Chapter 25: Making Ava Famous

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(Kawaii~Chan's POV)

Dottie sighed.

Leif moves Dottie out of his way and starts poking Ava's phone with his knifes. He then puts his knifes away and picks it up. He takes a picture of himself.

"Oh I did a thing!" Leif panicked.

He looks at his reflection on the picture.

"Wait that's me. Wait... if I get that me out, then we could cause chaos together!" He said sinisterly.

He starts punching the phone. I put my hand on my face.

"Get! Out! Of! There!" He said while punching Ava's phone.

"Leif! What are you doing? Stop!" Rhys told him.

"Yeah!" Dottie added.

He doesn't stop.

Asch moves Aphmau out of the way from Ava's door. He resumed banging on it.

Ava opens the door while she's wearing her bright purple jacket.

"Stop banging on my door and— what are you doing??" Ava said but noticed Leif holding her phone.

"Punching the other me until he comes out and knows his superior!" Leif said.

Ava runs up to Leif and takes her phone from him.

"Do you understand what you could have done?! My entire reputation is on the line and—" She explained in frustration but only to stop to hear her phone go off.

She looks at it. I get up off the couch to look at it too to see that Leif accidentally somehow posted it. It received a few likes.

"No way! Leif got five likes?? And Ava's gained three followers! This is amazing!!" I said with joy.

"What does that mean?" Leif asked.

We hear her phone go off again.

"Oh my god! Your picture just got 20 likes!!" Ava replied.

"These likes seem to please Ava." Pierce said.

"Leif! Can I take another picture of you?" She asked.

"Huh? You want to make another me?" He questioned.

Asch looks at her.

"Hold it sorceress Ava! Leif isn't doing anything until you and Aphmau take us out to see the world! We went to the sacred mall and got the human clothes for nothing! And—" He said in an angered tone but gets cut off by Ava.

"Say cheese!" She said and she takes a picture of Asch.

He screams. Melissa, Dottie, and I laugh.

"And posted." She said.

She posted a picture of Asch.

"Did Asch get any likes?" Rhys asked.

"Pffft. You gotta wait. Leif just got lucky. There is no way Asch will—" Ava told him but is interrupted by her phone.

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