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TW: Blood/Weapons


Everything was covered in red.

The blood splattered onto all the furniture, making small puddles on the floor as well. The old man behind the desk trembled when he felt the gun push further into the back of his head. He whispered low prayers while squeezing his eyes shut.

This was a living nightmare.

"You know... we did warn you about the raping and kidnapping issue, so I don't necessarily feel bad about killing you now. We don't appreciate those kinds of matters in our territory." The younger male with the black suit shook his head in disappointment. His eyes trailed onto all the stained walls. There were multiple pictures that had already been crossed out. Images of sexual assault victims or individuals that were seen as expensive on the black market were displayed. His eyes darted to a boy with honey-like hair, a boy who looked absolutely gorgeous in his eyes.

"Who is this?" He pointed to the picture before turning to the shivering hostage. The older stuttered out an answer as sweat continued to rush down his forehead.

"H-He was worth a lot a few years ago. The police were looking for him, and some gangs also wanted him. They called him the golden prize. He supposedly held a lot of information and had a high status, so everyone was looking for him. No one really found him, and he was labeled as a missing individual." The younger hummed. He tapped his pen on the black desk with a smirk. He already knew who the boy was, but he continued to question the man with further questions.

"He disappeared?" The tied-up male could only nod in worry. By the click of the gun behind him, he knew his time was nearing its end.

"He left without a trace and was quickly forgotten."

"I see..." He looked at the picture again and smiled.

"I shall find you."


The rich man fell onto his desk with a bullet through his head. His eyes were wide open, and blood was rapidly flowing out of his new wound. The hidden gang left without another word. They didn't leave a single clue about who they were or why they did what they did, but...

They did leave a blue hydrangea at the scene.


"Hey, isn't it cool if we show up fashionably late?" Baekhyun turned to his friends with a blank stare. Mark blinked a few times, thinking his reasoning was smart.

"Yeah! It'll be like 'THE MAIN BOSS HAS ARRIVED' type of feel." Rin continued with a low chuckle. Baekhyun fixed his tilted mask and shrugged.

"We missed like the entire first half of the meeting... they might think we're irresponsible."


"If that happens, then... I guess we'll just have to kill them all." Andrew continued sharpening his knives in all seriousness. Baekhyun facepalmed and quickly looked at his brother for guidance. Daehyun could only watch in amusement along with the remaining members who stayed silent.

"Limit the killing tonight, please. We had another meeting to attend before this, so it technically isn't our fault. If they have a problem, then they can talk all they want. We're the ones in power, so who cares what they have to say." Baekhyun froze when he felt a pair of strong arms pull him in for a side hug. He turned to the excited male and let him be for a few seconds.

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