Chapter 83

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

It was about mid-afternoon before I stopped feeling tiny. Once I quit feeling tiny, I wanted to beat myself up for several reasons. First of all, I had called Seraphina Mama again. I had also said I loved her. I stormed out of my room, hearing one of the guards sigh as he followed me.

It was easy to find Pandora, she was helping Seraphina host court. I just slipped in through the back door and walked behind her. I stood behind her, waiting for her to realize I was there. I stood there for about a minute before getting bored and I kicked her in the back of the leg.

Pandora turned around, groaning when she saw me. "I had hoped you had maybe fallen out of a window or something," she muttered under her breath. Seraphina glanced at Pandora and I assumed she was annoyed with her words. I couldn't see her face but the way she swatted at Pandora's arms made me giggle.

"I hope you fall down a well, Pandora," I stated as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Anyways, I need to borrow you," I informed her as I grabbed her arm and pulled her away from Seraphina.

"I'm not going with you. Unlike you, I don't get to run off and do whatever I wish," Pandora stated. I huffed at her words, rolling my eyes.

"I'm sorry you're cranky because you don't have sex or whatever makes old people upset," I said as I put my hands on my hips. Her eyes widened but before she could speak, I continued to talk. "But I want you to arrange for me to have an exorcism, I don't like feeling small," I whined.

"You think an exorcism is going to help with that? Do you think a demon is the one making you feel small?" Pandora asked as she raised an eyebrow. She chose not to address my comment about her not having sex so I assumed that I was right and that was why she was always grumpy.

"Yes," I said as if it was the simplest thing in the world. Pandora rubbed her forehead, kind of like Seraphina did when she was exasperated.

"Okay, I'm going to need you to go to the library and look in the R section. There should be a book called Age Regression," Pandora informed me. I nodded my head seriously.

"Why is it in the R section? Age starts with an A," I pointed out oh so smartly.

"Because Regression starts with an R and we organize books by the last word on the title," Pandora stated as she rolled her eyes. Oh, that made a lot of sense. "Now go," she said as she turned me around and pushed me towards the door.

"Fine, I'll be back though Panda. You can't escape me forever," I informed Pandora seriously as I glanced back at her. She rolled her eyes as she turned away and went back to Seraphina. I heard Pandora mutter something about needing a drink to which Seraphina smacked her arm lightly.

"You are a terrible influence on Suzanna," I heard Seraphina say before I left. I rolled my eyes at her words because that simply was not true at all. I hurried past the guards that were standing at the door, heading to the library as my guard followed me. I reached the library quickly, moving to the rows of books. I looked around for a little bit before I found the labels on the ends of the shelves.

I walked between rows quickly, hearing my guard behind me. I spun around to look at him and put my hands on my hips as I pouted. "I can't run away here, you can just guard the door," I ordered him. Apparently I wasn't good at ordering anyone around because he ignored my orders and kept following me when I turned around.

I huffed as I let myself get lost in the rows and rows of books. I found the one I wanted rather quickly while the guard stood at the end of the row. He at least was giving me some privacy so I was thankful for that. I sat down on the floor, curling up with the book. It was rather dark in the library because candles and books didn't mix.

I ended up squinting to read and my head was pounding by the time I finished the first couple of pages. At first I didn't know what I was reading but it slowly started to make sense. I was good at connecting things and the stuff in the book sounded a lot like what I did. That made me pout because I didn't like the fact that Panda had known more than me.

"Stupid Panda and 'Phina," I muttered under my breath. I would have sicked Kelpie and Phoenix on them if Kamili hadn't stolen my dogs. Something about training them to sit. They didn't need to learn how to sit, they shouldn't be oppressed by the government. I would teach them to revolt, to bite Kamili when she walked by.

I stood up as I held the book close to my chest. I was going to read more about it but my head hurt now and I wanted to find better light. I walked out of the library, the guard following me. I continued to walk back to the Court, going in through the back door.

"You're back already?" Panda asked. I rolled my eyes at her words as I plopped myself onto Seraphina's lap. I nuzzled into her, closing my eyes as I kept the book held close to my chest. My head hurt, I wanted to nap, and Seraphina was busy. It was the perfect opportunity to disturb her when she was busy and for me to get my nap.

"You wanna cuddle baby?" Seraphina asked as she pressed a kiss on the top of my head through her veil. I swatted her arm in warning for her affection.

"Keep your cooties to yourself," I informed her sternly as I settled down.

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