Chapter 89

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

Once I had finished snacking on Murukku, I sat in the kitchen to wait on my cake. Aunty Panda had gotten something for her to snack on before going to leave. She paused to ruffle up my hair which made me pout. That was not nice of Aunty Panda to do. I plotted revenge after she left but I quickly forgot about my revenge when Issac put a slice of chocolate cake in front of me.

"Thank you," I said as I pulled the plate over to me. The man clearly knew how to make a good cake cause this cake was covered with chocolate icing and I could just tell it was going to be delicious. I picked up my plate when I noticed Kelpie and Phoenix gathering around my feet to beg. "You can't have," I huffed.

I left the kitchen, hearing them follow behind me. I had sort of hoped they would stay in the kitchen and be underfoot for the people working but they just had to follow me. I followed the now familiar path to Mama's garden, opening the door. The puppies ran outside as soon as the door was open, nearly knocking me over in the process.

I huffed as I made my way outside, walking over to the table. There were stepping stones that led to the table. They were small stepping stones, small dots of paint decorating them. I paused as I knelt down to look at one, seeing that there were just the smallest outlines of old paintings on them.

I decided I would investigate them more later on. I moved over to the table and sat down. I took a bite of the cake, the sweetness of it making me pause. I had not expected it to be that sweet. I liked it though so I wasn't going to complain.

I just sat in silence as I ate, watching Phoenix and Kelpie roll around with each other. I giggled as they ended up in a pile. They were panting in the sunlight and I rolled my eyes slightly. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I paused in the middle of chewing up the bite in my mouth. I turned after a minute to Mama standing there.

"It's nice to see you up," Mama said. I pouted at her words, turning my head away from her as I kept eating my cake. I was very confused at the moment because the big part of me wanted to be mad at her for letting me nurse but small me really wanted to nurse again. Plus I currently felt kind of small at the moment so that side was definitely winning.

"Issac made me cake," I informed her as I took the last bite of my cake.

"Oh did he?" Mama asked as she ran her hand through my hair. I leaned my head back to look up at her. Her other hand moved to touch my cheek and her thumb wiped off some icing that was on my face.

"Mhmm. You can't have any though," I informed her sternly. Her veil had been pulled back to show her face so I was staring right up into her green eyes.

"Why is that?" Mama asked, sounding more amused at what I said than anything else. She had a tiny bit of glitter on her cheek so I reached up and tried to wipe it off her face. All that did was smear a tiny bit of her makeup and I didn't even get the glitter. That wasn't very fun or fair of the glitter.

"Cause I said so and Issac won't give you any," I told her sternly.

"Did Issac say that or is that just you trying to lie?" Mama asked teasingly. Her words made me roll my eyes because I didn't appreciate being teased. Especially not by a meanie head like her. I sulked at her words as I swiped my fork across the plate to try and get some more icing.

"Issac said it, you can go ask him that," I lied right to her face as I licked the icing off the fork.

"So if I go ask him that he'll say that I can't have any cake? Even though I am the Queen and own this castle?" Mama's questions made me curse.

"Shit," I muttered as I realized that my lie wouldn't hold up in the kitchen, much less if it went to court. Mama flicked my ear as she gave me a warning look. I whined as I covered my ears so that she couldn't flick my ear again.

"Watch your language young lady," Mama's voice sounded rather stern. I sulked as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I learned it from Aunty Panda, go get onto her and not me," I said as I stood up. I kept my hands over my ears though, just in case she flicked my ear again. I wouldn't allow her to do that, it would hurt much worse if she did it again.

"I didn't come out here to get onto you," Mama said which made me scoff. I didn't believe her, she clearly just came out here to get onto me.

"Then why did you come out here?" I asked with a small pout on my lips.

"Would you like to go into the town with me?" Mama's question made me pause. She had never asked me to do that before.

"Where would we go in town?" I asked quietly after a moment. I had to know the answer to that before I would agree to go with her. She may have let me nurse from her but she still couldn't be trusted.

"It's a surprise," Mama stated.

"Then I not go," I informed her. "Don't like surprises," I stated as if that was the end of the conversation.

"We're going to a garden," Mama said after a moment.

"I'm already in a garden," I said as I rolled my eyes.

"It's a special garden," Mama informed me.

"How special?" I questioned her as I turned in my seat fully to just look at her.

"Very special. Pandora will watch your dogs," Mama said, stopping me from asking my next question. I nodded my head as I looked at her, deciding I wanted to see what made the garden special.

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