Chapter 74

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

My body ached like it never had before. No matter how deep a breath I took, it seemed like the air was forced out of my lungs in seconds. It didn't help that I was shaking. I didn't feel cold at all, in fact I felt like I was burning up. The shaking wouldn't stop though.

I felt cool cloths being placed on my head every once in a while but none of them seemed to help. I could tell that the cloths were cold but only just for a moment. I could hear Draya muttering every once in a while although what she said was not something I could comprehend. It almost sounded like another language.

I heard Seraphina for a bit, her words not making any sense to me. I had fallen back to sleep after she left, having only been half-awake when she had come in. When I woke up again, I couldn't remember anything that she had said.

Phoenix was laying up next to me, licking my hand occasionally. My fingers stroked her fur gently and I managed to open my eyes. The world was bright and I whined, trying to turn away from it. I felt a hand rest on my side, stopping me from rolling over fully. Didn't they understand that it was so bright and I so didn't feel well?

"I know sweetheart, I know," Draya's voice was soothing. She pressed a cold cloth on my head and I shivered at the feeling, trying to push it away. It was so cold! She kept it there though and eventually I got used to the feeling. It was nice and soothing, offering some relief from the heat that seemed to consume my body.

"Where's Seraphina?" I asked, my voice cracking slightly. My mouth felt dry and I licked my lips, finding that it didn't bring any moisture to them. Phoenix had moved to lay by my feet. I was thankful for that because Draya had to help sit me up and I had to put my hand right where she had been laying. Draya held a glass up to my lips and I drank from it, the cool water flowing right down my throat.

"She's occupied at the moment," Draya answered evenly. "She'll be back to see you though," she reassured me. I wasn't sure if I wanted that reassurance. I was supposed to despise Seraphina, she was keeping me here prisoner. Yet she was someone who could bring me comfort because she was familiar with me in ways that others weren't.

"When?" I asked simply, finding it a little easier to speak now that I had drank some water. My body was still racked with pain, a sudden burst of lightning seeming to seize my chest. I gasped in pain, my body falling back down as my head hit the pillow.

"Deep breaths darling, deep breaths," Draya whispered as her hand rubbed up and down my side. It was more comforting than actually helpful. A small whimper escaped me as another pang shot through my chest, this one a little less painful.

"It hurts," I choked out, my body curling in itself. It was a reaction to the pain, trying to make myself smaller so that it would maybe hurt a little less. It was hard to breathe, every breath that escaped me seeming to make me feel like I was never going to breathe again.

"I know darling, you'll get through it though," Draya whispered as she kept rubbing my side. It was in small circles, a simple yet soothing motion. I normally would have pushed her away but I didn't want to be alone right now.

"Where's Seraphina?" I asked again. I didn't like Seraphina, she had held me prisoner. Yet I was more familiar with her than Draya. I noticed movement in the corner of the room and saw Pandora leave, glancing back at me for a moment.

"She'll be here soon darling," Draya tried to soothe me with her words but that wasn't what I wanted. I didn't want soon, I wanted now. I hadn't even realized that I had started crying until Draya wiped my tears away with her thumb. I shoved her hand away, turning and curling into myself.

I was wracked with pain as I cried, my whole body trembling. Why was I so unlucky? What had I done to deserve this pain? Draya sat beside me, trying to offer support by just being here. By now I had made it clear I didn't want to be touched and she respected that.

My breathing was short and uneven. I couldn't manage to take very big breaths of air and it seemed to tire me out trying to attempt to breathe deeper. I whimpered when a hand touched my arm and I wanted to bat it away.

"You'll be okay," Seraphina's voice brought more comfort than I had ever felt. I turned to look at her, my eyes widening when I saw the puppy in her arms. Phoenix had crawled up onto me, looking at the new puppy in addition.

"Puppy," I whispered, reaching to take it from her. She let me take the puppy and I cooed over it, Phoenix sniffing at it like it was something strange and exciting.

"It's a girl," Seraphina informed me after a moment. I cooed over her, gently petting my newest pet with a small smile.

"Such a good puppy," I said after a moment. I was trying to think of names for her but I couldn't think of anything at the moment. I was so tired suddenly and Seraphina was there to watch over me. My eyes fluttered closed and I was distinctly aware of one thing. I was glad I only had two puppies. It would have been a lot harder to pet three puppies all at the same time.

The new puppy and Phoenix laid on either side of me, the new puppy chewing on the blanket. I gently pet them both, feeling the world fade out around me. It felt a little easier to breathe then, as I drifted off to sleep.

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