Chapter 47

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

Apparently repeatedly running off from my guards meant that I couldn't be trusted to behave. I had only run off from them three one day. The first time I had run off was early yesterday morning where Seraphina had found me in the library. The second and third time were more fun.

The second time the guards found me trying to climb out the kitchen window. I was thinking about it but the twenty foot drop had made me hesitate. I hesitated for just long enough to allow the guards to catch me and pull me away from the window. I just became dead weight when that happened, letting them drag me on the ground.

The third time I was just running around the castle. I accidentally ran into Pandora who was a total traitor. Instead of helping me, she called the guards over to her. so she was still mad about me biting her clearly. I didn't help the situation by kicking her in the shin as hard as I could before running off.

According to Seraphina that was unacceptable behavior. Her words, not mine. Which was why I was heaving to spend all of today in her office. I wasn't even allowed to play in my play room, I had to sit by Seraphina. She said I was free to go play when I finished writing an apology letter to Pandora. However I couldn't do that, I wasn't sorry for what I had done.

"Suzanna, if you stopped pouting and wrote the letter then you'd be more than welcome to go play afterwards," Seraphina informed me.

"I can't write a sorry letter, I'm not sorry," I whined as I rested my head on my hands. I was not pouting, certainly not.

"Then you may continue to sit there until you do," Seraphina said simply.

"I don't like you," I huffed as I glared at her desk.

"I know you don't," Seraphina chuckled as she smoothed back my hair. Pandora had done it today, braiding it back into a short Dutch braid. Some strands had fallen loose over time so I had a few pieces framing my face.

I kicked the side of her desk, making her roll her eyes as she went back to her work. She was writing something and it was very tempting to try and knock over her inkwell onto the parchment she was writing on. However I decided that I quite liked living and instead chose to steal a letter off her desk to read it.

Seraphina didn't seem to notice so I turned away from her, reading through the letter. My eyes skimmed over it for the most part because it was sweet at the beginning until it became explicit and I did not want to imagine Seraphina in any of the things mentioned.

"Who is Kamili?" I asked, turning to Seraphina. My face was burning slightly and Seraphina's head snapped up. She looked at me before snatching the letter from my hands.

"Do not read my private correspondence," she said simply, leaving me with unanswered questions. I pouted for a moment before looking at her.

"Who is Kamili?" I repeated my question several times until she answered me.

"My girlfriend," Seraphina said simply, setting down her quill and looking at me.

"But your husband..." I trailed off, confused on how she could have both a husband and a girlfriend.

"I was dating Kamili while married to Theron," Seraphina said. When she saw the confusion still in my eyes she sighed softly. "I'm polyamorous Suzanna," she said.

"Poly what now?" I questioned. That made her chuckle as she rubbed her eyes with the side of her hand in slight exasperation.

"Polyamorous. I like having more than one romantic partner," Seraphina explained. "Theron was my first partner and when he realized that I was polyamorous, he let me know that he was fine with me seeking out other partners if that's what I wanted to do," she stated.

"Isn't that confusing?" I asked as I tilted my head.

"Why would it be confusing?" Seraphina asked.

"How do you decide who you spend time with?" I asked.

"By communicating," Seraphina explained. "Besides Kamili lives in another nation, I don't get to see her as much as I would like. She's considering moving into the castle in the next coming years," she stated.

"So you were with her and Theron at the same time?" I asked curiously before her words sat in. "No, no more women need to live here especially if they're meanies like you are," I said. I cursed myself for saying meanies, deciding I was going to drown myself in the bathtub if I ever said something like that again.

"I promise you that she is very nice," Seraphina said as she reached over to touch my hand.

"You probably think that because of her love letters," I retorted as I pointed to the letter she was still holding in her hand. "I'm scarred for life, woman," I informed her.

"You wouldn't be if you didn't read my personal letters," Seraphina said simply.

"Well keep them out of my reach if you don't want them read," I huffed as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I didn't expect you to start reading stuff off my desk or else I would have put them far out of your reach, little one," Seraphina said. Her words made me soften slightly, being called little one was nice. I liked it.

"She can move here if she promises to be nothing like you and doesn't baby me," I finally said.

"Of course cherub," Seraphina said as she reached over and patted my cheek gently. I pushed her hand away and went to get up to leave. I was nearly out the door when Seraphina cleared her throat.

"Yes?" I asked politely as I turned to face, an innocent smile on my lips.

"Come here and write your apology letter," she ordered as she pointed to my chair that was next to hers. I whined, stomping back over to her and sitting down.

"I was nice and you still want to make me write this stupid letter," I muttered as I picked up the quill and started scribbling out an apology.

"Neat handwriting Suzanna, not scribbles," Seraphina corrected, making me groan as I hit my head on the edge of the desk and gave up completely.

Surprise, Seraphina has a girlfriend! They've been together since Seraphina was 18 and her partner was 19. So about 20 years now in total!

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