Chapter 24

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I got bored and wanted to write really sensitive Suzanna so have another chapter. So have a kind of angsty chapter.

*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I had gone to Queen Seraphina for safety but that seemed to have been a bad idea. She seemed displeased with me and I ended up standing there in front of her, twisting the fabric of my skirt nervously. My shoulders hunched automatically when she leaned in to speak with me, her voice a quiet whisper.

"This is the third time in two days you have run off," she whispered, her voice holding a sternness to it. "I can not keep an eye on you when you are who knows where," she stated.

"I didn't go very far," I muttered, a small frown on my lips. Didn't she understand that I wasn't feeling well? I didn't need to be scolded when I was still recovering from my injuries. My face was still really sore from being gashed open.

"It does not matter if you go far, you will stop running off. I can not run after you every single time you get the notion in your head to run off," Queen Seraphina scolded and her words upset me more than they should have. My lower lip trembled slightly as I nodded my head, tilting my head to stare at the floor.

"It won't happen again your majesty," I whispered, my voice shaking softly. I sniffled softly as I refused to look up, resting my hands in front of me.

"Good, I am glad to hear that," Queen Seraphina said as she stepped away, probably to speak to her mother. I knew I shouldn't take the scolding too harshly, I did deserve it after all, but it still hurt my feelings a lot for reasons that I didn't know.

I felt hot tears prick my eyes and I sniffled quietly, letting the tears fall as I kept my head bowed. The tears aggravated the gash on my face but I didn't bother to wipe them away, not wanting to let anyone know that I was crying.

'Stop crying, you're not a fucking baby Suzanna,' I thought to myself. I shifted slightly as the tears continued to fall, trickling down my face and splashing on the stone floor.

'Stop crying, stop crying, stop it or I'll give you something to cry about,' the words echoed in my head. It was something that I had told myself often when I was a child, especially when I felt that I didn't have a good enough reason to cry.

I subconsciously crossed my arms over my chest and pinched the back of my elbow, shaking my head slightly to try and clear my vision. I hesitantly approached Queen Seraphina was talking to her mother at the moment.

"May I go back to the infirmary?" I managed to ask, my voice only slightly choked. I was quite proud of myself for managing to ask my question without stuttering.

"Of course darling," Queen Seraphina said. Her hand suddenly touched my uninjured cheek and I pulled back, trying to avoid her seeing my tears.

"Thank you, your majesty," I said as I curtsied before I turned and left, finally lifting my head to see where I was going. I was still crying when I got about halfway back to the infirmary so I paused, slumping against the wall as I tried to clear my teary vision.

"Oh dear, my grandbaby is already crying," Draya's voice sounded from the direction I had just come from. My head snapped up and I looked at her in shock. "What happened?" she asked as she approached me but didn't try to touch me.

"She's mad at me," I whispered, my voice catching in my throat as I slid down to sit on the floor. I rested my arms on my knees as I sniffled softly.

"Oh my girl, she's not mad at you. She's upset that you keep running off," Draya said as she sat down across from me.

"She scolded me," I muttered as I rested my head on top of my arms as I looked at her.

"Mothers tend to do that, I've scolded her quite often. In fact, I was scolding her just before I followed you," Draya informed me.

"Why?" I questioned, feeling a little bit nosy.

"Because she didn't tell me about you, it's a terrible thing to keep my grandchild away from me for so long," Draya informed me. I frowned slightly as I shook my head.

"You do know I'm not really your grandchild right? Everyone seems to just accept what Queen Seraphina says but I'm not her kid," I said firmly.

"Of course darling, however Seraphina feels a bit responsible for you moving so far away from your parents. You're still young, most young people need some parental figure and she's decided that she'll be yours," Draya said softly.

"I don't get a say in it?" I questioned as I furrowed my eyebrows, wiping the last of my tears away with the back of my hand.

"No one gets a say in most of the things Seraphina does, she's quite headstrong that girl is," Draya chuckled as she scooted over, wrapping an arm around me. I leaned into her, seeking out the comfort that seemed to radiate her. "I used to scold her for being so headstrong, she was constantly picking fights just to show how stubborn she was," she mused.

"Really?" I asked softly as I tilted my head. "I can't see her doing that," I muttered.

"That's because she's grown up, for the most part. She'll still pick a fight with me in some of the letters she sends and it takes all my self control to not come here and scold her for being so damn argumentative," Draya chuckled softly.

"Does she get it from you?" I questioned curiously, only realizing how bad that question may sound after I said it.

"Oh no, that's all father that shines through when she gets argumentative. Only thing she got from me was her good looks and common sense," Draya sounded amused. We sat in silence for a few moments before she stood up, pulling me up with her. "Let's get you back to the infirmary sweet girl, you can tell me all about how horribly behaved my daughters have been while I haven't been here," she suggested, sounding quite serious.

I giggled at her words when she smiled at me, holding her hand out to me. I eyed her hand for a moment before hesitantly reaching over to hold it, her fingers interlacing with mine.

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