Chapter 100

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

"You two are really heavy," I inform Phoenix and Kelpie. Kelpie is sitting on top of Phoenix as I carry them down the dark hallway. I was out of breath from running down a bunch of dark and twisty hallways.

The good news was that I could not hear Auntie Panda chasing after me. The very bad news was that I was completely lost. Plus my arms were sore from holding two puppies. I think this is going to be my new workout routine so that it is easier for us to escape next time. If there was a next time since I was lost and felt like I was going to die in these dark hallways.

"I hate you stupid darkness," I mutter to myself. I feel Kelpie lean against me, her cold nose touching my chin which makes me giggle. She was just happy to go along with whatever it seems as I feel her tail wag. I hear Phoenix whine and even though my arms hurt from carrying these two, twenty-pound, puppies; I switch to carrying one in each arm.

I feel Phoenix bite at my hand, clearly thinking that we are playing some new type of game. Her bites kind of hurt sometimes so I tell her no but that just makes her bite harder. I stop walking, kicking the wall in frustration. I didn't want to be in the stupid dark anymore and I didn't want to be bitten either.

A little bit of light shines from where I kicked the wall and I crouch down, realizing that I'm at the edge of the castle in the courtyard. I stand up, moving further down the hall and nudge some more stones with my feet. None of the others move so I go back to the same spot, pushing the stones with my feet until they all sort of fall out of the way.

There is now a small hole in the wall so I set Kelpie down, pushing her out through it before doing the same with Phoenix. Phoenix still thinks it is a game so she happily goes, bouncing over Kelpie who is just standing there seeming very confused.

I get down on my hands and knees, crawling through the hole as I push Kelpie out of the way. I am very gentle when I do it and I do feel bad but I was not staying in the dark any longer than I had to.

"I sorry Kelpie," I whisper to her as I pet her head, enjoying the sunshine. I stand up after a moment, trying to stack the stones so they look like they are in place before I look around. I notice Orion is at the training ground. I only know it is him because he has his armor on it and looks much cooler than the other guards.

"We go see Unca 'rion, he save us," I inform the puppies as I start to make my way over to him. Phoenix is chewing on some grass and Kelpie is just looking around, growling at anything that comes near her. Even a leaf.

I decide to abandon the naughty fluffy puppies and I walk over to Uncle Orion. I take my time and try to seem casual, tapping him on the shoulder. He turns to look at me and I see him raise an eyebrow, studying me.

"Where are your guards?" is the first thing he asks which makes me pout. He didn't even say hello.

"Mama say I not need them," I lie, finding it rather easy to lie to him as long as I don't look him in the eyes.

"I highly doubt that Seraphina, a woman who I know is the most protective mother ever, would let you run around without guards. Besides, you are covered in dust," Uncle Orion says. I look down and I realize that my dress is kind of dusty. I grab the edge of it, shaking it slightly to make the dust fall off.

"I got caught in a dust storm," I say as I smile innocently.

"Oh a dust storm hit and it just hit you?" Uncle Orion asks and I nod my head, glad that he understands.

"It was crazy," I say. I notice that his face seems to wrinkle slightly as he frowns so maybe I need to be more convincing. He doesn't say anything else, just goes back to watching the guards so I sit on the grass by him, picking at the flowers that are on the ground.

I hear him speaking with someone for a moment before I see shoes walk past me. I glance up for a moment but once I see that it is not Uncle Orion leaving, I decide I don't care that much. I struggle to get comfortable sitting on the ground but don't know why.

I freeze when I feel a hand on my shoulder and slowly tilt my head back, smiling when I see that it is just Mommy. Mommy wasn't mad at me right now so it was safe to not run from her.

"Come here baby," Mommy says as she crouches down, holding her arms out to me. I scoot back into her hold, giggling when she kisses the top of my head. I huff when I feel her hand slip under my dress and check my diaper. "You need a change," she says.

"Nu uh," I shake my head with a frown on my lips.

"Yes huh, your diaper is wet," Mommy says, which makes me pout. I hadn't even realized that my diaper was wet. Was that why it was so hard to sit comfortably? I didn't know for sure but I didn't think Mommy would lie to me.

"Who watch Phoenix and Kelpie?" I ask as I look to where my dogs were. Well they had been there but now they were gone. I stood up, going to look for them. I hear Mommy follow behind me.

I find their pawprints in the dirt and follow it around the corner, looking for them. I do find them...right with Auntie Panda and Mama. I turn around, running into Mommy.

"We go that way," I say, pouting when she grabs my arm to hold me in place.

"Have you done something naughty? Is that why you don't want to see Seraphina?" Mommy asks and my eyes widen since I don't know how she knows that I did something naughty.

"Suzanna," I hear Mama say and I cringe, pouting as I cross my arms over my chest. This was the worst day ever. Stupid traitorous doggy accomplices!

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