second rule, you do not leave the castle grounds without a guard," Seraphina stated and I groan slightly.

"That's not any fun. How am I supposed to have fun if you keep me locked up?" I whine.

"You are not locked up, you are supervised," Seraphina rolls her eyes and I notice they are kind of puffy around the edges. Has she been crying? I wonder why but I don't dare ask.

"Same thing," I muttered as I reach up, playing with the sleeve of her dress.

"Sure it is," Seraphina shakes her head slightly. "Third rule, your bedtime is whenever you start to get cranky and tired. I say when it's both because you're usually always cranky," she informs me.

"Am not!" I disagree quickly, a frown on my lips as I look at her.

"Are so," Seraphina states with a chuckle escaping by her lips.

"Am not cranky, you're mean," I whine as I bury my face into her dress. I don't even care that it's probably childish of me to whine. She was the one saying that I was cranky.

"Mhmm. Your other rule is that you have to drink water and eat at least 2 meals a day. I will not have you neglecting yourself," Seraphina informs and I roll my eyes but nod. Thankfully she doesn't see the eyeroll since my head is buried into her dress.

"Now what are the punishments?" I ask, my voice coming out slightly muffled.

"I was thinking timeout and perhaps spankings if you were okay with that," Seraphina says. I sit up at her words, looking at her with wide eyes.

"No thank you," I smile innocently at her.

"Why?" Seraphina asks after a moment.

"Because I don't want them, thank you and bye now," I say as I throw myself off the bed dramatically, groaning dramatically in pain afterwards.

"How about a new rule? No hurting yourself," Seraphina says as she leans over the side of the bed to look at me.

"I don't respect your rules or punishments," I say before rolling underneath the bed and deciding to stay there. She couldn't punish me if just didn't move.

Queen's ObsessionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora