624 54 21

TW: Blood/Violence/Weapons

Baekhyun smiled as he felt the cold gun press deeper into his abdomen area. He watched as his stepfather took off his mask, the evil smirk in display like always.

"I'll give you some props for being smart. You knew we would go after your friends, so you decided to neglect them." Baekhyun scoffed before averting his eyes to the end of the alley.

"What's it to you? Aren't you going to kill me? Don't fucking run your mouth and just do it." Seonjin's face darkened, his grip on the handle tightening.

"I just wanted to remind you how much of a worthless piece of shit you are. I should've killed that tall boy... what was his name? Chan-"

"Don't you dare say his fucking name. You know I would rather die than have them dead. This is a problem between you and me, so fucking finish it already. Kill me." The determined look in the youngers eyes made Seonjin take a small step back. He expected his stepson to be scared, trembling as he held a gun against his stomach. Instead, Baekhyun was urging him to shoot the gun... the complete opposite of his expectations.

"Calm down, Baek. This will end quicker if you just shut your mouth!" A slap followed his statement making the youngers cheek red. Baekhyun looked at the floor in dissatisfaction. He didn't want to be tormented like this. His stepfather held his collar with a tight grip, Baek shut his eyes, knowing what was coming. A punch rushed against his cheek, and he could already envision how the nasty bruise would look. A kick to his stomach, and then another, followed by one more... the hits continued until Seonjin stopped to laugh at the sight. Baekhyun held his head, blood dripping off his nose accompanied with red marks covering his body.

A group of guys, eleven in specific, walked along the sidewalk heading to the usual cafe. They didn't expect to see a wallet laying on the ground... a wallet they all knew.

"Hey isn't this-" Chanyeol ripped the wallet out of his hand, his fingers touching the smooth leather texture. He looked around, trying to spot the boy he loved, and when he did find him... he felt his voice get stuck inside his throat. Luhan turned his head in the direction Chan was looking at. His eyes widened, and tears began to pile up, fogging his view. Before he could let out a gasp or say anything, Chanyeol pulled him behind the wall and peeked into the alley. He signaled the group to follow his steps, which they quickly obeyed after seeing the worrying scene in front of them.

"We need to stop him." Chanyeol shifted positions to look at Xiumin, who was physically shuddering from fear. The taller was no better. He took a deep breath, trying to relax his shaky hands. He couldn't help it though. After seeing his lover on the floor covered in forming bruises and his own blood... it made his stomach curl in discomfort. He wanted to help him, but at the same time, he didn't know how to.

"He has a gun... we can't act recklessly," Chan whispered before returning his attention to the pair in the alley.

"This reminds me of the good ol' times. You and your mom, I would love to leave you guys blue and bloody. Those purple bruises on your skin would somehow make me feel alive again, especially the blood on your mom's face. She was a pathetic woman, wasn't she-"

"Shut the fuck up! My mom loved you for god knows what! You were an asshole from the start. Even I, a fucking toddler at the time, could tell-" Another painful kick to the already bruised abdomen. Baekhyun gasped as he held onto his stomach, his elbows becoming scratched along the concrete floor. He didn't know his friends were watching him. He didn't know they were listening to the truth and hiding behind the wall... Baek didn't know his friends were worried about him.

"Fuck, I wish I could go back in time. I remember when you tried to protect your mom. You were such a brave little kid. You're lucky she got in front of you. I was determined to kill you that night, but she had different plans... she was determined to save you like always." Baekhyun felt his tears fall to the floor. He always felt so weak and pathetic after hearing Seonjin's comments. He wanted to be strong and deal with the hits but, the memories of his past kept creeping into his mind.

Hard to Love - (chanbaek)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora