Chapter 24: Pictures With Ava

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(Dottie's POV)

It's now breakfast time and we just changed into our clothes. Aphmau, Melissa, and I all had our jackets off. Except for Kawaii~Chan. I did use my sleep magic on Ava again but I didn't use a lot of it. I noticed that Ava was upset from earlier because Lorelai's cruel friends said mean things about her. But Lorelai didn't know she had the speaker button on.

"Aphmau?" I asked her.

"Yeah?" She said.

"Exhausted from this morning?" I asked.

"Yep. Plus when Leif tried to make the phone stop ringing, Mrs. Oates thought Ava was doing... ugh... and then after I brushed my teeth i had to walk over to her apartment and explained what happened. But I took out the demon parts." Aphmau explained.

"Yikes. I bet Mrs. Oates was crazy back in her day." Melissa added.

"Yep." I said.

Things were silent for a few seconds.

I look at Aphmau.

"Aph? Are you still worried about Ava?" I replied.

"Yes. How could Lorelai's friends say such cruel things about Ava? She literally heard all of that." Aphmau said.

"True. But when you talked to her, what did she say to you?" I asked.

"She told me that she's gonna ruin Lorelai's friends reputations by making an Instagram that's popular than theirs." She explained.

"Oh... Nice." I said.

We hear a cat meow. I suspected it was Johnny but it was the purple cat from yesterday. It was looking at Kawaii~Chan. She gave it a smile.

"That cat must like you a lot." I ask her.

"Yeah." She said.

"True. But Dottie when Leif came in Ava's room, were you guarding the door?" Melissa asked me.

"No. I slept next to it." I told her.

She sighed.

"Before we go to bed, I'm gonna be sleeping outside the room in front of the door. Okay?" She said.

"Okay." Me, Kawaii~Chan, and Aphmau replied.

~~10 Minutes Later...~~

We finished eating and the purple cat it laying on Kawaii~Chan next to the couch.

Me, Melissa, and Aphmau begin to giggle.

"Okay. Cat. Please you gotta get off." Kawaii~Chan ask's it.

It doesn't get off.

"Please get off! It's weird man! Pleeeeaaase!" She begged.

I couldn't help but laugh.

Ava walks out of her bedroom in her bra.

"Hang on Kawaii~Chan, we'll help you in a minute." Said Aphmau.

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