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October 7th. 6:45 PM

"BAEKHYUN, YOU'RE UP!" The senior jumped at the shout. He was definitely not up for playing. His thoughts were all over the place. He felt pressure at his chest; it continued to get heavy as each second passed, almost like a timer was ticking next to his ear.

A second passed.


Another second.


Three seconds.


He covered his ears, trying to focus on the game, but he couldn't control the way his mind averted to a different place. He grabbed his bat and lifted his aching body with a low whine. No one heard his groans as he secretly rubbed his stomach and back. He was trying to soothe the new bruises that were currently forming but, it was useless. He could feel the tingling sensations on each dark spot. The baseball team watched as their captain confidently went to the field, switching positions with his best friend. No one saw over the act. In their eyes, he was the perfect boy with a small temper...

They didn't know he was suffering behind the realistic smile.

Baekhyun stepped beside the catcher, who was already crouching; his black gloves were ready to capture the failed hit. He turned to the pitcher and breathed in, trying to regain his composure.

Focus Baek. Focus!

He repeated the exact words over and over, hoping they would come true eventually. He closed his eyes before opening them once again. His brown orbs were no longer weak with a lost feeling behind them. Instead, he seemed more competitive than ever. He stared the pitcher down, watching how he gulped at the sudden change in his glare.

Don't think about it, come on, please!

TW: Alcohol/Abuse

"I-I don't understand-"

"Wake the fuck up already! Where is the damn file?!" Baekhyun heard the yell from outside. He automatically grit his teeth when he felt his anger rise. He wasn't planning on coming home since he had a game today, but... of course, he had left his baseball equipment on the special day. He looked down at his hands, watching how he slightly flinched after hearing the harsh yells from inside.

'Why'd he have to come back...'

He opened the door quietly before slipping inside with no problem. His steps went unnoticed by his distracted stepfather. Baekhyun had physically trained himself to enter and leave the house secretly, so he was well trained in that aspect. He entered his room and grabbed the bag he had previously left beside the door. He clicked his tongue in annoyance... how could he forget such an important piece on a game day?

He checked the time as he went back downstairs, stumbling across his mother, who immediately panicked. She didn't want the boy to be seen by the angry male. She knew what would happen if both of them saw each other...

"Baekhyun! Please leave quickly before he sees you!" She whisper yelled. Almost in an instant, Baekhyuns smile dropped. His face stood blank, but his eyes showed nothing but worry.

"Why do you deal with his crap, mom? I just don't understand what you see in him..." He raised a brow, knowing his mother would stay silent.

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