Chapter 47: Their Agreement

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(Melissa's POV)

"Has she woken up yet?" Kawaii~Chan asked.

"No. Not yet." I told her.

She sighed. Andrew and Devon enter the living room.

I turn to look at them.

"Alright, listen up you... uhh... punks and noobs. I'm not sure what's going on here, but we as Ava's parents are going to give you a fair warning." Devon explained.

"Which is...?" Dottie asked.

Devon turns to Andrew. Andrew then looks at us.

"Uhh... t-tha- that's right! Uh... you guys better listen up or else we'll... uhh..." Andrew says.

Devon interrupts him.

"Unleash an unimaginable wrath upon you!" Said Devon.

The demons are shocked by this.

"We've angered them." Noi said worried.

"Should we fight them now?" Leif asked.

"No!" I said to him.

Rhys looks at Leif.

"Don't be foolish. We need to listen to what they're about to say." Rhys whispered to Leif.

Asch looks like he's angered by this.

"Oh what did you expect of us?" Asch asked.

"One, we better not find out you're making videos with Ava!" Devon said.

"You mean YouTu— oh wait... you're referring to... yeah..." I thought.

"That's right. Or we'll call our lawyer." Andrew added.

"What's that?" Pierce asks.

"A very powerful person you never want to meet." Said Andrew.

Well... we're definitely not gonna make videos of Ava doing... you know...

"Second, no selling the weed." Devon said.

Me, Kawaii~Chan, and Dottie's eyes widen. Dottie looks upset.

"What makes you think we'd sell weed?!" Dottie exclaimed.

Devon looks at me, Dottie, and Kawaii~Chan.

"Well do you smoke it?" He asked us.

"NO!" Kawaii~Chan yelled.

"Good. Because our daughter does not want to be exposed to that kind of thing." Said Devon.

Andrew then turned to Asch, Noi, Leif, Rhys, and Pierce.

"And third, please still be her friends. Even if the girls help her pick one of you." He said.

Kawaii~Chan looks at him confused.

"Huh?" She questioned.

"That's right. We don't know what's going on between all of you on a personal level but, the fact that you're all standing here in her apartment, it's... kind of nice to see." Said Devon.

Andrew sighs.

"I agree. We've never spoken to a group of friends like this for Ava so... this is new for us too. We just want her to be alright." Andrew said.

"Forgive me for asking, but I'm confused. Are you giving us permission to—?" Rhys asked but Devon cuts him off.

"We're gonna let this play out. Whoever Ava decides to be with is her choice. But we're just glad that she has people to interact with." Devon explained.

"Right!" Andrew added.

He chuckled.

"Uh... we were afraid that she was alone." He said.

"Alone?" Leif asked.

"So I guess we're gonna stick with their agreement?" Dottie asked me.

"I guess so." I tell her.

"Yep." Kawaii~Chan added.

I hear Aphmau groan. I guess she's starting to wake up.

"GHAA!" She screamed.

I rush over to her.

"Aphmau...? Are you okay?" I ask her.

I guess she must've had a nightmare.

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