Two Year Anniversary ( ˘ ³˘)

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I started this story during this time of the year, and it was during a really hard time of my life. I began this story for my own entertainment. I wanted to find joy in my writing since I couldn't find joy in any other hobbies. I have a beautiful connection to this story; after all, it's been through. So many changes and editing. To celebrate this two-year anniversary, I will post a small special that I have thought about!

This special is not part of the actual storyline. This is in a different reality where there are no gangs or Mafia-related matters. This is a chapter based on the annual Baseball tournament. Main Arts Academy is going against Hydra High. It's a bunch of fluff and cute Chanbaek moments that I wanted to add since I really loved their relationship as team leaders!

Enjoy :)



The cheers felt like they progressively grew louder. It almost felt like the field was vibrating with all the stomps and screams. There were so many people watching them with anticipation, more overwhelmed than the actual players who looked oddly calm. Relaxed on the outside but sobbing on the inside as they stressed about the game.

They had finally gotten to finals.

They were prepared to win.

Baekhyun fixed his cap and turned to Ten with a bright smile. He rested his hand above the boy's shoulder and swayed side to side in hopes of stopping the youngers tapping leg. He was trembling terribly from nerves, and it was apparent how attached he was to the bench at the moment. If coach called him out to the field, he'd end up passing out, and that's what Baekhyun wants to avoid.

"Everything is going fine, don't stress yourself out. Just do what you always do during practice."

Baekhyun smiled; although his tongue hurt from all the biting, he was cheering up his teammates because that's what leaders do. They cheer up the worried members and give them confidence and energy.

But when the leader is also worried,

Who is meant to cheer them up?

They had about 12 runs so far with a tight score.

He felt nauseous just glancing at the scoreboard.

19 : 20

They were so close, yet so far at the same time.

Hydra High was doing fantastic. It was obvious they had been training for so long with how organized they moved and took care of their issues. Main Arts Academy was doing just as good but was currently losing by one after the previous run and strikeout. It was stressful to think about losing because this game would decide their trip to nationals. At this point, even the leader was tapping his foot against the gravel anxiously.

Baekhyun gulped when he saw his number on the board. His heart was ripping out of his chest painfully as he saw his coach's signal. His stern nod and hopeful stare-

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