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P'Sing invited Push into the house, but P'New still seems shocked and a little pale.

Everyone realises this is delicate, they all move to the games room, as I pass P'New he grabs my arm, his hands are shaking.

"New why are you this scared?" P'Push asks. "Is someone here hurting you?"

He looks around angrily, he wants answers but P'New isn't saying anything, he looks scared.

"Will someone please tell me what's happening?" P'Push is trying to stay calm but he's seems worried and agitated.

"Who are you?" He asks me.

"My name is Yo." I tell him.

"Okay." He sighs. "You know Peach?"

"I met her at her engagement party, I went with P'New."

He asks more straightforward questions, I answer them, p is quiet. When he asks why P'New moved without telling anyone, I say its better if he speaks to P'Peach.

"Please...I was in Italy for nearly 3 years, work. I come back 2 days ago, my brothers not there and no one is telling me anything. Everyone keeps saying ask someone else, my parents won't talk about it. I can't find him..."

"They threw me out." P'New answers finally.

P'Push is shocked. P'Sing takes P'New's arm and makes him sit next to him, telling him it's okay.

"Are you two ...." P'Push asks looking at them.

"Dating, yes." P'Sing answers.

Now its P'Push who sits down.

"My parents are traditional, I'm guessing it didn't go well." He sighs running his hands threw his hair.

P'New tells him what happened, when he asks about P'New living here, P'Sing explains how that happened. P'Push could rival P'Bee in the swearing department.

P'Push had visited the summer before it happened, he moved around for work, at the beginning some of the family excuses seemed understandable. P'New was busy with starting a new university, meeting new people, competitions, but he started to get more concerned as time went on and P'New wouldn't call him, or his family didn't know how to contact him.

When he talked to his father, worried that P'New might be in trouble, or making the wrong kind of friends, his father telling him to leave it alone concerned him the most. He wouldn't have been able to get time off for P'Peache's wedding, he was already coming. He refused the work extension, he was worried about what was happening back home.

I think P'New was closest to his oldest brother, P'Push, seeing him he was scared, another person he loved, who would hate him.

When it seems P'New has calmed down after seeing his brother, we go join the others in the games room and let them talk.

I'm grabbed by the team the minute I enter, they want to know what's going on, I tell them.

"New never tells anyone anything about his family, you're the one who knows the most Yo." P'Din sighs.

"You can't blame him, after everything." P'In ads

Ming tries to go and listen, but P'Lee grabs him by the collar and makes him sit. We play games and talk, it's a while before we hear movement and P'New comes in with his brother.

He introduces us, especially his team, before his brother leaves. My gangs ready for him as he walks in.

"Your team gets special mention?" Monty's shocked.

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