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TW: Panic Attack

"Oh, I'm um... Baekhyun's stepfather." The guys looked at the man in surprise before turning to the frozen senior. He was shaking, fear noticeable in his eyes. Luhan was looking at the man bewildered. He didn't understand why the older man was here.

He wasn't supposed to come today. It was tomorrow...

"Baekhyu-" The younger put his hand up, stopping his stepfather. His hand trembled similarly to his frightened eyes. "W-why are you here?" The older man sighed and fiddled with his hands.

"Your mother wanted some ramen, so I came to get her some... I didn't expect to see you here." Baekhyun looked at him with disgust. What type of school act was this? "My mother? Liar. Mom is in the hospital with Heechul hyung." The man took a step closer to his 'son.' Chanyeol softly pushed Baekhyun behind him, feeling the danger alert go off in his head. The man seemed suspicious...

"Look, son I-"

"Don't call me that!" His eyes were filled with tears; he looked down and shook his head.

I can't cry... not here.

"Alright... Baekhyun, please come home. I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to fight with you over something stupid. And I... I forgive you for hurting me." Seonjin wanted to show his menacing lear the second he saw Baekhyuns face morph into terror. He displayed a sad smile instead as he turned to the confused friends.

"Hurt? What are you talking about?" Jongdae started. The suited man sighed while staring at the floor in discomfort. "Oh, I... Baekhyun and I just had a fight. It wasn't anything serious, although the bat hits did hurt." The older looked up and briefly, showed his ominous smile before quickly showcasing a frown. His mask had been slightly broken when he observed Baekhyuns state. He noticed the younger breathing heavy, his eyes flooded with agony and trepidation.

"You hit him with your bat?!" Jongin turned to the smaller in shock. Baekhyun took quick breaths, trying to steady his breathing, but it only worsened as his negative thoughts took over his corrupted mind.

"You have no proof that he hurt you! You're just trying to fool us." Xiumin snarled, getting worried about the smaller next to him. He noticed the upsetting shivers that ran through the boy's body.

"I do have proof. I have video recordings... just take a look."

Throwing the phone onto the table, their eyes went to the video. The boy with honey-like hair swung his bat, hitting his stepfather down to the floor. Baekhyun felt paralyzed when he glanced at the phone. He analyzed the reactions his friends gave; a mix of confusion but also concern was seen on their faces.

"Fuck... is that really Baek?" Kyungsoo whispered, feeling stunned. Sehun watched the video quietly, noticing something strange. The group didn't know what to believe anymore. Was Baekhyun the victim, or was it his stepfather?

Baekhyun couldn't breathe. His lungs gasped for air. He felt like someone was strangling him, taking his breath away. His vision was getting blurry from all the tears that filled his eyes. His ears were beginning to block out the noise from his surroundings. "Hey, baby. Can you hear me? Baek, look at me!" Chanyeol grabbed the boy's chin feeling his heart crumble to pieces. He stared at the tear-filled eyes that showed nothing but fright and distress. Holding his hand, he lifted the smaller swiftly. He didn't care about the stupid video. He wanted to make sure Baekhyun was alright above anything else. Walking towards the door, the well-dressed man moved in front of him.

"Move." Chanyeol glared at the man. He saw the truth hiding behind the small smile. He didn't trust nor believe this stranger.

"Where are you going with my son-"

"I said move." His voice dropping even deeper as the man approached them slowly. Seonjin reached out to grab his 'sons' petite wrist. "I asked you a question." He looked at the tall student realizing he had made a huge mistake. The taller grabbed his collar, his blood beginning to steam.

"And I told you to move. Touch him again, and I will fucking kill you." Pushing the good for nothing stepdad, Chanyeol rushed away, holding his boyfriend's hand tightly. Seonjin rubbed his back and stared at the two males walk away.

So that's the boyfriend...

Turning back to the group of friends, he smiled.

"See, I wasn't lying. Your friend almost killed me-" His happiness was instantly ruined when the youngest of the group decided to speak.

"Why are you even bringing this up? This is a problem you have to resolve with Baekhyun. Why are you showing it off to us?" Sehun threw the phone to the shocked man before getting up.

"W-What? Your friend could possibly be a murderer, and you don't care-"

"This is your problem. I didn't ask to hear your worries." Sehun opened the room's door looking for a restaurant worker.

"Security! We have a stranger in our room!"


Chanyeol hurried to a nearby bench outside. Placing the fragile boy down, he looked at him in concern."Baekhyun, breathe. Slowly, slowly. Breathe in and then let it out." Baekhyun tried to follow the instructions the giant told him. His breathing gradually getting better but, the pressure against his chest could still be felt.

"C-Chanyeol." His hoarse voice made the taller even angrier. Chanyeol pulled him into a hug whispering sweet nothings, trying to calm the boy down. His blood was boiling. He just wanted to eliminate the boy's stepfather for hurting his baby like this. But at the moment, he had to focus on Baekhyun. He could deal with the bastard later.

"Baby, you're safe, okay? You're here with me. I'm not going to let anything hurt you. I will protect you from anything. I'm here, Baek." Chanyeol allowed the boy to straddle his lap. He felt the smaller tremble as he sobbed into his neck. The moist feeling against his skin was ignored. He caressed the boys back in concern.

"Shhhh. It's okay. Let it out." Baekhyun released another sob feeling the taller rub his back gently. The cries felt painful. The smaller let his shoulders fall after the harsh weeps muffled themselves into the youngers chest.

The sobs began to quiet down, light snores replacing them. The taller felt relieved knowing that the boy had calmed down and was no longer crying. Chanyeol looked down and smiled at his boyfriend. Kissing his forehead, he brushed the honey brown bangs out of the smallers eyes.

That was Baekhyun in the video, but...

I feel like the story is missing some details.

I'll wait for Baek to open up to me...

I'll believe him but not that stranger.

Chanyeol kissed his forehead one more time before looking up. He made eye contact with a worried man, a man with honey-like hair... just like Baekhyuns.

"Oh my gosh. Baekhyun... is he okay?!" The man rushed over to them, concern noticeable in his face. His hand reached for the sleeping boy, but he was immediately stopped. Chanyeol gripped his wrist confused.

"Who are you?"

"I should be asking you that."


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