Chapter 34

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I managed to scream myself hoarse a few hours into the night. There wasn't much else to do and I couldn't hear the guards for most of the time. I could hear them briefly when they were changing out shifts but I had no clue what time it was, only that it was late.

I only got up to go to the bathroom, piling a bunch of towels into a makeshift bed. I wouldn't sleep on the bed that Seraphina gave me. It would only make her think I was accepting what she was doing to me and I would never accept it. I only managed to fall asleep because I barricaded myself in the bathroom with the linen closet.

When I woke up it was because I felt abnormally warm. I had been tucked in at some point in the night and the linen closet had been moved back to it's original spot. I scrambled up, rubbing my sore throat as I moved to the door. My room had been somewhat fixed, the mattress had been put back on the bed and it had been made for the most part. The main blanket was what someone had placed over me sometime during the night.

"Good to see you up," Pandora said from over by the dollhouse. She had picked it up and even though it was broken, she had tried to make it look better. I opened my mouth to try and speak but my throat hurt too much.

"Can't talk," I whispered as I frowned slightly, looking at the door. It was shut but I still went over to it to try and open it. It just rattled in place for a moment and I managed to get in a good kick to it. The wood splintered slightly but it wasn't enough to get through. A solid wooden door was not as easy to kick down as I thought it would be.

"You can keep trying to do that or you can eat breakfast on your nightstand if you want it," Pandora said as she stood up, leaving the corner where the dollhouse was. I walked over to the nightstand and smacked the bowl of porridge off the nightstand.

"I'll starve myself until she lets me go," I said slowly, my throat aching as I talked. I sat down on the edge of the bed, kicking the dresser as hard as I could.

"You may think that this is an appropriate response but I promise that if I will force feed you before I allow you to die of starvation," Pandora said simply. I rolled my eyes as I laid back, staring up at the ceiling.

"I'll slit my throat then, I'll kill myself before I ever allow myself to play into your sister's delusions," I said simply. Pandora grabbed the neck of my dress, pulling me up to be face to face.

"If you ever say that again or even act like that I will lock you in a windowless room with nothing but baby toys," Pandora stated. I nodded slowly as she let go of the collar of my dress.

"Fine. I don't want to die anyways, I want to poison your sister," I said simply. Pandora smacked the back of my head and I winced at that.

"Don't say things that make me have to restrain you," Pandora said simply. "I will go get you more breakfast and you will eat, your hunger protests will not work on me," she said as she bent down to pick up the bowl. I stood up, hesitating for a second before I shoved her down.

She pushed herself up, turning to look at me. She was much faster than me and my lower legs were pinned against the bed when she got in my face. I spit in her face, wincing when she grabbed my shoulders and brought me so close that our noses were touching.

"If you ever lay your hands on me or spit in my face I promise I will break you," Pandora threatened. "You can be pissed all you want but the moment you lay your hands on me I have no problem with making you the perfect daughter for my sister," she stated.

"You fucking bitch," I hissed as I glared at her. I tried to raise my hands up to shove her off and she jerked on my shoulder, making a noise of pain escape my open mouth.

"My sister has been through a lot. She lost her husband and son in the war and before then she miscarried three times trying to have another child. She had one daughter who was a stillbirth and she's still not over it," Pandora said. "Do not doubt just how mean I can be as long as my sister sees you as a daughter. It's unhealthy but if you fight against this whole time she's just going to latch on harder. Let me try and help you or else you will never get out of here," she stated.

"How can you help me?" I asked after a moment, trying not to imagine being stuck as her daughter forever.

"Let me help convince her that you're an adult. She only did this because she couldn't see you for a few days and then her mind jumped to the fact that you were her little girl who needed to be babied," she stated. "I need time but I promise you I will help get you out of here and help you get released from your contract," she assured me.

"How much time?" I asked.

"I don't know Suzanna, give me a month at the very least otherwise I can't help you at all," Pandora said.

"Fine, I can't promise that I won't scream at you though," I stated. "Now where is Seraphina?" I asked.

"First name basis with my sister all of the sudden? I can see why, I would be pretty pissed too," Pandora stated. "She's got court," she informed me.

"Who is her scribe if you and I are here?" I questioned.

"Has one of the guards doing it although his writing isn't as pretty as yours," Pandora informed me. "Now can I go get you breakfast?" she asked.

"Fine, I'll need my strength to kick your sister's ass," I said simply. "Bring water too," I managed to get out, finally noticing just how sore my throat was.

"I know how to take care of you," Pandora informed me. "Now let me do my job and stop whining about the situation, it's a vacation for you and more work for me," she informed me as she smoothed back my hair. She smacked the back of my head before she went to pick up the bowl. "Don't tell me your plans unless you want to get smacked," she informed me before she left the room.

I followed her to the door but when I tried to slip out one of the guards grabbed me again and shoved me back into the room much faster than I could get out. I groaned as the door shut and slammed my head into the door.

"I hope all of your mothers divorce your fathers and then kill you idiots," I said, just loud enough through the doors for the guards to hear. I sat in front of the door, pouting the whole time as I did so.

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