Chapter 127: Aphmau Vs Lady Bish

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(Aphmau's POV)

I can't believe Lady Bish just kidnapped Ava right now! I need to stop her before she kills Ava! As I followed Lady Bish, I noticed that she flew into the same place where I saw Rhal fighting those knights earlier in that dream. She started choking Ava.

"Shh... quiet. You're soul will be useful for my plan soon enough." Said Lady Bish.

I run over to Lady Bish as she was flying just about 3 inches above the ground as she tightened her grip on Ava's throat.

"Lady Bish!!!" I yelled.

She turns around to look at me and she now was an angered look.

"You... you worthless goddess!! You couldn't have done this for us Deimos's from the start?!?!" Lady Bish exclaimed as she questioned me.

"Let. Her. Go!" I exclaimed.

"Why should I?" Lady Bish asked.

"Because... I think she's harmless!" I yelled.

Lady Bish chuckles sinisterly.

"You think all humans are harmless!! Those humans tried to destroy my dad! And you just did the favor for them!" Lady Bish yelled.

She releases her grip on Ava and then Ava falls on the ground.

"But, how about I just torture this human right here." Lady Bish said.

She meant Ava. I'm guessing she was watching us from above and she could sense that Ava was a human, even though she has horns right now.

Lady Bish snapped her fingers and I saw a bunch of cat-spirits flying towards Ava. The started tearing up her clothes.

"Stop! No! Oh no, stop!!" Ava yelled.

I could only watch as the spirits began ruining her clothes.

"No!!" Ava exclaimed.

The spirits than flied away and Ava looked at her clothes. All torn and ruined. She looked like she just finished arm wrestling a bear.

"I'm not afraid of you!" Ava yelled.

"I can fix that." Lady Bish said.

Lady Bish then used some sort of telekinetic power to choke Ava. She then lifted Ava just 4 inches above the ground.

I gasped.

"NO!!!" I yelled.

I immediately took off my purple flame jacket, exposing my black tank top, and found a rock and threw it at Lady Bish.

The rock hit Lady Bish and she yelled in pain. She dropped a gold and purple sword and I picked it up and began to run away. I also picked up my purple flame jacket and immediately tied it around my waist.

"Why you...! Give that back to me!!" Lady Bish yelled.

I started to run but Lady Bish flies after me and she tackles me to the ground. She grabs the sword from my hands. I get back up on my feet and she makes a cut in my right forearm. She makes another cut in my left upper arm.

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