Chapter 82

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

It was fun to watch Issac make me breakfast. He always made me giggle when he pretended that he was going to spill something. Plus he snuck me a piece of chocolate. Well it actually wasn't snuck, Mama had seen him give it to me and said I could have it. I hesitated at first because I was scared of being poisoned but Issac was really nice so I eventually nibbled on it.

It was both bitter and sweet at the same time. I wasn't sure how to react to it so my mouth grimaced slightly as the chocolate melted on my tongue before the sweetness hit me. I stopped grimacing, looking down at the piece of chocolate in my hand. I glanced at Mama who seemed to anticipate what I was going to do.

"Suzanna, no," Mama said as she tried to grab my arm. I was quicker than her, turning away as I shoved the entire piece of chocolate into my mouth. I nearly choked on it but I managed to quickly chew on it before Mama could stop me.

"Is gone," I said as I turned to face her, noticing that she had her hands on her hips. I copied her, putting my hands on my hips as I looked at her with the same stern look she was giving me. I burst into giggles when she shook her head.

"You are trouble, little miss," Mama said as she wagged her finger in front of my face. I grabbed her hand, kissing her finger before pushing her hand away.

"Fixed your hand," I said as I smiled innocently. I may have also gotten some chocolate on the side of it but that was just a side effect of my kiss. If she didn't want my kiss she should just say so. It was an honor that she had gotten one when she was such a meanie to me all the time.

"Brat," Mama said as she pulled me close, kissing the top of my head. I huffed at her for daring to touch me and I tried to squirm away. I squealed when she covered my face in kisses and I managed to finally scoot my stool away from her.

"No, you have cooties," I declared as I pointed at her. I was off my stool before she could move towards me again and I hid behind Issac who was chopping up bell peppers now. He chuckled as I pressed against him, trying to shrink down so Mama wouldn't see me.

"Suzanna, you can't run around people when they're using knives," Mama said. She sounded like she was scolding me but she couldn't be doing that. I was an angel who never deserved to be in trouble for anything. She must be talking to herself and not me.

"Yeah, you can't do that Mama," I said as I peeked around Issac to look at her. She smiled softly when I called her mama but rolled her eyes at what I said for some reason. It was terrible that she wasn't taking safety that seriously.

"Come here little miss," Mama said as she held her hands out to me. I tilted my head, resting my head on my hand while contemplating the idea of going over to her.

"What I get if I come to you?" The question escaped me rather quickly. Issac probably had more chocolate and maybe he would give me some more but if Mama had something better than chocolate I could definitely be tempted to go to her.

"I'm not going to bribe you to come over to me," Mama stated as she put her hands on her hips. She wasn't wearing her veil. I noticed that she didn't wear it ever since I was poisoned, which was only yesterday, which wasn't that long ago but it still felt plenty long enough to me. Especially because my chest still hurt. It felt like my heart was being squeezed which wasn't any fun.

I realized I had gotten off track in my thoughts and flicked my wrist to bring my thoughts back on track. Some people said that didn't work but it helped me be able to focus. Anyways, Mama was giving me that look. A look that screamed I was going to be in big trouble if I didn't listen. I got those looks a lot when I was very young.

"Well then I don't want to come with you," I said as I sulked slightly. I didn't want to be in trouble but I didn't want to go to her either.

"Come on kiddo, I'll give you another piece of chocolate if you go to Seraphina," Issac whispered to me. I nodded my head after a moment as Mama gave Issac an exasperated look.

"Did you just bribe her to come over to me?" Mama questioned as she raised an eyebrow. I walked over to her, covering her raised eyebrow with my hand.

"You give yourself wrinkles and then you look very old," I informed her as seriously as I could. Mama didn't seem pleased with that news but that was common sense so she had to have already known that. She must want to look old or something. She would look good with gray hair I decided.

"Oh will I? Are you trying to say I already look old?" Mama questioned, her tone holding a teasing note to it.

"Yes," I informed her seriously. "It's cause of your forehead wrinkles," I said very seriously, making her frown slightly.

"I don't have forehead wrinkles," Mama whispered as she covered her forehead with her hand. "Issac, I don't have wrinkles do I?" she turned her attention to the chef who was trying to finish making my breakfast.

"No, of course not your majesty," Issac stated. "Not that I've been looking, I mean I know you wear your veil usually so I wouldn't disrespect you by looking at your face your majesty," he said as he turned and went to the storage cabinet for something. I could tell he was just trying to get away from her though.

"Is okay Mama, I love you even if you're old," I informed Mama as I patted her arm, noticing her eyes widening at my words. I didn't know why, I hadn't said anything special.

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