Chapter 27

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

The next day I was woken up by Pandora knocking on my door. I reluctantly opened the door, a small frown on my lips.

"Go away," I said as soon as I saw her, turning to shut the door in her face. Before I could shut it, she stuck her foot to block me from shutting my door completely.

"You are a brat," Pandora said as she pushed my door back open. I turned to look at her, crossing my arms over my chest. "You also need to get dressed, you're late," she said. I looked down at my nightgown before looking at her with a small frown.

"I am not, the sun was barely up 30 minutes ago," I retorted as I fought hard to keep myself from getting angry at her.

"The sun was up about three hours ago, are you okay?" Pandora asked, raising a concerned eyebrow.

"I must have zoned out for some reason," I muttered as I curled my hair around my finger. "I'll get ready in a moment, go away,"  I said as I turned my back to her.

"Fine, I'll just go work with Seraphina until you decide to grace herself with your presence," Pandora called as she turned around and left my room. I paused for a moment before I processed what she said and I then rushed to get ready.

Pandora had unknowingly managed to rile me up. Queen Seraphina didn't want to spend time with her, she wanted to see me. That's why she made sure to see me everyday. That's why she made sure I was always close by whenever I was working.

I was a bit surprised with my own jealousy because I knew that I was jealous, I had always been quite jealous especially when it came to people I was close with. I liked being the only person that was important in their life otherwise I assumed that they would just leave me alone one day.

I threw my hair up in a quick ponytail after getting dressed. I wore a simple white dress that flowed loosely around my legs but was tight around my torso. I rushed to Queen Seraphina's study, pausing when I reached the doorway.

I paused in realization at the fact that Pandora wasn't there. I realized that she had tricked me into hurrying to Queen Seraphina's office and I pouted at that. The one thing that seemed different about Queen Seraphina's office is that the curtains were shut.

"Queen Seraphina?" I asked hesitantly as I entered the room. I found her sitting in her chair, writing in the dark. "What are you doing?" I questioned.

"I'm filling out paperwork," Queen Seraphina answered as she paused in her writing to dip her quill in ink.

"In the dark?" I questioned curiously as I moved to stand next to her chair.

"Mhmm, my head hurts," Queen Seraphina said. I frowned at that, watching as she continued to write until she reached the end of the page. She hesitated for a moment before she looked up at me. "Can you go.." she trailed off after a moment.

"Can I go what?" I questioned softly, feeling eager to get to work to help her. "I'm more than happy to help you with your paperwork, your majesty," I offered.

"Actually you know what would really be helpful?" the queen asked. "I'm having a hard time focusing on paperwork and I would be very grateful if you could help me take my mind off of it," she said.

"Okay, how can I help?" I asked eagerly. Maybe I was slightly eager, just to prove to Pandora that Queen Seraphina preferred me.

"Can I braid your hair?" Queen Seraphina asked, making me pause. "You usually have your hair in a braid and it's been so long since I've gotten to braid anyone's hair. Pandora usually refuses unless I'm sick," she stated. I paused after a moment, contemplating her question.

I had never really had anyone braid my hair. I had taught myself how to and my hair was my pride and joy. I had slowly learned how to do more elaborate updos while I had been staying here.

"Okay, just be gentle," I said after a moment. Queen Seraphina got up and grabbed my hand, startling me slightly as she pulled me out of her study. She led me to her room, having me sit down in front of her vanity.

I watched as she carefully parted my hair down the middle. She started to braid one side, slowly adding pieces of hair into it until it was Dutch braided all the way. She repeated that action on the other side, her hands gently combing through my hair.

She carefully crossed them over, pinning them together for a second before she started to carefully braid those braids into each other. Her fingers were light and fast so I found myself slowly getting more and more relaxed.

"Your hair is quite beautiful," Queen Seraphina said after a moment, humming softly under her breath.

"I like yours and how you do it everyday," I murmured softly as my leg bounced slightly.

"Thank you, my mother used to do it and taught me how to do it for my own daughter one day," Queen Seraphina said softly. "I will do yours like it tomorrow if you want?" she offered.

"Why tomorrow?" I asked as my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"I have a friend and her child coming over tomorrow that I would like for you to meet," Queen Seraphina asked. My nose wrinkled slightly at that, I didn't really like children or other people all that much.

"Do I have too?" I asked with a small whine in my voice.

"Do you want me to do your hair like mine?" Queen Seraphina asked.

"Yes," I muttered after a moment.

"Then you will meet her," Queen Seraphina said. I slumped slightly in my seat, a small pout on my lips.

"Fine, I'm doing it under duress though," I said after a moment.

"Sure you are," Queen Seraphina chuckled as she leaned down, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

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