Chapter 51

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I had decided that Seraphina was now my worst enemy. I would say having to get up early was even worse than being locked in my room. In fact, I considered asking her to lock me up for a month instead of making me get up early to feed the dogs.

The sun wasn't even up when I was woken up by one of the guards. I had to get dressed in a hurry and I hated being rushed but I was not letting the guards see me in my nightgown. I did skip out on wearing shoes though. Something I regretted since the ground was freezing cold. I made my way to the kennels, one of the guards holding up a lantern so I wouldn't fall in the dark.

I rubbed my eyes as the guard showed me how to fix the food. All of the dogs got different amounts of food, most of it raw meat. Thankfully I got to wear leather gloves because if I had to touch raw meat with my bare hands then I would drown myself in the bath later. Once breakfast was made for the dogs, I had hoped to go inside but then I had to clean out the kennels.

I had weak muscles. I quickly realized when after raking out one kennel of the dogs, my arms were already burning. I had to do that fifteen more times and by the time I was done, I was sweaty and hot. I was kicking Seraphina in the shins as soon as I saw her. All of this work and I hadn't even seen one of the dogs this morning.

After I was done cleaning out the kennels then the dogs showed up. They were all put in their kennels, seeming tired and grumbly. The guards that worked with the dogs fed the aggressive ones but I got to give the nice ones their food. That meant I got to go in Goddess's kennel to feed her. She licked my face when I bent down to put the bowl down and I giggled softly.

"I'm still mad at Seraphina but it's nice to see you Goddess," I said as I scratched behind her ears. I had left her until last so that I could linger for a bit and pet her. When I was done petting her, I left the kennel. I expected to be escorted back to my room by guards so when I saw Pandora, I let out a groan.

"Not excited to see me?" Pandora asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"No, I'm not," I said simply as I walked past her. The guards were immediately at my side, making me huff at the fact that I had to have an escort.

"I thought you had forgiven me, I got you ice cream last night," Pandora said as I heard her hurry to catch up with me.

"I forgave you for yesterday, I just don't like you in general," I informed her. The woman could walk fast, I would admit that as she caught up to me. I huffed when she grabbed my elbow and pulled me back slightly. "What?" I asked.

"You're not going to be pissy all day are you?" Pandora asked.

"So what if I am?" I furrowed my brows in confusion at her question as I tried to pull my arm out of her hold.

"Seraphina wants you back as her court scribe so she can keep an eye on you during the day. If you are going to be pissy all day though then I will tell her to try another day," Pandora stated simply.

"I'm going to be pissy for the next month, thank you for asking. Your sister is the reason that I had to get up early, I hate getting up early," I stated with a frown on my lips as I managed to free my arm.

"You're the reason that you have to get up early. You chose to disobey Seraphina and not leave the dog kennel when you were directed to," Pandora stated sternly. "So you don't want to go back to your job?" she asked after a moment.

"Yes, I do. Anything is better than being stuck alone all day," I said simply.

"You're not alone, you have the guards," Pandora said with a fake smile. I glared at her when she said that, not believing that she would actually say that and mean it.

"Exactly, I'll be alone. They never talk to me," I whined.

"Do you ever talk to them?" Pandora asked as a counterpoint and I glared at her for asking that question.

"No, of course not," I said with a huff. "They scare me," I stated simply.

"The guards scare you? These ones, the ones that accompany you everywhere?" Pandora asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, they're strangers to me," I stated simply.

"These are the least scary guards that work here," Pandora said with a small snort escaping her.

"Well they scare me," I said simply as I crossed my arms over my chest, storming towards the castle.

"Oh you poor baby," Pandora said as she followed after me. I turned around suddenly and we were face to face. I did the smart thing and shoved her before taking off running to the castle. The guards were pretty quick to catch up to me but I didn't know if that's because they were mad I shoved Pandora or if they were just trying to catch me.

Either way I didn't slow down until I reached my room, quickly shutting the door behind me. I shoved a chair in front of the door, leaning it back on to two legs so Pandora would have a hard time getting in.

That proved to be the smart choice when I heard Pandora try and enter my room. "You little shit," she said from the other side of the door.

"That's so nice of you to say," I said as I carefully sat in the chair that was leaned up against the door. I would just not move from this spot for the next few days, that way I would be safe from her anger.

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