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"So... are you going to talk to him?" Sehun looked at Chanyeol, watching as he hesitated to press the call button.

"Fuck it."




"Hello?" The small voice on the other line had made him freeze for a few seconds. He couldn't help but sigh. He was disappointed in himself for treating the older like a nuisance.

"Baek... can we talk?"

Chanyeols palms grew sweaty. He could hear the other hum while thinking about a way to respond. "Yeah, I just have to see- BAEK, WE HAVE TO GET TO TRAINING!" Chanyeol raised a brow and looked at Sehun in bewilderment.


"Chan, can we talk tomorrow before school? I have plans right now." Chanyeol sighed but understood he could not just bother the boy whenever he pleased.

"What training are you doing?"

"Oh um... my cousins wanted me to teach them how to pitch." Baekhyuns voice tensed slightly. To his fortune, his boyfriend turned a blind eye and ignored the stutter.

"Oh, okay...

So tomorrow morning?"

"Yeah, I'll be at school before 7:30. I'll be at the baseball field." Chanyeol nodded, liking the thought-out setup.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah. See you!" The call had ended, and unlike the beginning, Chanyeol currently had a smile instead of a nervous frown. He stared at his warm hands and sighed.

I need to fix everything tomorrow.


"MOM!" Luhan yelled as he threw his bag onto his organized desk.

"Yes, honey?"

"I need to ask you something. It's about Baek." She nodded while washing her grease-filled hands. "What's the matter? Did you guys fight?" Her voice was frantic. She had heard the fight her two favorite boys had, she was obviously worried, but at the same time, she felt proud that they were mature enough to handle their own issues.

"No, no. But he basically disappeared again, and well, he's just been weird. He said his parents came back from a business trip." His mom nodded again. "I don't know, honey. Your father and I are busy, so we haven't talked to them in a while. If they came back early, then they must have taken him on a family bonding trip. I'm sure he missed them."

"You don't have any other information that could be useful for this situation?"

"Unfortunately, no. I should have been caught up with my dear friend Areum, but I guess work got out of hand." Luhan grabbed his wallet with a dejected sigh. This conversation was going no where. His mother obviously knew nothing, so there was no point in bothering her anymore. "I'm going to go buy something to drink. I'll bring you and dad some. Thanks for the small talk." He kissed his mother's cheek before running out the door.

Once Diane heard the door slam, she quickly grabbed her phone and dialed her husband's number.



"What's the matter?" She bit her lip with a nervous shiver against her skin.


Luhan's finally getting suspicious..."


Hard to Love - (chanbaek)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora