Chapter 108

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I wriggle out from in-between Mama and Mommy. They were so warm for absolutely no reason. I mean why did they have to be so warm? It was like they were trying to burn me to death with their body heat. I crawl out of bed, glancing back at them to see Mommy wrapping her arm around Mama's waist. This was great! They hadn't even woken up which meant I could go explore.

I lean over the edge of the bed, the wooden bedframe hurting my stomach as I lean down until my hands touch the ground as I slowly crawl off the bed. It's very hard not to fall but I manage to get one of my legs off of the bed and then lower the other one down as well. I push myself up, turning to double check that the boring adults are still asleep. Once I am sure that they haven't moved, I quietly walk to the door..

I slowly turn the knob, making the door open after a moment. The door makes a loud squeaking noise that makes me flinch, stopping any movement that I was doing as I hear Mama murmur something in her sleep. Once she stops talking, I continue to pull the door open. There's guards outside of it...of course there is.

"Where are you going, Miss Suzanna?" one of the guards asks. I shake my head slightly, not wanting to answer his question. It wasn't any of his business. I was a big girl and didn't need to tell anyone anything.

"I'm afraid we can't let you just leave. Her majesty was very clear on that," a guard steps in front of me, making me furrow my eyebrows. I hated when stupid bossy people got in front of me and didn't let me do what I wanted.

"Pandora," I say as I try to step around him, huffing when he continues to block my way. He was so mean, I hated him! Stupid guards ruining all of my fun! "Fuck off," I say, regretting them as I remember how much Mama hates those bad words.

The guard says nothing, stepping back after a moment. I walk past him, hurrying down the hall. As soon as I stop around the corner, I pause to take a breath. I felt so bad for swearing, Mama was going to be so mad if she found out. I fidget with my nightgown, walking quickly as I head to my room.

I pass numerous groups of guards, feeling like they're staring at me. A part of me wishes I had stayed with Mama and Mommy but it's too late to do that now. I find myself in front of my room so I push the door open, stepping inside as I shut the door behind me. I came back here for one reason and one reason only, to take off the diaper that Mama had put on me.

I hated wearing it, it made me feel like such a baby. I lift my nightgown up, tugging my diaper down until it comes off easily. I hum happily at the fact that it had worked and hurry over to my dresser. I take out a pair of big girl underwear, putting them on quickly. They weren't as comfy as my diapers were but I was a big girl so I had to wear the underwear.

I kick the diaper to the side, not caring that it ends up under my dresser. It's not like anyone ever comes in here except me. I fix my nightgown before I leave my room, deciding to go explore. I run into Kelpie and Phoenix who were running around.

"Panda?" I ask, wondering if they were running away from Auntie Panda. I would be running away from Auntie Panda if I could too. I pet my two doggies and make them follow me. There were so many places we still haven't explored. I decide to go explore the fun part, the dungeons.

It was pretty easy to find the dungeons, it was just a little bit harder to get past the guards. It would have probably been easier to try and escape the castle at this point since no one wanted me to have fun. I did eventually get past a guard that I convinced that Mama had asked me to grab something. He was stupid for thinking Mama would ever let me go downstairs into the dungeon alone.

I walk slowly, pressing my hand against the wall so that I don't accidentally fall. I would hate to fall down these twisty stairs, it would probably hurt a lot. It doesn't help that I'm barefoot, maybe I should have put on some of Mama's shoes.

I pause at the bottom of the stairs, looking around with my eyebrows furrowed. It was very dark down there, almost like they didn't want me to be able to see anything. I stomp my foot slightly as I grab one of the lanterns off the wall.

It's still very hard to see but it is slightly better. I narrow my eyes as I walk down past the cells, hearing people in them. Some of them try to talk to me, most of them just ignore me. I would probably ignore a barefoot girl holding a lantern as well.

I stop at the end of the hallway, my eyes widening as I see a bunch of swords behind a gate. I step forward, tugging on the gate. To my surprise, it swings open with ease. I grin as I step into the room, shutting the door behind me.

I walk over to the swords, tapping one of them with my nails. They're so shiny and so so sharp. They should really lock these up better. I start to take the swords off the racks, setting them on the ground. Most of them are much too heavy and so I set them to the side. I finally find some of the lighter ones towards the top, finding one that is really easy to swing around and smack the wall with.

"What on earth are you doing?" Orion's voice scares me, so much so that I try to hide the sword behind my back as I turn to look at him.

"Nothing," I squeak out, refusing to look at him. It's clear he doesn't believe me but when he tries to open the gate, it doesn't budge. I stick my tongue out at him as I grin to myself, happy that things were working out in my favor. Now I had all the swords to myself forever!

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