Chapter 98

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

"Are you done insulting me?" Theron asks as he looks at me. I shake my head, scooting off his bed and onto Mama's lap. I cuddle up to her as I rest my head on her shoulder, closing my eyes as she rocks me slightly.

"My little brat," Mama mutters as she kisses my cheek, making me giggle as I nuzzle into her. I press my face into her neck and enjoy the scent of her perfume as I enjoy the darkness of hiding in her veil as I keep my eyes closed.

"She's your brat," Mommy says from behind Mama. I reach my hand over Mama's shoulder and grab Mommy's arm, trying to find her hand to hold it. She pulls her arm away after a moment which makes me whine until she grabs my hand a second later. Her hand is warm and I enjoy it a lot, it brings me comfort.

"Oh she has got both of you wrapped around her little finger," Theron says and I huff as I try to turn to look at him. It's kind of hard to do when I'm sitting on Mama's lap and holding Mommy's hand when she is behind Mama so I settle for just peeking my head out of Mama's neck to stick my tongue out at him.

"You know if you keep doing that then your tongue will fall off," Theron states. I frown as I glance up at Mama who rolls her eyes.

"Don't listen to him baby, he's being stupid," Mama informs me as she rubs my back. I squirm, letting go of Kamili's hand, as I try to get Mama's nails to dig into my back. She obliges and I melt into her touch, enjoying the feeling of her nails digging into my back. Once I'm satisfied, which isn't until my back is sore, I cuddle back up to her.

My thumb slips into my mouth and I feel Mama start to pat my bottom. The diaper feels weird since I am not used to wearing them and I would prefer to never wear them but I also didn't like having accidents either.

I feel Mama run her fingers through my hair as she hums while rocking me slightly. My pointer finger moves to stroke my eyebrow as I soothe myself. It's a repetitive motion, easy to calm myself into a sleepy haze.

I whine when I feel Mama grab my hand, tugging my thumb out of my mouth. I fight against her, try to jerk away from her. I don't understand why she wants to take my thumb away from me, it is mine and she can't take it from me!

"Suzanna," Mama whispers to me as she pulls me closer so that my face is right next to her. "You can't have your thumb in your mouth when you nurse," she says. I freeze at that, looking at her with wide eyes. I was getting milky again! Why hadn't she said anything sooner? I pull my thumb out of my mouth quickly, looking at her with wide eyes.

"See? Everyone likes your boobs," Mommy says, maybe a bit too loudly based on the look that Mama gives her. Mommy looks away, a small smirk on her face as I hear Theron chuckle. I glance at Mama who has turned her head slightly towards him and he raises his hands in surrender when I glance at him.

Mama gets up, moving to a private area as she rests me on her hip. She pulls a curtain closed to give us a little area of privacy. Mama sits down on the empty bed and tugs her top down. I latch on immediately, the sweet milk filling my mouth. I cuddle into her, sighing contently as I continue to nurse. Her fingers comb through my hair as I settle down after a moment.

"You're so thirsty little one," Mama says as I look up at her. I look at her, whining as my hand reaches up to grab the edge of her veil. I tug on it lightly with a frown on my lips as I tug on it again.

"Don't like Mama's veil do you little angel?" Mama asks as I whine, feeling very small and not very sure on how to express myself. She reaches up, coming her fingers over the top of the veil before she takes it off. I smile slightly, feeling a little bit of milk dribble down my face when I do so.

I touch her chin and push it down slightly so I can stare into her green eyes. Mama has such pretty eyes, I like mine more though. Hers are green like the forest, like the grass, like the leaves of plants. Mine are brown, like the earth that the plants grew from, like the cover of a book, or like the bark of the tree.

Maybe that was why Mama likes me so much. We complete each other and I like that a lot! I try to tell Mama that but I feel too little, too small to actually speak so all that comes out are babbles. Mama hums as I babble around her nipple, just patting my bottom as she rocks me back and forth.

"Such a little baby, my tiny baby," Mama whispers to me as she presses a kiss to my forehead. I nuzzle into her with a small sigh of content escaping me as I settle down in her arms. I can feel my eyes threatening to close on me but I manage to stay awake until Mama switches me to her other boob.

My belly feels full and my heart feels content as I start to drift off to sleep. I can hear her still humming as she slowly stops rocking. She pulls away from me after a moment and I can feel her top slide back into place. No more milky right now. That was sad but I would get more later. My thumb slips into my mouth in replacement and it's almost as good so I drift fully off to sleep.

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