Chapter 84

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

When I woke up, my head was pressed into Mama's chest. My book had fallen to the ground and I felt so small and tiny. I just wanted to cuddle up with Mama right now. Her perfume was so sweet smelling that it kind of made my head hurt a little bit. I nuzzled into her quietly, whining softly.

"What is it baby?" Mama asked as she looked down at me. I shook my head, not able to answer her question with how tiny I felt. Words stuck in my throat as a small babble escaped me. I sat up, tugging at the neckline of her dress slightly. Her hand moved to cover mine so that I couldn't pull her neckline down too much.

"Seraphina, I read up on this. I think this is the part in the Regression book that we sacrifice her," Panda said. I pouted at her, shaking my head and making my hair hit me in the face.

"That was not in the book," Mama said as she looked at Panda.

"Fine, maybe I was thinking of another book," Panda sighed as she threw her hands up in the air. "I still vote that we sacrifice her," she muttered.

"Pandora," Mama said, sounding like she was scolding Panda. I giggled at her tone of voice, hiding my face into Mama's shoulder when Panda looked at me.

"It laughed at me," Panda huffed, sounding upset. I peeked out of Mama's shoulder, squeaking when I saw Panda was still looking at me. I buried my face into Mama's shoulder again. I heard Mama sigh as she stood up, resting me on her hip. That wasn't comfortable for me so I squirmed until she started to cradle me slightly.

"You poor baby," Mama cooed as she carried me out of the the throne room. I noticed it was quite late in the day now, it looked like it was almost dark. My tummy grumbled and I squirmed, tugging at Mama's sleeve. "What is it darling?" she asked softly.

"Hungwy," I whimpered softly as I tugged at her sleeve even more.

"Okay darling, we'll go get you something to eat," Mama cooed down at me. I tugged at her veil until it came off, smiling at her face as her hair fell to cover her face. I giggled softly as I played with the veil, pouting when Mama tried to take it away.

I turned my body as best as I could, holding it close to my chest. I ducked my head, hiding my face with the veil. It smelled like her perfume, I quite liked it. I babbled quietly as Mama carried me into the kitchen. I was sat on the stool and I rubbed the veil against my face. The fabric was soft against my skin and I cooed happily.

"What would you like to eat darling?" Mama asked as she ran a hand through my hair. I grumbled when she tried to take the veil again, voicing my displeasure with a small whine. I grinned as soon as she stopped trying to take the veil away from me.

It was too hard to talk and I didn't feel like eating much. I knew what I wanted though but Mama was being stupid about it. I tugged at her neckline again, trying to pull it farther down. Mama blocked my hand, making me pout.

"I can't do that darling. You would throw a fit when you weren't feeling small," Mama said as she kissed my cheek. "Plus I haven't breastfed in years, there is no milk," Mama said. Her words only upset me and I burst into tears right then and there. She was purposefully being mean to me by not giving me milk.

"Man, what did you do to the kid to make her cry?" Issac asked as he approached the counter. I continued to cry as I tugged at Mama's neckline even more.

"Don't even ask. Can you make her some soup?" Mama questioned softly. She ran a hand through my hair as she tried to soothe me. I was suckling at the skin above her dress, trying to self soothe by doing that.

"Milk," I whimpered softly.

"Okay soup and some milk," Issac stated before he walked away. I whimpered again as I continued to tug on Mama's neckline.

"Baby, I can't nurse you. I have no milk," Mama whispered as she kissed the top of my head. I sniffled softly as I nuzzled into her neck, still trying to find something to suckle on. I ended up just sucking on my thumb to keep soothing myself.

It took me forever to calm down and when I managed to soothe myself enough to look at the counter, I saw a bottle. I reached for it, whimpering softly as Mama picked it up. I accepted it as she held the nipple of it to my mouth. I nursed on it greedily, letting Mama rock me back and forth.

Mama cooed softly as I continued to nurse from the bottle. I nuzzled into her as she let me drink until I had reached my fill. I babbled softly once the bottle was empty and I tugged at her sleeve. My face was still streaked with tears and my nose was running slightly. I wiped my nose on the shoulder of her dress.

"Oh Suzanna," Mama sighed as she used a handkerchief to wipe my cheeks off before she wiped my nose with it. I smacked her hand away with a small whine escaping me.

"No," I said sternly as I looked at her. Mama shook her head as I looked at the soup Issac had made me and picked up the spoon. I sipped on it, spilling soup all over me as I ate quickly. Mama only shook her head as I spilled soup all over my dress.

"You are going to have to change," Mama informed me. I looked down at my soup covered purple dress before looking at Mama. I shook my head with a small frown on my lips. "Yes," Mama said sternly.

"No," I said as I picked up my spoon and flung soup at her. I giggled when she put her hands on her hips. "You not scary," I informed her as I put my hands on my hips while looking at her with a small frown.

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