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"Wake up, dude!" Water splashed onto his face. He sat up, blood trickling down his chin with a mix of alcohol.

"Fuck! That kid really knows how to hit..."

Seonjin rubbed his head hesitantly. He could feel the gashes made into his skin, and it was not a lovely sight. "I'm surprised you managed to get out of there without them noticing." The man beside him snickered. "The woman's brother was so focused on his sister and nephew that I could easily slip away." He chuckled until he saw his boss come into view. And you could say he was...

A lot more than the word angry could describe.

"Did you harm the boy?" He glared down at the drunk male with dissatisfaction evident on his face.

"I- sir, it was not on purpose-"

"Guards!" Multiple armed men came into the room to drag the reeking man away. "Please, boss, he is still alive, I'm sure of it!" He yelled as the guards dragged him to the discipline area.

"Aren't you being too rough on him, Yang Hyun-suk?" The blond sneakily chuckled as he shook his head. "That boy needs to be alive. Seonjin doesn't understand that and just gets blankly drunk." He shook his head and sat down with a sigh. "Calm down, boss. Your wrinkles are going to show more if you keep getting stressed." The sniper rushed up and slowly walked to the door so he could leave.

"Wait! Did Kyle give you the papers for school?"

The boy nodded. "Yes, boss, I'll be attending the school in a week." Walking to the door again, he stopped hearing another yell.


The blond boy turned around with a smirk.

"I already know, boss...

Capture the target with kindness."


"Baekhyun, you're back."

Said boy faked a smile before bowing respectfully.

"My apologies for being absent. I gave my excuse note to the office already." He walked to his desk without another word. His focus was on the floor the second he had felt multiple eyes piercing through him. He didn't want anyone to look so closely, but in a way, he wasn't too worried... no one would be able to tell the bruises covered by makeup.

"Expected from my best student. Well, I'm glad you're back, Baekhyun. Now I'm guessing you're the new transfer student?" The teacher looked at the blond kid, who nodded with excitement. "Hello everyone, I am Kang Daniel! Please take care of me!" He bowed with a smile. His eyes roamed the class in hopes of finding the tall male Baekhyun would talk so much about. "Well, nice to meet you, Daniel. You can take the seat right next to Baekhyun." He bowed again and walked over to the quiet boy with a cheesy grin. Chanyeol watched the entire scene unfold. He stared closely, catching all the details and change of expressions without blinking. His grip on the flyer tightened until giving out and finally ripping.

"Chanyeol, calm down." Luhan gave him an anxious smile, but at the same time, he looked at the new kid. Was he already close with Baekhyun? The way Daniel leaned his head against his hand and stared at the smaller boy with protective eyes. Or the way the blond kid teased the older so he could receive a bit of attention...

The situation was getting even weirder.

"They seem close," Chanyeol mumbled in a harsh tone, only to received a shove from his seat partner. "Dude, calm down. Maybe they're related? You shouldn't judge so quickly." Chan sighed, knowing Sehun was absolutely right. He just couldn't help but feel jealous when he watched the smiling pair in the front laugh. He had waited days in worry of the boy's safety, wondering if he would send him a text to relieve his throbbing heart. Instead, here he was, chatting with an unknown boy, acting as if he had never left.

Hard to Love - (chanbaek)Where stories live. Discover now