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The day was already turning dark. The blue sky was becoming a purplish color as the sun began to set. The car drove to the new location, a worried Baekhyun inside. He didn't know why Daehyun wanted to see him. Was it a complaint? Or maybe they wanted to make a deal with him? Whatever it was... he was not getting good vibes from it.

"Don't worry. Daehyun's a really chill guy. You met him a few times." Baekhyun looked out the window after nodding. The negative outcomes of what might happen were still in his head. He was the type of person to tell others to be positive, while he is mostly negative. He gave wonderful advice but never listened to it himself.

The car reversed as they reached the parking area. Once it finally stopped, the pair got out of the vehicle. The building was a big cooperation company. It made sense since mafia people had to cover up on how they made so much money. They were supposed to go to Daehyuns house, but he had to be at "work" when Heechul was finally free. Nonetheless, Daehyun still wanted to meet with Baekhyun. Whether it was at his home or the company, he needed to speak to the younger boy.

Entering the building, they couldn't ignore the dirty stares they were getting. It wasn't because people knew them; it was because the workers didn't recognize them. New faces weren't treated with kindness. They are all given a dirty glare once they arrive. It's different when people in the mafia department know you. If you're someone from high class and a leader or right-hand man, you are treated with a lot of respect. If you are a lower gang or someone known for bad business, you will get absolute disrespect. It also depends on your relationship with the boss. You can be an average person, but be besties with the gang leader, the rest of the gang will treat you with respect if that's the case.

Heechul and Baekhyun were never seen by this gang before, and the workers did not know their names yet. Without a name, they can't confirm how they should act in front of these newcomers.

"Can I see your IDs?" A tall man in a suit started with a cocky smirk. It wasn't even a question. This man was demanding the pairs identification. What a big mistake...

Heechul grinned and gave both of their Ids to the waiting man. Baekhyun shifted with a confused smile when the man's face turned into pure horror. He scanned the identifications one more time.

Byun Baekhyun

Kim Heechul

The cocky man was no longer seen. A scared tall male replaced him. He bowed and immediately apologized for being rude. Baekhyun looked around with a brow raised. He didn't know why the room's tension had suddenly died down.

"Umm... what's wrong?" Heechul shook his head before rubbing his nephew's shoulder.

"Don't worry about it."

Other workers began to approach them to see the IDs. Seeing who they were, the duo's names began to be whispered by everyone in shock.

"That's really Byun Baekhyun?!"

"No one told us they were coming?!"

"Boss will kill us for being disrespectful."

The hushed whispers still continued as workers began to bow. Baekhyun was even more confused. He didn't understand why people were so freaked out to see them.

"Yeah, remember our faces next time!" Heechul shook his head, dragging the other away from the frightened workers. Baekhyun could hear his uncle mumble a few curses directed to the 'punks' that had greeted them.

Walking to Daehyuns office, Baekhyun had calmed down a bit.

If people were scared of us...

Hard to Love - (chanbaek)Where stories live. Discover now