Kiss and makeup

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"All grown up and doing assignments without my help." P'Sing sighs sadly. "I miss the days you two run around being pirates."

"Not aliens p? Yo is obsessed with them." Monty's shocked.

I smack his arm, he rubs it giving me glares. P'Sing chuckles. I stick my tongue out as they leave mouthing stuff to me.

P'Sing turns his full attention to the ones opposite, smiling. P'Pha looks hurt and P'Kit's supper pissed. Oh shit.

"Forth how are things with Bas? It is Bas, right?" P'Sing asks.

"Yes, he's fine p, getting used to all the new people. Yo has helped a lot." He smiles at me.

"He has a little experience with Angel." He replies

"Hey, I'm really good with Angel as well! She loves me." Ming interrupts

"Has no choice." I add

"Shitty Yo, I'm a great uncle! Ill approve her boyfriend and help her sneak out for late night dates!"

"That's not a good uncle." I say

"Okay, break time." P'Sing smiles. "I think it's time I leave and you two can sort out what ever got you angry at your boyfriends."

Ming and I huff, P'Pha and P'Kit are giving P'Sing surprised looks.

"I don't know why your angry with him, but all I heard was my KitKat this and my KitKat that all week, you even started carrying a box of the chocolates with you, because you missed him that much. Talk it out." P'Sing says patting Ming's cheek.

"And stop over thinking Wayo, your acting angry but you keep sighing looking at him. Just kiss him already and end his misery." He laughs. "I'm sure you both know quite corners, make up or there both going to fail their exams."

P'Pin is coughing in the back ground, drat he was still here.

"I have a meeting, I'll call you we'll have dinner and stop using me to make your boyfriends jealous." He laughs patting our heads as he gets up.

"Forth, here." He gives him his card. "If you need any help with paper work for Bas, call me."

P'Forth takes the card and thanks him.

He looks straight at P'Kit and P'Pha. "They're both very dear to me." He starts formally. "I leave them in you care." He does a formal wai, both P'Kit and P'Pha stand up and return it. And he leaves with P'Pin.

"Shit. Did he just give us away?" Ming's asking. He looks at P'Kit and looks sad again and walk's off, P'Kit follows calling him an idiot.

I look at P'Pha and I feel like crying, I get up and leave as well, P'Pha follows me. He keeps calling me but I keep walking, finally he pulls my arm and drags me to a small side room and shuts the door.


"Don't sound hurt! I called you and texted you and I'm being understanding cause your busy and I trust you, because I love you but...I don't know what's happening and I can't talk to you to find out and I keep thinking and I get scared and I know it's not true and you're not cheating on me but I have thoughts and I know you're going to be a doctor and see lots of people and I have to trust you and I do but it's hard sometimes and when I can't talk to you my minds a mess and ...."

He pulls me close and kisses me.

"Only I can give you a ring and..." I gasp out when he pulls back to breathe.

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