Chapter 113

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

I bounce on Mama's bed, looking at her anxiously. "Mama, gardens! Zanna and you," I say, pointing to myself and then her so she understands what I want. I've already been changed into a new dress, one that is pretty and purple. The purple on it is several different shades of purple that were mixed together.

"Yes Suzanna, we're going to go to the gardens," Mama promises as she finishes putting on her jewelry. She scoops me up, resting me on her hip as she coos over me, calling me adorable and her little princess.

"Mama," I giggle, my fingers slipping into my mouth. Mama doesn't say anything, pausing to get a pacifier from her dresser and clip it to my dress. I smile happily, knowing that I'm not going to use it at all. Mama carries me the whole way to her secret garden.

Mama sets me down on a blanket that was laid out in the middle of the garden. I find it hard to sit up and end up falling forward, laying on my tummy. Mama hums, trying to sit me up but this time I fall backwards.

"Is my little baby too little to sit up? I think so," Mama says as she rolls me over onto my tummy. I babble in protest, upset that she would do such a thing. Laying on my back was fun, she should just leave me laying on my back. That's what most good Mama's would do.

I flail my limbs, accidentally kicking Mama at some point but she just moves away. I squeal happily, my fingers going back in my mouth as I wriggle around, trying to move forward like a snake would. Mama moves away from me, going to crouch down in front of me.

"Can you crawl to Mama?" Mama asks, making me gurgle a response as I try to wriggle over to her. I manage to push myself up onto my knees at one point but fall once...twice..and then a third time. By that time, I'm too upset and I reach for Mama as a sob escapes me.

"Oh goodness, I guess my baby is too little," Mama says as she moves over to me, scooping me up into her arms. I settle down right away, happy to be in her arms again. I tug at the neckline of her dress, earning a small laugh from her.

"Not too little to know what you want apparently," Mama says as she tugs her dress down, revealing her bra. She unclasps it, allowing me to latch on. I lay on her lap, cuddled up against her as I nurse. She rocks the both of us slightly as she allows me to nurse.

Dribbles of milk roll down my chin when I start drinking too fast, making Mama pull away. I whine as I stare up at her, a small frown on my lips as I pout.

"You can't drink that fast baby, you'll make yourself sick," Mama says gently as she wipes my chin off with her sleeve, making me giggle again. I latch back on, my nursing slowing down only just enough that Mama won't pull away again.

"I leave for maybe an hour and you've already got her on your lap looking like she's going to nap," Mommy's voice makes me squirm slightly, trying to turn to look at her without unlatching. That proves to be impossible so I unlatch, turning to look at Mommy. I squeal happily when I see Phoenix and Kelpie, reaching for the two puppies. They bound across the garden, licking at my face once they get close enough.

"You brought those demons with you?" Mama asks as I flop onto the ground, letting the puppies climb all over me as they sniff me. I squeal happily, my fingers slipping into my mouth. I whine as I realize there's fur on them and spit my fingers out, looking at Mama for help. She pulls me back into her lap, showing me the pacifier that's attached to my dress. She takes the cover off of it, pushing the pacifier into my mouth.

"Paci," I squeal happily as I clap my hands together, happy that I now have my paci and have something to suck on that won't get a bunch of icky fur in my mouth.

"Do I need to get you more pacis?" Mama asks as I cuddle into her. She's fixed her dress so that I can't start nursing again but I don't want to so it's perfectly fine. Besides, it meant that I didn't have to share her boobs with Mommy. I didn't like sharing, sharing was the worst thing in the world.

I squirm closer to Mama, taking up her entire lap so there is no possible chance of Mommy getting to sit on it. It was my lap and I wasn't going to share it. Not now or ever!

"I didn't think my baby would be so possessive over her Mama," Mommy coos as she looks at me.

"Not yours," I huff as I bury my face into Mama's chest, upset at Mommy's words. She wasn't my Mama, she wasn't allowed to call me her baby. Mama chuckles as she rocks me, pulling my face out of my hiding spot and kissing the tip of my nose.

"Such a sweet baby, you just don't like sharing your Mama," Mama says as I shake my head, nuzzling into her with a content sigh. I like her perfume, it smells so nice and sweet. I wonder if I can sneak into her room and get some later...yes, that's what I would do! I would steal some of her perfume so I could put it on my pillows and always be able to smell her.

"What are you plotting? Huh, what's going on in that little mind of yours?" Mama asks as she smooths my hair back, looking me in the eyes. I say nothing, staring at her with wide innocent eyes as I suck on my paci.

"You look so innocent that you just have to be up to something," Mama says as she tickles my sides, making me squeal and squirm in protest. She finally stops, only when I feel my diaper get wet. I look at her with confusion, whining as she lifts me up. "I think someone needs a change, huh?" she asks as I squirm uncomfortably, trying to get rid of the icky feeling. She rubs my lower back as she carries me inside, letting me cling to her as I whine and babble to express how I feel.

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