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"Papa! Papa! Look!" Park Sejoon turned to his son, chuckling when he saw the smaller waddle to him. He picked up the chubby boy and gently tugged on his cheeks. Chanyeol whined while holding his father's face with his tiny hands.

"Momma said we can play now!" He let out a quick sigh and hugged his son a bit tighter.

"I gotta go to work-" Sejoon nearly choked as he stared at the pleading puppy eyes. He bit his lip, trying to resist the adorable sight. He exhaled in disappointment at his failure and ruffled Chanyeols curly hair.

"But I'm the boss, so... who cares about being late? Not me!" He lifted the child and twirled around. He pursed his lips and imitated the sounds of an airplane while his son just laughed in pure joy.





"Chan, I'm in a meeting right now-"

"There's a sniper." The senior student hastily followed his boyfriend while talking to his father. Baekhyun was in tears, and his uniform was awfully ruined with all the blood. He looked around in panic as he saw the hidden man in the close building.

"Sniper? Where are you?" Chanyeol cursed under his breath as he lost sight of the smaller.

"I'm at school still. A shooting just went down at the game. Someone is hiding in the building in front of the field. He's on the roof-"

"I got it. Jisung, alert the guards that are near the area. Get rid of the sniper and try to find Chanyeol immediately." The taller paced around in hopes of finding the smaller in one of the main rooms. He felt a foot suddenly collide with his waist. A sharp pain instantly appeared, along with a loud wince.

"Chanyeol? What was that-"

"So this is the boyfriend, huh?" He turned his head to meet eyes with an older male. He could infer that the man was involved in the shooting because of his dark attire.

"GET TO CHANYEOL NOW! IT'S AN ORDER!" Chanyeol held his injury while reaching for his phone. Before he could grab it, a foot stomped on his device, crushing the screen into pieces.

"Awww, was that yours? I didn't realize." The older smirked, amused as he watched the boy try to get back up. He twirled his sharp knife, giving Chanyeol a few more seconds before deciding to attack. The younger panicked when he saw the man rush towards him. He barely dodged the stab in time, but fortunately, only a small cut was done on his cheek. Chanyeol kicked the man with full force before running into the storage room. The kicked male could only laugh in delight. He approached the room, expecting it to be locked, but to his surprise...

It was still slightly open.

He pulled the door at once. He assumed the taller would be shivering in the room with no escape, but... he most definitely did not expect a bat to the face.

Chanyeol huffed out in a fury before making a powerful swing. The wooden bat crashed into the male's cheek without hesitation. The older fell into the room with his now unconscious state. Chanyeol stepped over the unknown man and locked the intruder inside the room. He leaned against the door with a frightened sweat. His eyes widened when he realized he had completely lost Baekhyuns whereabouts. He was about to continue his search, but a voice called out for him, causing him to flinch.

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