Chapter 88

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I felt the side of the bed being tugged, hearing small growls. I rubbed my eyes with a huff as I realized that Seraphina had sat me in the crib. My face turned hot as I realized what had happened last night. I rolled over, jerking the crib bars down. Phoenix whined as she climbed up onto the crib mattress, chewing on the sheets.

"Yeah, you do that. Maybe pee on Seraphina's shoes next time you see her," I said as I pet Phoenix. Kelpie slunk out from underneath the crib, a shoe clasped in her mouth. "Give me that," I said as I reached for it. Kelpie growled when I tried to pull it out of her mouth and it just turned into a game of tug of war.

"You're up rather late in the day," Pandora's voice made me freeze. I peered across the room as my hair fell in front of my face. I was thankful for that because my face still felt hot and I needed a minute to regain my composure.

"What time is it?" I asked quietly. My voice barely shook at all so I was quite pleased with that. I just couldn't get my mind off the fact that Seraphina had let me nurse from her. I knew a part of me had wanted it but that was the part that I wanted to lock up and not have come out again.

"Almost one in the afternoon," Pandora informed me. That explained why my stomach felt so empty. I would have to go to the kitchen and ask Issac to make me something. Something that wouldn't make Seraphina happy. I had been rather nice I thought and even though little me had asked to nurse, that didn't mean that she had to give in to the request. So now I was going to be a thorn in her side or a pain in her ass, whichever one seemed more suitable.

"I'm hungry," I declared as I stood up. I finally got the shoe from Kelpie's mouth and tossed it at Pandora. It nearly hit her in the face but she ducked at the last moment.

"You are a brat," Pandora declared as she put her hands on her hips. I ignored her as I fixed my nightgown, pulling the sleeves back into place. I picked up Phoenix and Kelpie and held them close. I carried them out of the nursery, leaving my room.

The guards followed me as we went to the kitchen. I went to find Issac, slipping through the chefs to find him. I had to set down Phoenix and Kelpie, sitting them near their dog food bowls. They started to eat quickly, scarfing down their food. They ate happily as I slipped further into the kitchen to find Issac.

Issac was chopping up vegetables, focusing on adding them to some type of dish. I tugged at his sleeve when he stopped chopping for a moment. He turned his attention to me and I smiled softly.

"Can I help you darling?" he asked as he sat down the knife.

"Can I have some cake?" I questioned after a moment. He paused for a moment, seeming to consider my question.

"I don't think you ate breakfast yet, should you really have cake?" His question made me huff since it wasn't fair that he questioned what I ate for breakfast. "And I'm pretty sure that you haven't had lunch yet either," he stated.

"Don't want lunch or breakfast, I want cake," I said as I crossed my arms. Issac paused for a moment and then he nodded his head.

"Fine, you can have some cake. It will take a little bit for the cake to bake so you can find something to snack on if you want," Issac said. I was thankful for that because my stomach growled and I knew I needed a little something to take the edge off my hunger pains.

"What is there to snack on?" I asked after a moment.

"I believe we have some Murukku if you would like some?" Issac offered. I nodded my head quickly at the offer. My grandmother used to make Murukku all the time when I was younger. "You can go take a seat, I'll bring you a plate," he said. I think he just said it to get me to leave him alone but I still accepted the offer.

I went over to the counter with stools, sitting on my stool. I could see Phoenix and Kelpie were finishing up their food. I knew they would come to beg for my Murukku but I didn't plan on sharing it with them. I just didn't like sharing my snacks and they should respect that.

"Here you go princess," Issac said as he set the plate in front of me. His words made me pause and I didn't even have time to respond before he was gone. I could feel heat in my cheeks as I looked at the spiral shaped snacks in front of me.

I picked up one, breaking off a piece and eating it. It was savory and crunchy which made a good opposite to my cake I would be having in a little bit. I heard Kelpie whine from by my feet and I looked down, seeing her sitting there with puppy dog eyes.

"I don't think you're supposed to have any of this," I said. Normally I would have refused to share on the basis that it was mine but it was hard to resist puppy dog eyes. However I wasn't sure if Murukku was good for dogs to have so despite her puppy dog eyes, I made sure not to drop any pieces.

"Oh thank you," Aunty Panda's voice made me pause and I saw her hand reaching for my plate. I smacked her hand away, pulling my plate closer to me. I tucked my arms around it protectively as I glared at her.

"Mine," I said as I ate another piece of the Murukku.

"Rude," Aunty Panda said. I stuck my tongue out at her after I swallowed my bite before taking another bite just to annoy her.

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