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All weapons were held up once again. Baekhyun proceeded to wipe his hand with a blank expression. All the gangs tensed up under his order. The Reapers were noticeably shocked. Some even wobbled on their feet from fear, but who wouldn't when an entire gang is literally aiming their guns in your direction?

The white-haired male turned his heels and walked back to his original spot. He motioned Daehyun to lean down so he could whisper the details from the examination. Unlike the Royals, who seemed completely unbothered by the situation, the Reapers were nearly shitting themselves while being held at gunpoint. The leader from the fifth-ranking gang cleared his encaged throat with an irritated stare.

"What the fuck is this? Is this some sort of joke? Haha, very funny." Daehyun ignored the sarcastic remark and continued to listen to his brother. Once the whispering had finished, he looked at the Reaper's leader with a menacing smirk.

"Fake drugs? Really?" Everyone stared at the Royals in astonishment. Did the white-haired male check the drugs that quickly? They were dumbfounded by the speed and confidence the underboss held when it came to examinations. A handsome man with a black mask... he seemed intriguing.

"Check again! That slut of yours doesn't know what he's talking about." The older man glared at the silent underboss, who only tilted his head in confusion. He raised his hand again, and the guns clicked once more as the guards took a step forward. The Reapers immediately apologized on behalf of their ignorant leader. Baekhyun simply watched in amusement. He loved putting cocky individuals in their place; they deserved to know they were below the standard. Daehyun walked to the center table and picked up the bag with disinterest.

"My underboss is the leader of the drug department. He can confirm if the product is real or not just by feeling their distinct texture. If he says you are giving me fake drugs, then I believe him." He spilled the white powder onto his palm and clenched his hand without any hesitation. His bottom lip slightly trembled as a low chuckle escaped his lips. He watched how the small grains fell through the open gaps, making a small pile on the wooden table. He slowly rubbed the substance on the surface with the tip of his fingers and sighed.

"Anyone who has been in this industry long enough should know the main rules of cocaine." The Wolves averted their eyes to the table and gasped.

"The powder is bulking up..." Daehyun turned to them with a grin.

"Bingo. Real coke stays as a thin powder. However, the smell of this alone is enough to tell me and everyone else that it's fake." He wiped his hand in pure disgust. His eyes trailed back towards the arrogant leader, who no longer glowed with confidence.

"So, how do you want to handle this?" The cocky leader who was previously present was now gone. He was a shaking mess and could barely compose himself to speak. Daehyun cocked his head to the side with a blank expression.

"Hmm, can't talk? Well, how long have you guys been in this industry? One or two years?" When he received a nod from the opposing gang, he figured it was okay to continue speaking.

"I assumed so. Only newbies would make this mistake..." He turned to Daesung, who only watched the interaction in amusement without any fear.

"I was told you have good weapon deals, so I won't kill you... for now, at least. So before I change my mind..." His hazel eyes shifted into a dark glare, his lips pulling upwards into a threatening smile.

"Get out of my sight."

It didn't even take a second for the fifth-ranking gang to hurry off. They tripped over their steps and rushed out of the structure with quivering bodies.

They felt utterly shaken by the situation they were just in. Almost as if they had met a fierce king who was just about to behead them. Daehyun kept his eyes on the Reapers until they had fully exited the building. Once they were gone, he returned his view to the other gangs beside him.

"Does anyone else want to conduct a fair trade?" Quiet laughter rose in the room while multiple gangs talked amongst each other. Before any of them could speak up and suggest their trade set, someone had already spoken without any delay.

"An alliance would be much more preferred."

Daehyun tilted his head towards the corner. He stared at the individuals behind the dim lights wondering who they were.

"Why would you want an alliance?" The man hidden in the shadows finally walked forward. His deep chuckles echoed in the room as he took each step towards the bright light.

"Why wouldn't I?"

Baekhyun felt his heart drop to the pit of his stomach. The rose color on his skin vanished, leaving him like a pale ghost. He wanted to cover his mouth and leave the room. He didn't want to be here anymore. He stared at his brother, who was also shocked by the person in front of him. Daehyun bit his lip in panic but quickly fixed his breathing in order to keep his calm composure. He wanted to turn and hold his brother tight, but... he knew it would be too obvious. The leader of Blue Blood extended his hand with a thrilled smirk.

"Nice to see you again... Daehyun."

Chanyeol didn't let his gaze fall as he stared at the older. The room was quiet, and everyone seemed frozen from shock... or perhaps it was just the individuals who recognized the male. Baekhyun tightly gripped his suit; his stomach was swirling at this point. He anxiously bit his tongue, and his throat felt like it was closing up, almost as if a bunch of screams were piling up, ready to escape. He moved his attention to something else. The numb yet painful sensation on his chest just kept increasing. Daehyun cleared his throat and raised a brow at the now revealed man.

"Chanyeol, was it? You should know that I don't necessarily rely on alliances." The tall male only nodded, his fingers tapping the table in a familiar beat.

"It doesn't have to be an alliance... I just wanted to find someone." Daehyun didn't need him to continue. He knew exactly what the younger was talking about. He knew who he wanted to find. The taller leaned in to speak in a more whispered tone.

"Where is he?" Daehyun scoffed in irritation. This situation was only getting worse. He felt shocked by the sudden reveal, which meant that Baekhyun had probably felt worse. He turned his head, his eyes forming their usual dark glare.

"I wish I knew..." Chanyeol stared at the man in disbelief. There was a hint of sadness and anger in his voice. Perhaps he didn't know where Baek was? But Chan couldn't risk it... he was certain, Daehyun had to know something about Baekhyuns disappearance.

"That's enough... if any of you want to trade with me, then contact me personally. Aside from Rouge, I don't plan on having any alliances. Have a good night." He could hear Chanyeol try to speak again, but he didn't bother to pay attention anymore. He walked to his gang and nodded his head, motioning them to start leaving. He slowly rested his hand on his brother's back while walking out of the room. His teeth gripped onto his already cut lip when he felt the soft trembles his brother exerted. However, Daehyun was more surprised that the boy hadn't bursted into tears yet.

After everything he went through? All the trauma? Were tears supposed to come out when he was already broken?

They entered their vehicle, and Daehyun assisted to his main priority. He turned to his brother and pulled him into a warm hug mumbling sweet words. Baekhyun didn't hug back, his hands were limp at his side, and his body continued to stay frozen.

"Baek... are you okay?" The said boy could only remove his mask with a pained smile. He gripped the fabric on his chest and looked up to meet his brother's eyes.


I can't feel anything."


Hard to Love - (chanbaek)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin