Chapter 58

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

Draya had been right, hangovers sucked terribly. I had suffered from drinking for a full day after the fact. My head hurt a lot that day and it was truly the worst thing ever.

To add onto the pain, Seraphina had lied to me. She didn't have an important job for me to do at all. That was just a trick to get me to go along with Draya. Her important job was having me be her scribe while she wrote in her office. How lame was that?

Pandora hadn't been nice either. She had purposefully been loud whenever I was near her. Plus I still had to get up early to feed the dogs. So it would have been right to say that day that I had been a royal bitch but I wasn't sorry about it. All in all, the day sucked for everyone.

The rest of the week was not so bad. I had spent most of the time in Seraphina's private garden. Montague was good company, the falcon and I bonded over our mutual dislike of her. We had similar reactions to her if you really thought about it.

Montague sank his talons into her hand, I had resorted to biting her. He smacked her in the face, I only wished I could be so lucky. That was mean of me to think but she still wasn't forgiven for locking me in my room.

It was quite easy to bribe Montague to do the same thing to Pandora. I just had to give him some rabbit meat, I ignored the thought of where that came from or else I might have been sick. It got him to scratch Pandora in the face though so I felt like it was a win. Now we just bonded by me feeding him meat and talking to him.

"You are really bad at playing tic tac toe," I informed the falcon. He glared at me with his beady eyes. It was not my fault that he kept playing scissors, he was just predictable. He pecked my hand, drawing blood. I cursed him with a frown on my lips, shoving a piece of meat towards him so he would stop glaring at me.

I inspected my hand, realizing how he had ripped the skin on the back of my hand. I frowned as I wrapped up my hand with the loose fabric of my dress. My hand hurt now, quite badly. It was only funny when it happened to Seraphina and not me.

"He get you good?" a woman's voice asked. I turned around to see a woman that I wasn't familiar with in the slightest. She had dark brown skin and hazel eyes. Her hair was brunette and it was done in Bohemian knotless braids.

"Yeah," I whispered as I looked down at my bleeding hand. The fabric of my dress was now stained with blood. That made me sad, I kind of liked this dress. It was a pretty dark blue color and it was made of a thin fabric. It kept me cool during the hot days but it kept me warm on the cooler days.

"Let me see," the woman said as she sat down in the chair next to me. I hesitantly held out my hand and she inspected it. "Poor darling," she said as she frowned while inspecting the wound closely.

"He is a sore loser," I muttered as I looked over at Montague. He had moved over to the bowl of raw meat and was now gorging himself on his spoils.

"Most birds of prey are," the woman said. She gently grabbed my hand, wrapping a cloth around it and tying it into place. She clearly carried the cloth with her for injuries since she seemed to have a bunch of cloth on her lap that she tucked back into her pocket.

"Thank you," I muttered after a moment. I looked at Montague who had shuffled across the table to stand next to the woman and a couple of facts hit me.

1. This was Seraphina's private garden so most people weren't allowed in it. 2. Montague seemed really content to stand next to the woman who was now petting the top of his head.

"You're Kamili aren't you?" I asked after a moment.

"Yes, I am. You must be the famous Suzanna," Kamili responded. I groaned as I dropped my head into my hands.

"You know about me?" I questioned.

"Seraphina simply loves to talk about you," Kamili said simply.

"I don't want to know what she has to say," I muttered.

"Why? She absolutely adores you," Kamili commented.

"And I still don't want to know what she has to say," I stated. I could feel my cheeks flushing with embarrassment as I averted eye contact.

"She was right, you are adorable," Kamili said. I let my head hit the table as I thought about the fact I was going to drown myself if anyone else said something like that. I didn't lift my head even when I heard footsteps on the cobblestone path. I knew who it was by the sound of the heels.

"I see you've met Kamili," Seraphina stated. I simply lifted my hand and gave her a thumbs up. I heard her chuckle as she came closer. I kept my head pressed against the table as I heard the two whisper back and forth. I lifted my head and noticed that Kamili was just an inch or two shorter than Seraphina.

My nose wrinkled up slightly when Seraphina kissed Kamili on the lips. Romance always disgusted me and it seemed Montague agreed as he tried to bite Seraphina's arm. I giggled, earning both of their attention. I flushed under the attention.

"Nothing to say?" Seraphina asked. I thought about her question, my eyes lingering on Kamili.

"Yes actually. Is she still going to write you dirty letters now that she's here?" I asked, a small smirk on my lips. I saw Kamili purse her lips, turning her head away with embarrassment.

"Suzanna," Seraphina scolded.

"Seraphina," I retorted as I got up, skipping out of the garden as I heard her sputter in response to my retort.

We finally got to meet Kamili! I think she'll end up being one of the favorite characters in this story.

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