Chapter 48

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I had decided that the guard dogs would have to be my best friends if I ever wanted to escape. So once I escaped Seraphina's torture of having to write a sorry letter, one that I did end with 'I'm not really sorry' written really small at the bottom of it.  After I had handed Seraphina the letter, I bolted out of the room before she could actually read it.

I had lots to think about so I was kind of glad that the guards were there for once. They kept me from running into walls, by tugging on my arm before I run into the wall. It was actually quite nice. Maybe they did serve a purpose if they kept me from running into walls.

They didn't stop me from running into Pandora though so they lost points for that. I would be having strong words with them later. By strong words, I meant glaring at them when their backs were turned. They scared me a little too much for me to be able to actually speak to them.

"Are you ever going to watch where you are going?" Pandora had asked when I had bumped into her. My response to that was to stick my tongue out.

"You are still a meanie," I said simply. "Plus you didn't tell me that Seraphina had a girlfriend so you deserved being bit and kicked in the shin," I stated.

"So you found out about Kamili then?" Pandora questioned.

"I read one of her letters, never again Panda. Never again," I stated as I placed my hands on her shoulders and jerked her slightly.

"One of those letters huh?" Pandora asked as she gently pried my hands off of her shoulders.

"Yes," I said simply.

"Don't worry dear, we've all accidentally been there," Pandora stated.

"I'm scarred," I whispered.

"You're not the one who has to screen incoming letters," Pandora said softly as she rubbed her eyes as if trying to block out the memory. My eyes widened slightly as I looked up at her.

"Do you have to do that?" I questioned.

"Sadly," Pandora muttered. "Now moving on from that so I don't remember all of the horrible things that I've read, where are you heading?" she questioned.

"Guard dogs, I have to befriend them to make an army," I informed her simply.

"I don't think being around the guard dogs is a good idea. They're not the nicest," Pandora stated.

"Well I didn't ask for your opinion," I said simply as I reached up, patting her cheek gently. Pandora swatted my hand away and I glared at her.

"You are a spoiled brat," Pandora informed me.

"Thank you, I tend to model other people's behaviors," I said cheerfully as I stepped past her. I carefully aimed how I walked so that our shoulders bumped against each other as I walked away from her.

"I'm coming with you, just to make sure that you don't get mauled to death," Pandora stated as she followed after me. I rolled my eyes as I continued walking, turning the corner and taking off running.

I was never so thankful that I didn't wear heels at that moment. Pandora always wore heels, she stated that she needed the extra height. Heels meant that she couldn't run nearly as fast as I could so I was much faster at turning around corners and just full on sprinting through the castle.

I slipped out the door to the garden, running through rows of hedges as I headed for the corner of the castle courtyard. It was pretty easy to find the dog kennels since the dogs were going nuts. They were big dogs, big and fluffy.

I was surprised that there weren't any guards by them so I slowed down slightly as I approached the kennels. They all had a little sheet of paper on the front of their kennels with their names and what guards that they patrolled with. They also had little notes saying what their personalities were like.

I decided that I wanted to befriend one of the girl doggies because they looked a little bit nicer than the boy ones. I chose an older one, one that was about 5 and her note said that she had a good temperament. I assumed that meant she was nice so I opened the kennel and stepped inside.

"Suzanna!" I heard Pandora's voice call. I decided to ignore her though because standing in front of me was the biggest and fluffiest dog that I have ever seen. She had a white fluffy coat and her tail was wagging.

"Hello puppy," I whispered as I sat down in front of the kennel gate so no one else could come in. The dog, the notes said she was named Goddess, approached me slowly. Her tail wagged as she woofed at me, the sound a deep echoing noise. I giggled softly when she licked my face, covering my face in slobber.

"Suzanna," I heard Pandora's voice right behind me and she sounded quite mad. "Are you out of your mind? You know nothing about these dogs," she said.

"I read the notes, said she was a nice doggy," I giggled when the dog laid on top of my lap. "New friend," I whispered, suddenly feeling very small and safe compared to the big dog in my lap.

"Suzanna, Seraphina is not going to be pleased with what you're doing," Pandora informed me.

"Don't care," I responded as I leaned down, kissing the top of the Goddess's head.

"Is that so?" Seraphina's voice sounded and I froze. How did she get here already? How did she know? Oh I bet it was one of my stupid guards that was supposed to follow me.

"Is puppy," I informed her simply, turning my head to look at her. Oh she was mad, I could tell by the way she was resting her hands on her hips. I had never been so thankful that she wore a veil because I did not want to see her looking at me all angrily.

"Get out of the kennel," Seraphina demanded. I shook my head, turning to look back at Goddess.

"Can't, she's on me," I said simply as I buried my face into the dog's fur on her back, pretending I couldn't hear Seraphina or Pandora anymore.

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