Chapter 37

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I managed to catch a few minutes of rest after Seraphina and her sister left. I was still very tired when Pandora showed up the next morning. She was bright and early so I was still very out of it when she showed up. Breakfast was put down on the nightstand like usual and then she sat down by me.

"You alright darling?" Pandora asked as she combed her fingers through my hair. I looked up at her sleepily as she hummed softly. I shifted slightly, too tired to move away from her and seeking the warmth of her body.

"Heard your conversation last night," I murmured softly. Pandora paused for a moment before she continued to comb through my hair, her nails gently scratching against my scalp the whole time.

"Did it interest you?" Pandora questioned. I nodded after a moment, humming slightly as I lifted my head up and rested it on her leg.

"Mhmm, my favorite part was when you slapped Seraphina," I said softly. She chuckled softly as she tapped the  top of my head.

"Sometimes I need to slap people to get them to see sense, you and Seraphina both seem to need it a lot," Pandora said. She got up and I huffed softly as she moved over to the nightstand. She brought a plate of food over to me and I sat up after a moment. Pandora had taken to helping me eat since she had found out about my habit to just push food around and not eat.

I ate without really tasting, too tired to actually process what I was eating. It was something sort of sweetish but I couldn't think of the name. Pandora let me eat until I was full and then she took the plate back to the nightstand.

"Can you hit Seraphina more?" I asked as I laid my head back down my pillow. I was so sleepy, my eyes were barely staying open.

"If she deserves it," Pandora said. I opened my eyes wider at that, raising an eyebrow as I looked at her.

"She is keeping me locked in a room, I think she deserves to be slapped several times for that alone," I said simply.

"Perhaps," Pandora laughed as she left the room. I pouted slightly as I rested my head on my pillow, closing my eyes for a moment before I fell asleep.

The next time my eyes opened, it was because there was something cupping my face. I scrambled away, staring at Seraphina with wide eyes. I curled in on myself, pulling my blanket tighter around me as I stared at her.

"Go away," I said simply, looking away from her. She reached out to touch me and I slapped her hand away from me as quickly as I could.

"I see you're still angry at me," she said. I rolled my eyes at that, wasn't it obvious that I was mad at her. She was keeping me locked in a room for no reason except for her own amusement.

"I will keep being angry with you until you let me out of this room and allow me to leave," I stated. Seraphina hummed slightly as she looked down at me.

"I can't do that Suzanna, I have to keep you safe," Seraphina stated. I glared at her as I got up, keeping my blanket wrapped around me.

"Get out," I said suddenly as I moved over the nightstand.

"I want to talk with you Suzanna, let me explain myself," Seraphina said as I grabbed the plate off of the nightstand.

"You have nothing to explain, get the fuck out," I said as I tightened my grip on the plate.

"I have a good reason," Seraphina said as she got up.

"You have no right to keep me here," I said simply. It was nice to be calm, I didn't have the energy to be angry with her anymore. I turned, throwing the plate at Seraphina. Apparently my ability to throw was pretty good since it hit her right in the chest. She stumbled back and I felt a grim satisfaction overtake me.

"Guards," Seraphina called and the door opened immediately. Two guards entered the room and I stepped away, the nightstand pressing against my back. I had honestly forgotten that she had guards accompanying her for the most part. They were obviously just outside the door if they had heard her so quickly.

"Can we help you, your majesty?" the guard asked. His eyes flickered from Seraphina to the shattered plate on the ground and he moved towards me.

"Don't, it was an accident," Seraphina said simply as she raised her hand. The guard nodded his head as he stepped back. "Can one of you escort me back to my room? The other should remove the broken stuff in here to have it fixed," she ordered.

One of the guards offered Seraphina his arm and escorted her out of the room. My eye was still on the one guard in the room or else I would have tried to escape again. He seemed sort of familiar but I couldn't place where I had seen him before.

He quickly gathered the broken stuff from the floor, leaving the glass for last. I stood quietly as I watched the guard, not used to being around men. I found that I missed Seraphina already simply because she was something more familiar than this random guard. As soon as he was gone, I took a deep breath.

Now that he was gone I could finally relax. I went to the bathroom, washing my face in the sink to try and wash away some of the sleepiness in my face. When I looked in the mirror, I paused for a moment as I tilted my head.

If I hadn't been looking for it I wouldn't have even noticed. It was just so slight that I couldn't even see it until I tilted my head just right. I suppose I did tilt my head a lot when I was confused so maybe that's why Seraphina could see it. But just for those few seconds, I could see why she thought I could be her daughter.

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