Chapter 125

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*Seraphina's P.O.V*

I get Suzanna ready for bed, noticing how she seems very jumpy and nervous when I touch her. I frown at that, not saying anything as I take my time to get her ready for bed. I didn't care if she was uncomfortable with me all of the sudden, I would respect it if she needed privacy but I didn't understand why she seemed uncomfortable now all of the sudden.

I tuck her into my bed, making sure she is nice and comfortable before I get myself ready for bed. Kamili gives me a knowing look, sitting beside Suzanna. I shake my head slightly, my head throbbing but I don't feel tired enough to sleep.

"Come to bed Sera," Kamili actually orders, making me arch an eyebrow as amusement tugs at my lips. I couldn't believe that she would have the audacity to order me around. I was kind of hot whenever she did that but I was the queen! She couldn't make me do anything.

"I am not tired," I argue, running my fingers through my hair. I hadn't really paid attention to it when I was brushing it this morning, I had some tangles that I knew would be annoying to get rid of. I sigh softly, shaking my head with a small frown as I look at myself in the mirror.

"So help me, if you do not get yourself in this bed I will tie you to this bed, and not in the way you want," Kamili says as she gets up. I look at her by glancing at her reflection in the mirror, frowning as I plan on ignoring her. Or I did up until that threat.

"Aren't I the one who usually-" I'm cut off when she moves towards me, making me stand up quickly to spin around and face her. Her eyebrow raises slightly, my legs subconsciously making the decision for me as I quickly find myself in bed with Suzanna cuddle up in my arms. Kamili snorts slightly as she moves to join us in bed.

"You know, I'm the queen and I'm the one who is supposed to scare people into listening," I mutter as I smooth Suzanna's hair out of her face. She sighs softly, her head moving to follow after my hand even in her sleep.

"You find me scary?" Kamili fake pouts, making me chuckle as I lean closer to her and press a quick kiss to her lips. She smiles slightly, returning the kiss.

"Now, go to bed," Kamili says when she pulls away, blowing out the candle that was sitting on her nightstand. I roll my eyes as I lay back, sighing when Suzanna moves one of her legs to have it over mine. I chuckle slightly, closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

I'm awoken in the middle of the night by Suzanna's head hitting my chest, her body shaking as she tries to find somewhere on me for her hands to grab onto. I grab one of her hands, bringing it to my face. Her fingers start to tap my face, running down my jaw as her eyes slowly flutter open. She whimpers, her other hand digging into my nightgown like she is holding on for dear life.

"What is wrong darling?" I ask as I slowly sit up, pulling her into my lap.

"The man..." Suzanna says, confusing me even more. My heart drops as she presses her legs together, pulling her nightgown fabric between her legs like she's trying to stop something from touching her.

"What man? Tell me sweet girl?" I coo, starting to rock her slowly to try and calm her racing heart.

"The man who...assaulted me," Suzanna says slowly, making my entire body tense. I felt like I couldn't breathe, like my heart stopped beating. I try to hide my anger, not wanting to upset Suzanna when she was already so fragile.

"The man that Orion was bringing back, the one that is missing his hand?" I ask carefully, needing to know before I act. Suzanna nods hesitantly, burrowing her face into my chest. I rub her back as she does so. Already my mind is racing with ideas.

"It's okay, he'll never hurt you again. You're my baby, it's my job to protect you. I will ensure that he never sets eyes on you again," I reassure Suzanna, making her nuzzle into me as she yawns. I can tell that her sleep hasn't been peaceful, based on the sleepiness in her eyes. I slowly get up, pulling Suzanna into my arms. She squirms as I rest her on my hip, looking at me with confusion.

I start to walk around the room, slowly rocking her as best as I can. I hum softly, starting to hum a lullaby which catches Suzanna's attention. Her eyes start to flutter shut as she nuzzles into me, sighing softly as her fingers tangle in my hair. She's got me wrapped around her little finger and she doesn't even realize it. I continue to pace my room for a while, to ensure that she's actually fully asleep.

"What are you going to do to that man?" Kamili's voice is quiet, drawing my attention to her. I hadn't realized that she was awake but the way her eyes were just barely cracked open told me that she hadn't wanted me to notice until she spoke.

"It's been a while since I've punished someone. I mean burning already dead bodies in the square is child's play, I think people need to see what happens when you mess with my family. I'm considering....public torture but that would take me away from my little girl for far too long," I muse as I smooth my fingers through Suzanna's hair, earning a small whine as she tucks her face into my neck.

"I'm sure you'll come up with something that is appropriate. Now..." Kamili pats the empty spot on the bed. I sigh as I return to bed, snuggling with Suzanna as I feel Kamili's arm wrap around the both of us. Somehow I've ended up in the middle, which I realize when I feel Kamili's hand slide down my leg.

"Keep your hands to yourself or you will sleep on the floor," I hiss, earning a laugh from Kamili as she presses a kiss to the back of my neck.

"Fine...have it your way. I can wait," Kamili whispers in my ear as she throws the covers off of herself, snuggling into me as I feel her arm wrap around my waist. Always too hot for covers but not too hot for her to want to keep her hands to herself it seems.

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