Chapter 53

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My WiFi is down at the moment so if this chapter has spelling mistakes, blame the fact I had to write it on my phone

*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I looked around the garden as we ate breakfast, a small smile on my lips. Was I still tired? Absolutely. Would Seraphina be hearing about how tired I was later? Absolutely.

"Let's play a game," Seraphina said, drawing my attention back to her. I raised an eyebrow with a small frown on my lips.

"What kind of game?" I questioned as I raised an eyebrow. I liked games, sometimes. Well most of the time actually.

"A question game. I ask you a question, you get to ask me a question," Seraphina stated. I contemplated her words for a moment, looking down at my breakfast. I loved being nosey, it was fun but I also like having secrets.

"Nothing too personal and I'll play," I said simply.

"Nothing too personal," Seraphina agreed after a moment. I smiled slightly as I continued to eat. "What's your middle name?" She asked.

"I don't have one," I said simply with a small grin on my lips. That seemed to stump some people but all it did was cause Seraphina to raise an eyebrow. "Favorite animal?" I asked curiously.

"I'm partial to ferrets," Seraphina simply. "I have considered buying one but alas, Pandora would absolutely murder me if I brought such an animal in the castle," she stated.

"Aren't you the queen? Why do you care what Pandora thinks?" I questioned as I tilted my head.

"Because she knows where I sleep and she can be very vengeful," Seraphina said. "Last time I brought home another guard dog, I woke up in the middle of nowhere," she stated.

"Shouldn't your guards have stopped her?" I asked with a frown as I took another bite of my Puttu.

"Theron helped her," Seraphina said. "He was not an animal person yet he somehow always had one of the animals we owned with him," she stated. Her eyes were misty and I felt awkward, not knowing what to say.

So I did the best I could and reached over, awkwardly patting her arm to offer her comfort. She smiled weakly as she rested her other hand over mine.

"What was your dream job when you were a child?" Seraphina asked. Her question made me pause as I tried to think of an answer. Her questions seemed to be better then mine which meant I had to step it up.

"I wanted to travel and meet people. That's what I wanted my job to be," I said simply. "How did you meet Kamili?" I asked.

Seraphina seemed to pause at the question, her nails drumming on the table as she seemed to be lost in thought. I knew my question had made her mind go back to their first meeting.

"She is a diplomat for the kingdom. Theron wanted me to meet the diplomats shortly after our marriage and Kamili liked how mysterious I was," Seraphina said with a small smile. "I had found her attractive so I would often leave meetings after she did to talk with her," she stated.

"Just talk?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. My question seemed to fluster Seraphina and she narrowed her eyes while looking down at me.

"That's none of your business," Seraphina said simply. "Theron had already pulled me aside after the first meeting and said that if I was to find another lover then a diplomat would be my best bet,"she stated.

"Why is that?" I questioned curiously.

"Because diplomats are very good at keeping secrets. It would be very frowned upon if people found out that the king's new wife was seeking another relationship so soon after marriage," Seraphina explained.

"So Kamili isn't able to talk about your relationship?" I asked with a small frown. That didn't seem fair to her at all.

"She is now. Just at the time she couldn't. Theron wanted her to wait at least a year after he and I were married before she went public about being involved with me," Seraphina explained.

"She's better than me, I couldn't imagine keeping a relationship a secret," I said after a moment as I took a bite of my Kadala curry.

"Well speaking of relationships, have you ever been in love?" Seraphina asked. That made me inhale in surprise, choking on my curry for a second. I hurriedly took a sip of my water as I tried to clear my throat.

"I was not expecting that to be your next question," I croaked out. Seraphina had gotten up and was now standing behind me, her hand gently rubbing circles down my back.

"I'm sorry darling, I didn't mean to startle you," she said simply. I took another sip of water to make my throat stop hurting.

"I'm fine," I said after a moment, making her hum softly. Her nails gently scratched my back and I couldn't hold back the sigh of relief of the feeling. It was like my back had been itchy this whole time and I hadn't noticed until she scratched it.

"Alright cherub, if you say so," Seraphina said after a moment as she moved back to her seat. I thought about asking her to continue scratching my back but shoved the question as far down as I could so I wouldn't accidentally ask it.

"To answer your question, no I've never been in love. I've had one relationship and we dated for four hours," I said simply. Seraphina raised an eyebrow and I flushed slightly. "We were in middle school, give me a break," I muttered.

Seraphina chuckled softly as she took a sip of her orange juice. She looked up after a moment, a bird cawing in the distance. She raised her hand and after a moment a falcon landed on it.

The falcon dug its talons into her hand and blood dripped from her hand as she took a letter that had been tied to the bird's leg.

"Well you get more gorgeous each time I see you Montague," Seraphina said as she set the letter down. "Go hunt," she said. The falcon flapped its wings, smacking her in the face before it took off flying.

"Is your hand okay?" I asked as I watched the blood trickle down her hand. It seemed to fall in slow motion as it splashed onto the table.

"Yes," Seraphina said as she wrapped a napkin around her hand, seeming more interested in unrolling the letter with one hand.

I reached over to hold the top of the letter so it would stop rolling up. Seraphina smiled at me as she quickly read over the letter.

"What does it say?" I asked after a minute. Seraphina looked up and seemed quite happy.

"Kamili will be here at the end of this week," she said simply, sounding quite giddy. That made me pause. Was I ready to meet Seraphina's girlfriend? I didn't think so.

Next chapter will probably be in Seraphina's p.o.v.

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