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Baekhyun rubbed his face with tired eyes. His dark circles seemed to have gotten dimmer as his sleep schedule fell off its usual track. He made his way to the conference room slightly late. He had to bring a few files from the company which explained his tardiness to the meeting. He nodded at the guards in front of the door and quickly entered the room with an annoyed stare. The migraine against his forehead had only grown since he continued to keep his tired eyes open. Everyone turned to him as he entered the room with a visible bad mood. He set the files in front of Daehyun and greeted the individuals in the room before sitting next to his brother. He could feel the taller pierce holes into the side of his head with his intense stare. He tried to ignore it since he wasn't feeling the best.

It wasn't a shocker for Baek to suddenly feel bad. He usually got like this when the winter and summer came along. More work came in during these times, and Baekhyun mainly had to finish multiple reports simultaneously. He could always tell Daehyun to remove some of the files off his list, but... he didn't feel like complaining about it. It was somewhat his fault since he did leave everything last minute. He didn't want to whine about his work when he knew he was in the wrong. He quietly winced as he closed his eyes for a few seconds.

For fucks sake. I should've taken the pills Adrien had.

He rubbed his forehead again and placed his hands together. He proceeded to fiddle with his fingers as he tried to ignore the headache appearing. The meeting was nearing its ending statement, which meant Baek could go home and rest. He had been ignoring the taller ever since he got there, and he was very much hoping the taller didn't talk to him for the remaining time. He felt another painful stab hit his head. This time he couldn't contain his still motions. His hand hastily held his head, hoping that the pain would vanish. He felt a sudden hand grab his wrist. The hold was tight but gentle in a way. Baekhyun turned to him with a glare, causing the younger to remove his hands quickly. Chanyeol held a shy smile as he tried to sign to the tired male.

"Are you feeling okay?" The older nodded slowly, his cold eyes softening a bit. He tried to turn to the discussion and focus on something else, but... his eyes stayed on Chanyeol. The taller continued to scribble on a small note with a soft grin. He slid it towards Achlys and waited for his response.

You didn't attend the meeting last week.

Baekhyun glanced at the note before giving Chanyeol a stern stare. He turned to the other individuals who continued their discussion without paying attention to them. He returned his focus towards the taller male and lifted his hand.


He was about to turn away after signing, but a hand quickly stopped him. He raised his brow as Chanyeol lifted his own hand to sign a few words.

"I'm sorry for bothering you at the masquerade event." Baekhyun briefly looked at the note before averting his eyes back to the guilty-looking giant. He grabbed the pen lying on the table and scribbled down a response. He thought communicating through the note would be less attention-seeking than signing. He pushed the message towards the taller and quietly passed him the pen.

Does your foot still hurt?



Chanyeol scoffed at the smallers remark. His lips formed a pout as the older tried to hold back his laughter. He couldn't help but smile as their small note-passing continued. It brought back a lot of joyful memories he had forgotten. It felt pleasant to smile and talk to someone from the past, especially Chanyeol.

Baekhyun leaned against his arm with tired eyes. He nearly dozed off as he read the boring science notes. He had an upcoming test and thought it would be helpful to study for a bit. However, his messed-up sleep schedule didn't allow him to follow through entirely. His eyes continued to close as he pushed his head into his arm. His hand slipped off of his face causing him to fall face-first onto the library's table. He whined quietly while rubbing his irritated forehead.

"You good there?"

He jumped as the hushed whisper entered his ear. He turned to the familiar giant with a scowl and flipped him off. Chanyeol smiled as he stared at the cranky baby sulk in his seat. He sat beside the smaller and dropped his arm over the male's shoulder with an excited grin. Baekhyun gave him a threatening look before trying to return to his studies.

"Is this how you enjoy all of your free periods?" Baekhyun shrugged. He did have some free classes, but that didn't mean he didn't take any advanced courses. He was studying to become a doctor, so he needed to focus on getting good grades to obtain a full scholarship. If studying his biology notes constantly would lend him a hand, so be it. Chanyeol watched in delight; he loved seeing his boyfriend's concentrated face.

"Aren't you hungry? We haven't eaten yet... want me to get you something-"


Chanyeol turned to the librarian and bowed his head in apology. He instantly stole the smallers pen and scribbled on an empty post-it. He slid it towards the older and quickly kissed him on the cheek. He left his bag on the seat before rushing out of the library. Baekhyun froze in confusion. He understood the tallers actions the second he read the note. A smile appeared on his face as he reread the post-it over and over again.

'I'll go buy you a snack. I'll be back in no time so don't miss me and keep studying :)'

Baekhyun returned his focus towards the slightly filled note.

Have you had dinner?

Baekhyun shook his head this time around instead of writing down his response. Chanyeols lips formed a smirk as he began to write on the note once again. He slid the message back to the smaller with hopeful eyes.

I was planning to go eat after this meeting. Want to join me?

Baekhyun stared at him for a few seconds, his eyes observing the sincerity that gleamed in the boys loving smile. It made him release a relieved sigh as he watched the youngers playful behavior.

'He's still the same...'

He pushed his thoughts away and grabbed the pen. Apart of him wanted to say yes, but... even if he did, his brother was already preparing his departure. He quickly wrote a response and got out of his seat. He pushed the note towards the male and proceeded to bow at the group before walking out with his brother. Chanyeol let out a disappointed exhale as he stared down at the note. His eyes catching something weird in the boys writing.

Maybe next time


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