Chapter 55

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*Seraphina's P.O.V*

I frowned when Pandora returned holding a suspicious looking drink. She handed a glass of wine to me, something that was also very suspicious of her.

Pandora normally refused to bring me any type of alcohol unless it was late in the day. So it was quite odd of her to willingly bring me wine before lunch time.

"Pandora, what are you up to?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows. Even though Pandora couldn't see my face, it was quite obvious that I was curious of her intentions.

"I would tell you but then I would have to kill you," Pandora said simply as she walked over to Suzanna, handing the suspiciously colored drink to her.

"What happened to you getting me water?" Suzanna asked curiously.

"I decided to be nice, it's a concoction that I made. It'll give you energy," Pandora said.

"It's not one of your famous concoctions is it?" I asked, making Pandora turn her head lightly to look at me.

"Hurry up and drink that," Pandora said as she smirked slightly. I sighed softly as Suzanna took a big sip, not surprised when she nearly spit it out.

Pandora had the terrible habit of making drinks that were a crime against humanity. Drinks that you could never be certain weren't going to poison you. They always tasted terrible too.

"You did not give her an energy drink," I said, ignoring the smug smile on Pandora's lips.

"I've improved it, she won't get drunk off of it like you did last time. I lowered the alcohol content," Pandora shrugged. I massaged my forehead in exasperation, trying not to think about strangling Pandora for her actions.

"You couldn't have given her the non alcoholic version?" I asked simply. These two should not be left alone together, I would have to make sure the guards kept a closer eye on the two of them.

"I could have but she's of age and I didn't want to alter my recipe," Pandora stated as she made her way over to my throne. Her red dress swirled around her legs as she walked. A part of me wished the fabric would get caught underneath her shoe and trip her.

"How well can you handle alcohol?" I asked instead as I turned my attention to Suzanna. It seemed my question didn't make a difference seeing as she had already drank every last drop of the 'energy' drink.

"Good question, I don't know," Suzanna said. I couldn't help the groan that escaped me, of course that would be her answer. The universe was making it very hard to uphold my resolution of not yelling at people this year.

"What do you mean you don't know?" I asked simply.

"I don't normally drink," Suzanna shrugged. "Besides, I don't even know what type of alcohol was in that drink. Different alcohols affect me differently," she stated.

"Pandora?" I asked as I turned my head to look at my sister.

"It may have had some whiskey," Pandora said. Her face showed no indication of being apologetic but I would make her pay for this mistake. "And tequila," she added.

"I'm going to murder you," I said as calmly as I could.

"It was a minuscule amount of alcohol," Pandora objected. I snorted at hearing that, rolling my eyes.

"The last time you said there was a minuscule amount of alcohol in a drink, you ended up plastered and in another country," I responded simply. "So excuse me if I don't jump to believing you," I said as I gestured for her to step forward.

"If I approach you and you slap me, I will tell mother," Pandora stated.

"I won't slap you," I promised as I crossed my fingers.

"Your fingers are crossed," Pandora accused.

"Just get over here," I muttered. Pandora reluctantly approached me, staying just out of slapping reach. So I stood up before she could react, smacking the back of her head.

"I'm telling mother," Pandora huffed as she rubbed the back of her head.

"Tell mother that you also gave Suzanna alcohol and see how well she reacts to that," I said simply. Our mother had always been iffy around alcohol for some reason. Maybe because our father had supposedly died from liver failure caused by alcohol.

"You wouldn't dare," Pandora said as she looked at me with narrowed eyes.

"Suzanna is your problem if she gets drunk from that drink," I said simply. It was the only out I was going to give her to not tell our mother.

"Fine, I see how it is. She's my problem when she's drunk but when she's sober then she gets to be your perfect angel," Pandora muttered.

"You're the one who potentially got her drunk. Stop expecting me to clean up your messes, I already had to have a Duke assassinated for you," I said simply.

"Assassination?" Suzanna asked as she popped out from behind my throne. I would not deny the fact that I did flinch in surprise but it was justifiable. "Who was assassinated?" she asked curiously.

"Mind your business," Pandora said simply as she pushed Suzanna away by the head. Suzanna did the mature thing as she always did and bit her hand.

"Suzanna," I scolded.

"Your sister's hand was in my face, I can't be held responsible for my actions," Suzanna shrugged. It was very hard to be mad at her even when she did stuff that was blatantly wrong. Perhaps that was why I was never the disciplinarian parent.

"You can not bite people," I said simply as I grabbed her hand gently so she couldn't walk away. She had this look in her eyes like she wanted to run off and I was proven right when she tried to twist away from me.

"I do bite people actually, I just did it," Suzanna said with a small smile.

"I know for a fact that alcohol doesn't kick in that fast, you bit me for the fun of it," Pandora accused.

"I have no idea what you are talking about Panda," Suzanna said as she tried to bite my wrist so I would let go of her hand.

"Suzanna," I sighed, making her smile innocently as she stopped in her tracks. I let go of her hand and she quickly backed off, stopping to stick her tongue out at Pandora before running off. "Looks like I just lost my scribe," I muttered.

"Looks like you just lost her too," Pandora said. "I will murder her," she said as she tried to stalk after Suzanna.

"One of you tell Orion his wife is being pissy again," I informed one of the guards, earning a small nod from the guard before he left. "This family," I muttered simply as I rested my head in my hands.

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