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His delicate fingers grazed the cover of the hard book. The pointy edges were sharp enough to scratch an individual if they ever made close contact—the designs on the front page slightly shined against the bright light. The fine details that were engraved in the heart and organs made them look so realistic. Art was a beauty in different aspects. It could be interpreted as music, paintings, or even just a simple piece of work. These concepts bring joy to many, as well as a form of relief. Individuals are able to escape reality for a set of time. They are allowed to enter a world where their suffering does not exist. The aid of their imagination plays a major part since it creates new positive visions inside of their minds.


It was truly magnificent.

Baekhyun softly touched the cover of his book while he proceeded to analyze each page. The small words filled his brain with new information. Information that would be significant in the future.


They are considered vital organs in the human body that provide air for us. Each one of the cells in our bodies needs oxygen in order to survive. Lungs take the responsibility of pushing oxygen into our bloodstream, so it is carried throughout our body. The respiratory system also plays a massive part in the function since it gives individuals the guide on smelling and creating noises. If the lungs were ever punctured, it wouldn't necessarily be fatal but still very dangerous. Air would escape from the open space in the organ, and that would cause the lung to eventually collapse. A collapsed lung ruins the breathing in the body and makes it hard to inhale and exhale. It is quite different when dealing with breathing issues that are caused by panic attacks. Usually, short breaths are taken instead of filling the lung completely with air. The short inhales of oxygen cause the carbon dioxide levels in the stream to decrease. It creates this painful and heavy feeling on top of the chest area. It also makes one feel trapped and experience this suffocating feeling because of the over-breathing.

Baekhyun directed his finger to the word he had been looking for.

Panic attacks...

He, for some reason, enjoyed studying or learning about topics he once experienced. It almost feels like forever since he has experienced an attack like that. Maybe a year? The feeling of anxiousness had seemed to disappear once Baekhyun stopped caring about life in general. He stopped worrying about the future and felt more comfortable now that he was away from his past loved ones. Perhaps it was the fear of them getting hurt? Now that Baek was second in command, he had more power to protect his family... but that didn't mean danger wasn't attracted to him.

"How are your studies? Do you want me to hire you a teacher? It may feel weird since you did have guidance in America." Daehyun walked into his office, immediately catching his brother in the room. The smaller was peacefully reading his book as he wrote a few notes on the side. Although he was in a gang, Baekhyun still wanted to continue his studies to become a doctor. He couldn't really pursue the dream of accomplishing that goal, but he understood that the additional knowledge would help him in emergencies.

"It's alright. I'm only reviewing a few topics, and it's everything I was already taught..." He set the bookmark inside his final page and finally looked up.

"You're late, by the way."

"I had to talk to my assistant about the new documents. I need to discuss the upcoming meeting with you." Daehyun sat behind his desk, swiftly taking out the new files he had received yesterday. His eyes skimmed through the sheets as his younger brother observed them from afar.


"Yeah. There is this arranged meeting that is set to be held in a few weeks. Neighboring gangs, specifically the top five in the industry, will communicate on drug and money matters. Since we are number one and hold the most power, we have to go to keep our reputation. It shouldn't be an issue, and it might help us in our trading systems. We haven't really communicated with some of these gangs, so it could help us get into contact with them and start some trades." Baekhyun nodded at the short explanation and tapped his finger against the smooth wooden table.

Hard to Love - (chanbaek)Where stories live. Discover now