Chapter 94

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

Seraphina didn't come see me for the rest of the day. Kamili has tried to keep me happy but it just wasn't the same so I end up slipping out of my regression right before bedtime. Kamili helps me change into a nightgown and my regular underwear before she tucks me in for the night.

I don't fuss about having her help, in fact I was rather thankful for it. I still pout over Seraphina not coming to see me even as I drift off to sleep. I want her to be the one who tucks me in and kisses me goodnight, not Kamili. Kamili was fun to talk to and play with but Seraphina gave the best cuddles ever.'

In the middle of the night, I wake up. It is storming and I can hear the rain hitting the windows. I swing my legs out of bed, a small frown on my lips as I drag my feet over the ground to search for my shoes. It is easy to find them since they are the only thing on the floor by my bed. At least that is what I think before my foot bumps into something soft.

I bend down, picking it up. I realize it is my crochet cat and I pick it up, holding it close to my chest as I smile softly. I set it down on my pillow, tucking it in before I continue my search in the dark for my shoes. Occasionally lightning flashes which gives me some light to look by.

I find my shoes, slipping them on before I leave my room. I barely open my door, only just enough I can slip out through the opening before shutting the door behind me. There are two guards outside my room like always and for once, I glance at them.

There isn't much to see really. The halls are dark with a few torches burning to shed some light. The guards are just barely in the light and I can see the shadows that rest just outside the light. I bite my bottom lip as I walk past the guard on the left, heading down the hallway. I would find Seraphina and ask if she would come cuddle with me. I mean it was night time so the king didn't need her like I did.

My best guess for finding her was her room so I check there first. There's only a single guard at her door who lets me in and I peek inside, pouting when I don't see Seraphina. My only other guess was that she would be in the infirmary with the King. I sigh as I leave her room, stomping to the infirmary.

My suspicion was basically confirmed when I saw all the guards standing outside the infirmary. Even Orion was standing guard and he normally never left Seraphina's side. Or would she be back to being Queen Seraphina now that the King was back? I couldn't go back to calling her Queen Seraphina, it just felt weird now.

Orion sees me lingering in the hallway, his frowning face relaxing slightly. I hesitantly go towards him, shying away from any of the guards I get near.

"What are you doing up?" Orion asks quietly.

"Want to see Seraphina," I whisper to him. I didn't know why I felt so shy, maybe because it was the middle of the night or because of the storm or because I really want Seraphina, possibly a mixture of all three.

"She is asleep," Orion informs me, making me frown. That was not what I had wanted to be told. He sighs after a moment as he meets my gaze. "Go in but be quiet," he whispers as he opens the door to the infirmary. I slip inside the infirmary, blinking to get my eyes used to the dark.

There is one single candle sitting on a table, glowing lightly. I see Seraphina immediately. She is slumped over, her head resting on the bed while she still sits up sort of. Her eyes are closed and she looks peaceful for once in her life. Her wrinkles are all gone and her hand is resting on top of someone else's.

My gaze moves up the arm, slowly moving to look at the man's face. King Theron looks a lot older than his portrait, his black starting to turn grey in some places. My eyes move down to look at the rest of his face and I go still when I see that he is awake, his eyes on me. I step back as I feel fear run through me.

"Come here," he says so quietly that I almost miss it. I hesitantly step forward, not sure that I can disobey a king's orders. Was it an order? I wasn't totally sure of that but I didn't want to risk making him mad.

"Hello your majesty," I say with as much calm as I can, holding his gaze. I wouldn't be scared of him, he was just Seraphina's husband. Which made him the king and he was super powerful but I refuse to be scared of him.

King Theron doesn't say anything and I can see him focusing on me, trying to figure me out in the dim light from the candle. He let out a groan as he sits up, making sure not to disturb Seraphina. I notice that he is shirtless and he has bandages wrapped around his chest. There is blood staining the bandages but only barely so.

"I am going to hazard a guess since it is the middle of the night and you looked so happy to see Seraphina, that you are Suzanna?" King Theron asks, making my eyes widen. How did he already know about me? He couldn't possibly have heard about me already. Could he?

"How did you know that?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowing slightly.

"I had heard a rumor that Seraphina had taken to a young lady, treating her as if she was our daughter. I had dismissed it as a rumor but it seems to not be so," King Theron says, showing no emotions.

"Does it displease you? Because if it does, you can't send me away. Seraphina likes me," I state, trying to straighten up and seem tough. It doesn't work though as King Theron chuckles, his thumb rubbing across the back of Seraphina's hand.

"Serarphina and I had always wished for a daughter," King Theron says, pausing as if to see if I knew something. I nod, knowing that he is talking about the baby that was a stillbirth. I could see the grief in his eyes and it is still raw and fresh. "I had heard you were forced to stay here," he states.

"I was, at first. Not anymore," I decide to tell him. "How did you find that out?" I ask with a small frown.

"Pandora kept talking to me as she helped the doctors in the infirmary. She called you a brat who makes her want to rip out her hair but she'll kill me if I upset you," King Theron chuckles.

"Yes, she is quite fond of me," I say with a small smile.

"Well if you have decided to stay then let me see you my daughter," he says as he smiles slightly.

My breath catches in my chest, my heart pounding in my ears. He wasn't mad about me being here? He wanted me to be his daughter too? Was this even real? Real or not, I hesitantly step forward, standing by the edge of the bed as tears run down my face.

"Do not cry," King Theron says, trying to comfort me as he lifts his hand up, gently cupping my face. I cry even harder at his words, the silent tears running down my face as he tries to wipe them away. I was an emotional wreck right now and he knew it, based on the way he tried to sooth me.

My breath came out sort of hiccupy until I felt arms wrap around me. I didn't realize until then that Seraphina had woken up and got up, moving to the other side of the bed to hug me.

"Oh my baby," Seraphina whispers as she rocks me back and forth, humming softly.

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